So you want to know about me:

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Legal Name: Gagandeep Minhas
Meaning of My Name: A Star in the Sky.
Name I preferably use: Danny Minhas
Weight: 185 lbs
Race: Indian
Nationality: British, Indian, possibly Spanish. 'Minhas' is popular Spanish name.
Hobbies: Playing football, baseball, listening to music, video games, reading books, watching wrestling, and watching anime and movies
Favorite Band: As of right now it has to be KORN
Astrological Sign: Cancer. I know I'm a hopeless romantic
Favorite Food: There is so many: Indian, Italian, Chinese, Japanese
Favorite TV Show: I don't watch a lot of tv, so can't answer this.
Favorite Sports Teams: New York Yankees, New York Giants, New York Rangers, New York Knicks, NY/NJ Metrostars, Team USA (soccer), Brazil (soccer), and England (soccer & rugby)
Favorite Video Game: Halo
Favorite Book: "Legend" by David Gemmell
Current Song Stuck in My Head: "Numb" by Linkin Park
The Special People in my Life: Mom, my sister, the friends that I hang out with during the week. The guys over at the Animedog, and last but not least Angela, Lisa, and Briget.
If They Made A Movie About Me, Who Would Play Me: Jason Alexander

If I Could Invite Anyone (Alive or Dead) to Dinner, Who Would It Be:

Lisa and Guru Nanak
What Would My Porno Name Be: Rick Spankadocious