Movies & Music

Personal Top Movies of 2004

1. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
2. Jersey Girl
3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
4. Big Fish
5. Eurotrip
6. Miracle
7. Along Came Polly
8. Dawn of the Dead
9. Bad Santa
10. The Passion of Christ
11. Barbershop 2

Best Characters for 2004 (So far)

Joel (Eternal Sunshine) - played by Jim Carrey
Kenneth (Dawn of the Dead) - played by Ving Rhames

Favorite Songs of 2004
1. 'Y'all want a single' - koRn
2. 'Megalomaniac' - Incubus
3. 'My Band' - D12
4 . 'I Believer in a Thing Called Love' - The Darkness
5 . 'Lying From You' Linkin Park
6 . 'Love Song' - 311
7 . 'Numb' - Linkin Park
8 . 'Born Too Slow' The Crystal Method
9 . 'My Immortal' - Evanescence
10 . 'Hey Mama' - Black Eyed Peas