My Pet Siamese Fighting Fishes

Like most people, my interest in Fighting Fishes started in my primary school days, keeping either a plakat or veiltail in a community tank. Proving wrong to my family that Fighting Fishes can be kept with other fishes. After that, a stop to it cause I was young and didn't really know how to look after them properly. I also had 2 successful spawns, but the fries did not last because I did not know what to feed them, ending up with feeding only liquifry. I guess they must have died from extreme hunger.

I pick it up again in August 2001, just before I ORD from the army. What attracted me back were the lovely crowntails I saw at Clementi Blk 328. I only knew that the new types of Fighting Fishes were much more lovely and more expensive then the older ones. But it was worth it cause they are so nice to look at. From 1 crowntail, my collection exploded to 3 crowntails and 6 veiltails. After joining an informal group local hobbyists (BettaHan) from Yahoo! Groups, I learnt the value of show bettas and the difference in the different bettas. From then on, I started getting show bettas in stead.

At present, my betta collection has a rather big variety. Some of the bettas I have are a pair of yellows, 1 pair of Extended Red Cambodian, 1 pair of Lavender Cambodians, some Opaques, some Pastels, some Mustard Gases, 2 Crowntails and 1 Multi-Coloured Butterfly Double Tail. I intend to keep a Mustard Gas line and an Opaque Line.

Hopefully this website gives some information on bettas and how to keep them. To any budding hobbyist out there, give it a shot. It's worth it!
I have a short description of the various type of Colours and Finnage types the Betta has. I will include pictorial representations as soon as possible. I short run through of how to care, spawn, raising the fries and diseases and how to cure them are also included. And once I have the proper photos ready, the Betta Photo Gallery and Stock Shop will also be fully ready for your viewing pleasures. Various articles on Bettas from other Hobbyists is available for your reading pleasure in the Articles section.

Please note that what I have put up is what I have learnt from my own experience as well as reading on the topics from sources from the internet and books. It may not apply to all cases and if there are any obvious errors in it, please feel free to tell me about it.
All pictures are personal pictures, and would appreciate it if you can ask for permission before using any of the pictures.