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A Wedding Fairytale...
Martin & Carol

Our Love Story...

The Courtship Diary…
Friday, 26 April 2002:

Carol was then single and available. Martin already had 3 previous marriages with a 5 yrs old son then. It was Martin's birthday and his friends threw a celebration at Siam Supper Club… Carol was introduced to Martin earlier that evening thru a mutual friend, Mike Loh (the violinist from SSO), at Eastside where Martin was playing pool while waiting for his friends... Eastside and Siam happened to be regular haunts for the both of them… however, no sparks then…

Thereafter, they met each other at their regular haunts a few other times but still no sparks yet... They were just "hi & bye" kinda friends with both not having much impression of each other...

Friday, 13 Sep 2002:
On this fateful night, Martin was alone at Eastside and so was Carol... Martin thought he saw a familiar face and so did she... their line of sight was obstructed and so both were frantically popping their heads to try to catch a better glimpse of each other's familiar face... Then when they finally caught a full-face view of each other, they both pointed their index fingers at each other and greeted each other... Then they spent the whole night chatting away. That was when the both of them discovered that they really shared a lot in common... It's like two strangers suddenly became best of pals... like they've known each other for ages...

After that night, they went separate ways but kept a very close contact over the phone... sometimes they talked longer than 5 hours on the phone... they shared and discovered more of each other and developed a very strong bond between them as if they've known each other from their previous lives...

Wednesday, 18 Sep 2002:
Its Eastside's Steak and Wedges Nite (Eastside’s Wednesdays Promotion)... This was their first "date" (as in, this was their first pre-arranged visit to Eastside together) and this sent tongues wagging... By then, the both of them had grown very comfortable with each others' company...

Thursday, 19 Sep 2002:
They met again at Eastside but it wasn’t pre-arranged… Martin was with his friends and Carol was with hers... but after the party was over, and in the twilight hours, they resume their nightly rendezvous on the telephone lines...

That was when they exchanged that they were very fond of each other... Naturally, the next question was, should they give this a shot??

Saturday, 21 Sep 2002:
After much consideration, Martin eventually agreed to come down from his riding on fences to give love another go... he then made headlines by openly declaring that he's getting attached...

Thereafter, apart from outings that they had together, the both of them had been seen together at the park near Carol’s place every night till the twilight fades into pre-dawn...

The Proposal…
Friday, 27 Sep 2002:

This is the day that they rocked Eastside... After much consideration, Martin decided to propose to Carol… it was an impromptu though not impulsive affair… Martin bought a ring and did one of bravest thing that a man could do… to ask for Carol’s hand in public… he went to the DJ console and asked Carol (in the presence of everyone on the house) if she'd marry him... Eastside erupted... and Martin went down on bent knees to present the token of his love for acceptance...

Carol broke into tears and was speechless... she could not even say "Yes, I will"... all she could do was to extend her hand in consent for Martin to slip the ring onto her finger... and then Eastside erupted again...

It was indeed a night to remember because all of a sudden, Martin & Carol were no longer available… and they became yet another “Made-In-Eastside” couple…
(Story by KPNN - Kay Poh News Network)

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