Otamah, faced with being attacked by both the dragoness he had chosen to mate with, and another of the dragoness’ suitors, unwillingly released Ashypth and spiraled down to the ground alone, his shoulder and other small wounds paining him enough to make him decide to quit the flight.

Ashypth spat out the faintly acidic blood of the xeno, ignoring that pain at the moment for the pleasure that Llaxaem was offering, as he wrapped himself around her body and joined with her.

Veridiain, though first to rise into the air, was still leading her chasers through the sky, unwilling to let any of them touch her until they proved themselves able to keep up with her.

The one she was currently favoring out of her chasers was Korchelr. He at least seemed intelligent and cunning, worthy of her favor. The others… she felt disdain for the ‘holy terror’ Brontinoth as no other, Seshisashir had come off as far too arrogant for her tastes, and Korchelr’s brother, Kaelkor, was… unmentionable.

With a few lazy turns, she managed to shake Seshisashir from her tail, and send him almost colliding into Brontinoth. A smirk growing on her muzzle, she brushed past Korchelr, teasing him, encouraging him to continue his chase.

Korchelr, sensing that the fiery marked female was favoring him and not his brother, hissed darkly at Kaelkor, sending the beta drone spiraling down and away from them, out of the chase for good.

Satisfied that it was only the two of them, Veridiain finally allowed Korchelr to catch her.

Zerema had risen back into the sky after her mating with Saru, and found her eye caught by Kaelkor as he spiraled down from above. In all respects, he seemed identical to Saru and yet… with a smirk she presented herself before Kaelkor and let him catch her after a brief chase. Yes… he was definitely different from Saru… and she though she liked that difference.

Utothas wove through the clouds, enjoying the sensation of the wispy vapor clinging to her hide as she did. She had managed to frighten most of her chasers off with a show of violence, and now felt secure that she could enjoy the dark clouds until she tired and felt the urge to claim a second mate.

~Except, I do not scare that easily.~

Cheran’khan smirked as he wrapped around her, his coal coloration having hidden him well as he shadowed this dark female through the clouds.

Utothas permitted Cheran to take her as the only other male besides Brontinoth worthy to have her in this frenzy.

Selverat muttered curses and threats at the dragons as he attempted to keep track of who was pairing with whom, a thing not easy in the darkness that shrouded them.

“Rat!” Krethae pointed towards the sky, drawing his attention away from the list he had been working on.

A brilliant white dot had appeared in the sky… and was attracting many of the males that were still in the air.

“Wh… I thought we had labeled this area as off limits! Dammit, Kreth, get those fighters of yours –up there– and get that female down and safe!”

Kreth nodded, launching herself into the air even as the five guard dragons she had requested took to the sky with her. Her own dragon, Tinorl, came up under her, so that she could settle herself on his back, to get to the female quicker.

Elsewhere in the sky, males with no females to chase, or who felt that they were getting no where chasing the female they had currently decided upon, turned to swarm at the bright dragoness who was frantically looking for an escape, and trying to figure out where she had ended up in the first place.

The five guards swept upwards, blocking the paths of most of the males, using all their skill to avoid snapping teeth and menacing claws and tails, while still pressing the males back away from Sunaka, the bright female.

Krethae grimaced and launched herself from Tinorl’s back as two dragons broke past the guards, giving her dragon less to worry about in a fight. She swept past the fighting dragons, to Sunaka at the center. The two dragons were coming from different sides… there was no way Tinorl alone could keep both of them from getting at the dragoness, and the other guards had their paws full just keeping the other males from getting through as well.

“Come on, you have to get down from here,” she spoke as she took up a position flying next to Sunaka, straining her wings to keep up with the larger dragoness.

“But… Sunaka…”

Krethae shook her head slightly, glancing back at Tinorl and grimacing as she spotted the second male, Brontinoth it seemed, coming at them swiftly, unhindered by any of the guards, “She’ll be caught. I don’t think you want to be on her back when that happens. There’s no room the really maneuver right here, and if she slides past the guards, the other dragons will swarm her again.”

Talitha shivered, “Alright…”

Swiftly, Krethae caught up the small girl and dove towards the ground.

Behind them, Brontinoth smirked in triumph as he claimed Sunaka, secure in the knowledge that none of the guards could get to him.

He hadn’t counted on one of his fellow chasers coming to the female’s rescue, though.

Sateino had taken to the sky as soon as he could, to escape the advances of several females who were on the ground with him. Before Sunaka had appeared, he had been flying in the sky, keeping an eye out for any more females that felt the urge to chase him. Her appearance had caught his eye though, as had the rush of males towards her and the attempted defense of her by the large guard dragons of Clan Akelara.

And when he noticed that one dragon had managed to slip through, to claim the dragoness against her will, he made his move.

Diving down from above, he caught Brontinoth by surprise, raking his claws down the dragon’s back and latching onto the other’s left wing shoulder with his teeth.
~Release her this instant!~

Brontinoth roared in pain, his head jerking back in an instinctual attempt to stab his attacker with the spines down his neck,
~What do you care?~

~One should never force a lady, you worm slime!~
Sateino snarled as he dodged the spines, sinking his hind claws into Brontinoth’s hindquarters, ~You are lower than a burster, and with less intelligence than a piece of mold! Now release her, you worthless excuse of a dragon!~

Snarling in pain, trying to shake Sateino as best he could, but finding that that only made the six winged dragon sink his claws in deeper, Brontinoth finally gave in and released Sunaka, slinking away to the ground to sulk next to his bond, his pride and body both stinging in pain.

Sateino slowly wrapped himself protectively around the white female, spreading his wings to slow their descent, snarling dangerously at the few males that still refused to turn away and return to their pursuit of more dangerous females.

~Do not worry.~ He sent just to Sunaka, ~I will keep you safe now.~

Onessa had given the white female a disgusted look when she appeared and stole most of the males in the sky away, and decided that any male that had left to drool over her was definitely not worthy of being her mate.

Unfortunately, that left very few males in the sky for her to choose from, among which was the white-gold Oropuiivth, who had been doggedly chasing her despite her best attempts to shake him.

Deciding to turn the tables on the male, she abruptly reversed her flight and twined around him, smirking at his surprise, and pleased at his swift response.

Enyo’Vha had grumpily returned to the sky, after giving Kaelror a dark glare that told him in no uncertain terms to –stay away– and never bother her again. His catching of her had not been planned, and she felt rather… disgruntled about that.

The minute she had returned the sky, Seshisashir had begun to chase her, and refused to be shaken. Flying skillfully, he had dodged all of her attempts at blocking him with other dragons and finally…

He caught her, or perhaps she caught him. Whichever had happened, the two fell, entwined together so that only their colors let one distinguish one dragon from another.

Zhateki twisted through the sky, leading her chasers hither and yon, and watching in dark amusement as one by one they fell out of the chase. Saru vied with Valadaen in the sky, both snapping at the other as they tried to keep up with the female that had caught their eye.

Seeing his chance, Saru thumped Valadaen with his thick tail, knocking the other aside and making him falter in his wing beats just long enough for Saru to dart ahead and claim Zhateki as his own.

Robbed of the xeno female he had been chasing, Valadaen turned side, accidentally cutting across Ornuth’s path and colliding with her. Deciding to take the opportunity offered, he twined around her, rumbling softly to soothe her anger at his rather abrupt capture of her.

Llaxaem bared his teeth faintly as he stalked Dreadeth from above, planning his strike with cunning. She darted from side to side, barely evading the grasping talons of Kaelror, both of them tiring visibly.

Just before Kaelror managed to grasp Dreadeth’s tail, Llaxaem dived down, spreading his wings at the last second to twine around Dreadeth possessively, hissing at the defeated Kaelror as they spiraled from the sky.

Below them, Xenyde was stalking another target, one Atameh by name. He had left Axys in the forest, composing dark poetry about violence and love, and now felt an urge to find a second mate.

And Atameh was obligingly staying close to the ground.

The crescent blade wielding dragoness found herself caught off guard for the second time that day, as Xenyde pulled her from the sky and into his embrace, both of them vanishing swiftly into the shadows as she allowed him to claim her.

Ashypth was finding the sky very empty of potential mates, most of whom she was disgusted by. Finally, with a sigh, she settled for the best of the remaining males, and allowed Korchelr to claim her.

High above them all, above even the thick clouds, Veridiain flew a silent mating dance with the one male that she had had her eyes on ever since she had met him. Cheran’khan. One of the only ones who could rival her own rank, and so therefore, one of the only ones she had allowed near her.

Smirking, he pursued her with a single-minded intensity, never allowing her to pull more than a claw’s breadth away, matching her turn for turn, twist for twist.

When they joined, they bellowed as one, and fell through the clouds without a single care.

And so ended the Winter’s Dark Heart Frenzy flight…

What was to come would be even worse… the hatching.
The pairings in order of occurance:
Ornuth x Seshisashir
Enyo’Vha x Kaelror
Zhateki x Otamah
Onessa x Sateino
Zerema x Saru
Utothas x Brontinoth
Axys x Xenyde
Dreadeth x Oropuiivth
Atameh x Valadaen
Ashypth x Otamah
Ashypth x Llaxaem
Veridiain x Korchelr
Zerema x Kaelror
Utothas x Cheran’khan
[ Sunaka x Brontinoth ]
[ Sunaka x Sateino ]
Onessa x Oropuiivth
Enyo’Vha x Seshisashir
Zhateki x Saru
Ornuth x Valadaen
Dreadeth x Llaxaem
Atameh x Xenyde
Ashypth x Korchelr
Veridiain x Cheran’khan
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