

The Journal of Pastoral Theology is now made available online through the American Theological Library Association's ATLAS project.

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AAPC: American Association of Pastoral Counselors

ACPE: Association for Clinical Pastoral Education

AAR: The American Academy of Religion

AAR: AAR/Person Culture and Religion

CAPPE/ACPEP: The Canadian Association for Pastoral Practice and Education/ l'Association Canadienne pour la Pratique et l'Education Pastorales

CPSP: The College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy, Inc.

ICPCC: International Council on Pastoral Care and Counseling

SIPCC: Society for Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling


Also of Interest to Society Members

SSSR: Society for the Scientific Study of Religion

APA: American Psychological Association, Division 36 (Psychology of Religion)

CAPS: Christian Association for Psychological Studies



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