My Ford Classic

Sight-specific semiotics

Actually, that was the title of an exhibition, held in my car, as part of the Brighton Festival in May 1996. It was a collaboration with papier-maché artiste Chris Perry. The snogging couple was later on show at the Phoenix Gallery, as part of the Sofa small-press exhibition, then in various shop windows in Brighton, now back at Chris's.

I sold 909 CPX on eBay in October 2004 and she now lives in Margate, Kent with the registration 607 UXJ!

Chris Perry

Louis Bonnel

Here are some pictures of the actual car – a 1961 Ford Consul Classic 315 de luxe in sapphire blue and ermine white – taken by Andrew Hasson.

That's Chris superhumanly holding the snogging couple aloft; that's me in the driver's seat leaning out of the window.

The kid is Louis, son of Angie and Marc from The Dragonfly House down the end of my street.

The picture taken from the rear appeared in The Independent on Tuesday 7 May 1996 in black and white.

Check out the The Ford Classic and Capri Owners Club website