About Dobhran
The Musicians

Upcoming Performances

Past Performances


Recordings (MP3)

Upcoming Public Performances:

Here are some of the places that Dobhran will be playing in Fall, 2001.

Venue/Location Date Time
Santa Cruz Coffee Roasting Co.
(Pacific Avenue)
Every Sunday 2-4 pm
The Mucky Duck
Sunday, August 26 4-8 pm
Bargetto's Winery
Sat-Mon, Sept 1,2,3 1-3 pm
Loch Lomond Highland Games
(Ben Lomond)
Saturday, Oct 6 12:30-1 pm

Be sure to check this list again (you might want to bookmark it). We try to update this page as new gigs come up. If you don't see updates, hold down the Ctrl key and click on "Reload" or "Refresh" at the top of the browser screen.

(This page last updated August 24, 2001)