In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

Spirit Seeking Sisters

This is Islam
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Forgiveness is the wind-blown bud which blooms in placid beauty at Verdun.

Forgiveness is the tiny slate-grey sparrow which has built its nest of twigs and string among the shards of glass upon the wall of shame.

Forgiveness is the child who laughs in merry ecstacy beneath the toothed fence that closes in Da-Nang.

Forgiveness is the fragrance of the violet which still clings fast to the heel that crushed it.

Forgiveness is the broken dream which hides itself within the corner of the mind oft called forgetfulness so that it will not bring pain to the dreamer.

Forgiveness is the reed which stands up straight and green when nature's mighty rampage halts full spent.

Forgiveness is a God who will not leave us after all we've done.

Printed in a Dear Abby, column 2/10/98.

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