In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

Spirit Seeking Sisters

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Inspirational Words For Spirit Seeking Sisters

I know there are some who would say that only a Muslim could ever have anything worth saying, anything that has meaning, that is profound or inspiring. But I feel that's a bigoted thought. Many of the Muslims in the World today were once non-Muslims, and they didn't suddenly develop wisdom just because they embraced Islam. Most were insightful before they ever even considered Islam as the true religion of Allah. Some non-Muslims will never consider Islam, but were/are great people in their own right. I've personally known, and known of, many non-Muslims who's words were deeply touching to me. And so I've included some of them here, along with some of those of Muslims. As I come across more inspiring quotes of Muslims I will add them.

1. Surely, as in every age, today people hope that a saviour will appear. This saviour, who will take mankind from the "darkness to the light," is the religion of Islam.

2. "Ask a thoughtful Christian why he is a Christian, and he will usually reply, "The miracle of the Resurrection." The basis for his belief being that about two thousand years ago a man died and he was raised from the dead. That is his miracle, his "touchstone", because all else depends on that. Ask a Muslim, "Well, what is your miracle? Why are you a Muslim? Where is your miracle?" and the Muslim can go over and take his miracle off the shelf and hand it over to you because his miracle is still with us today. It is the Qur'an; it is his "touchstone"."

3. "We all want our kids to love us," Mary Mohler said. "I want my kids to think I am the greatest mom in the world. But at what cost? We've got to teach them from the early days that they have to stand for something or they're going to fall for everything."
Mary Mohler wife of seminary president R. Albert Mohler Jr.

4. Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children.
Kahlil Gibran, mystic, poet and artist (1883-1931)

5. The truth of Islam is not guaranteed by birth.

6. "There is no compulsion for a person to accept The Truth, but it is certainly a shame upon the Human Intellect when a man is not even interested in finding out what is the Truth."

7. "There are some who ask only for this world, and then there are some who ask for this and the other world. Allah tests us in ways we don't reflect upon, for some strange reason, we can reflect.

8. "Modesty and faith are both companions: when one is taken away the other is taken!"
Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

9. "A man slips more by his tongue than by his foot!"
Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

10. "Do not consider any kindness insignificant, even meeting your brother with a cheerful face (every act of kindness is sadqa)!"
Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

11. "A good word is better than silence and silence is better than evil talks!"
Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

12. "Paradise lies under the feet of thy mother!"
Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

13. Those who hold out for everything sometimes walk away with nothing.

14. If God seems far away, guess who moved?
(Lee Thomas - "Journey of Faith")

15. If you want to know what someone really wants, don't listen to what they say-watch what they do.
(Maurice Ginsburg MSW)

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