Spoil on the verge of desruction

It is well known among band members that being in a band can sometimes complicate and even ruin ones academic standing.  In other words studies can be destroyed by too much band playing.
But in this story it was the other way around.  A certain band member of Spoil had to flunk his studies for reasons only God knows.  He became so desperate that he had to invent his own reasons.  Fortunately, being in Spoil was'nt one of them, being that the band only practices once before every gig and that is not even once a week.
So in his desperation, he failed to defend his actions to his father who ofcourse supported him in his studies.  Without any viable excuse for his failure, his father had no choice but to keep him from what he wants the most and that is music.
So no more instruments, and no more music making.  He had to grind himself in his own books to pass the next semester.  But our hero doesnt easily give up.  Will he find a way?  Watch out!
The Big Booboo

Sometime in March 0F 2001 a crazy idea came into the minds of the Spoil members.  They decided to join Red Horse Beer's Musiclaban band competition.  Of course, who would'nt, with P60,000 at stake for the grand prize, they thought its probably worth the risk.
So off they went, composed their jingle entry and chose their cover and entry songs. 
In the pre-elimination, joining bands are made to sing with an acoustic guitar a cover and an original in front of some judges.  Despite unexpected protests, the band got a high percentage and went on to the next level.  With weeks before the next round, who would expect a band not to ever practice.  It was holy week and everyone had to go home for a short vacation.  It was during this time that the members except for the  vocalist composed the music for the jingle. 
To their surprise, it was required to be sung in tagalog.  But it was supposedly easy with only the lyrics to change but an unexpected typhoon hit and stranded the vacationing members who had'nt practiced yet with the new lyrics and the vocalist.
Arriving an hour before their playing time, the band had to do a quick round in the living room with no time to practice in the studio.  It sounded great, but will it work?
On their set, the band played mightily, with pardon me as a clean cover, and Sightless as their upbeat, livening compo.  Everyone had high hopes when the smashing slap filled intro of the Red Horse jingle blared through the monitors.  The first stanza sounded good, even through anti-tagalog Moreez's mouth.  But suddenly, he forgot  a line, then the whole song.  until finally he screemed, "I dont know the fuckin lyrics!" and yelled "Red Horse, fuckin sheeeet!"
The rest of the members thought, this is it, we lost it.  And went on playing, hardcore style, just to try to enjoy themselves amidst the embarrassment.
This should teach a quick lesson for the band and it is'nt practice makes perfect.  It is, dont beleive in yourself too much, Fooooooz!