The Dalles, OR
A conservitive woman, Naomi Marcuis studied launguage arts and theatre

for 2 years in college until she changed her major to communication and

language. She currently lives in The Dalles, Oregon with her husband

Duke (24). Marcuis works as a translator and travels to various speaking

events. She knows Spanish, Sign Language, French, and is currecntly taking

classes to learn Japanese. Her favorite hobbies include socializing, acting,

singing, dancing, and spending time with he husband. She has 2 dogs, Merra,

and Bright Eyes; The couple does not have any children. She believes she will

do well on SIMS SURVIVOR: PEARL ISLANDS because of her communication

skills and her ability to provide for other people. Her birth date is November 13.
Colors: Red, Blue

Scents: Popery; Vanilla

Board Games: No favorite

Video Games: No favorite

Sports to Play: Softball

Outdoor Activities: No favorite

Movies: Down with Love, Moulin Rouge, Chicago, Greese

Actors: John Travolta, Ewan McGregor

Renee Zelwegger, Nicole Kidman

Music: Pop, Classical

Magazines: People, US

Cereals: Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Snack Foods: Apple and caramel

Candy Bars: Swan's Dark Chocolate