Bringing a Spirit to Staffs
Meditation is the ability to focus on something specific and keep your mind in that place. It is exercise for the mind. It offers a time for reflection and contemplation allowing us to turning inward toward the self. Meditation allows for thoughts to be focused and centred which allows the mind to become quiet and release waste energy which has been built up.

The purpose of meditation is to find peace and be able to relax. By meditating regularly it allows you to stay clear and centred and grounded when dealing with problems.

Through meditation it is possible to allow the mind to work though issues rather than suppressing them. By meditating on a specific thought or item it allows inspiration and insight to be gained from it.

Meditation Techniques

There are many different mediation techniques. It is about finding one that works for you. Meditation takes practise to get into the desired state, just take your time and eventually everything will just happen naturally. You may be likely to fall asleep when you first start practising meditation.

Sit or lie comfortably, if you're uncomfortable, your mind will be distracted making meditation difficult, and close your eyes. Allow yourself to become aware of your environment and your body. Feel yourself sitting (or lying) and focus slowly on every part of your body. Feel your body resting comfortably and safely. Once you have an awareness of your environment and body, focus inwards. Focus on your breath, from the moment you take air in, until the point where you release it. Feel the air within your chest and stomach and feel your body begin to totally relax. If thoughts enter your mind try not to focus on them and let them pass. If you find you are focusing on thoughts bring your mind back to focusing on your own breath. If you struggle to focus on your own breath some find it easier to focus on one specific thing such as a colour rather than your own breath. When you feel ready to return slowly bring back your focus to your body and your environment

Another way to meditate is to do so with your eyes open. This can sometimes be harder to keep focus but also means you are less likely to fall asleep. Quieten your mind and relax your body as described above however then draw your focus to a single object such as a space on the wall, a candle flame or a place in the room which is lighter than the rest. Allow your eyes to slowly loose their focus and eventually with practise it will get easier to loose yourself in this point and forget everything around you. The more you practise the deeper your breathing will become and the more relaxed you will be able to become.
Energy Balls
Artificial Vortexes
Healing Meditation
Protection Spell
Spirit Animals
Using Pendulums
Outer Planets
Inner Planets
The Zodiac
Astrological Signs
Astrological Charts