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Batman Beyond

The aging Bruce Wayne reluctantly gives up the cape and cowl to the teenager, Terry McGinnis. Gotham City receives a futuristic look as well as some formidable new villains.

12. Disappearing Inque
44. Out of the Past

12. Disappearing Inque

Basic Premise: Aaron, a lowly employee who is in love with Inque, frees her from her imprisonment and begs her to make him into her condition.

Featuring: Bruce Wayne, Terry McGinnis/Batman, Aaron, Inque

Review: Average. While Inque's rescuer, Aaron, is a creepy, pathetic loser, she is so ungracious as to leave him a malformed blob.

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44. Out of the Past

Basic Premise: Talia lures Bruce Wayne to the Lazarus Pits on his birthday.

Featuring: Bruce Wayne, Terry McGinnis/Batman, Talia, Ra's Al Ghul

Memorable Lines:
Terry McGinnis: "Lady you're creeping me out" (refering to Ra's Al Ghul in Talia's body talking with his voice)
Bruce Wayne: "You? She kissed me."

Review: A good character study along the lines of Perchance to Dream that focuses more on Bruce Wayne than Terry McGinnis. The beginning starts with a Batman musical, which must be very insulting to Bruce Wayne and a taint on the legend of Batman. Terry enjoys it because he takes Batman far less seriously than Bruce Wayne, who is proud and obsessive to a fault. It is his pride in helping people out that makes him succumb to Talia's offer of the Lazarus Pits. To have Bruce Wayne be helpless in a situation where in his younger years he can easily overcome is a cheap trick and too predictable, but it serves its function.

Random Comments:

- Is Andrea Beaumont in one of the pictures of Bruce's past lovers? I hope she is, because after "Mask Of The Phantasm," the series makes no mention of her, which sucks. She was the best match for him.

- I have a feeling that Ra's Al Ghul survived this encounter with Bruce Wayne. How freaky is it that he came back as Talia?

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