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The Batman

A completely separate show from the rest with different voice talent (*Kevin Conroy is unfortunately not Batman*) and a different set of crew working on the latest cartoon version of the Caped Crusader. It has only been three years since Bruce Wayne decided to become Batman and the various members of the rogue gallery are just beginning to emerge.

I will try to watch the new episodes as they come on television although I missed many by forgetting what time this show is on. I think Kids WB changed the time slot to 7:30 am (impossibly early!). Otherwise, it is still on Saturday mornings. Let me just say that I got a bad, bad impression from episodes that I did see. I mean, you have a Bruce Wayne that looks like Jackie Chan's long lost brother and a backwards step in character development for Mr. Freeze, who is now just a two bit crook. Ah well, at least The Edge performs the theme song. U2 and Batman = coolness

1. The Bat In The Belfry
2. Traction
3. Call of the Cobblepot
4. The Man Who Would Be Bat
5. The Big Chill
6. The Cat and The Bat
7. The Big Heat
8. Q&A

Bring on the Batman!

1. The Bat In The Belfy

Basic Premise: Not available

Featuring: Batman/Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Ethan Bennet, Ellen Yin, Joker

Review: Since I only caught like the last five minutes of this episode, I can't properly judge it. =(

Random Comments:

- The Joker has deadlocks???!!!!!

2. Traction

Basic Premise: Not available

Featuring: Batman/Bruce Wayne, Bane

Review: I can't believe I missed this episode entirely!!!! Hey, there are reruns, right?

3. Call of the Cobblepot

Basic Premise: Batman has to rescue Alfred from the clutches of the Penguin.

Featuring: Batman/Bruce Wayne, Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin, Alfred, Ellen Yin, Ethan Bennet

Review: Finally, I get to watch a full episode. Ugh... too much commercials advertising kiddie toys and cereals and other stuff to the under 13 demographic... okay, that's enough stalling. On to the review! I thought it was nice that the Penguin gets a bit of a background and that Alfred has some past with the Cobblepots. The Penguin doesn't look too poorly drawn. I can't say the same for Bruce Wayne or the other characters. This sort of anime style just doesn't work on Batman! The dialogue is poor, filled with cringe-worthy puns and none of the wit of Batman TAS.

Random Comments:

- Helping the Penguin are two Japanese twins in kimono outfits?!

- Ellen Yin and Ethan Bennet take over Bullock and Renee Motoya's roles.

4. The Man Who Would Be Bat

Basic Premise: Not available Feauturing: Dr. Langstrom, Batman/Bruce Wayne

Review: I missed it.

5. The Big Chill

Basic Premise: Introduction of Mr. Freeze

Featuring: Batman/Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Mr. Freeze, Ellen Yin, Ethan Bennett

Review: Mr. Freeze is now a robber who got into a freeze accident that gave him his frozen state. I'm not buying this...

Random Comments:

-Why oh why is Mr. Freeze now just a one dimensional villain?

6. The Cat and The Bat

Basic Premise: Introduction of Catwoman

Featuring: Batman/Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Selina/Catwoman, Ellen Yin

Review: *Yawns* Not very memorable. I don't like the title.

7. The Big Heat

Basic Premise: Not Available

Featuring: Batman/Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Firefly

Review: Didn't see it.

8. Q&A

Basic Premise: Some loser is bitter that he lost a game show when he was a kid.

Featuring: Batman/Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Ellen Yin, Bennet, Quizmaster

Review: A sorry excuse for a villain.