Machine Set for tuck. This creates a very firm fabric... shorter but wider than plain stockinette... Good for Dishclothes, and a fall or spring weight Cardigan or jacket, trim on cuffs and collars. This is very nice on the bulky for Dishclothes... it makes a nice tight weave that does not wear easily.

Machine Set for tuck.  Set the card to elongate so it will knit each punchcard row twice. This will make a slightly thicker fabric than the first example . This was fairly heavy yarn knit at Tension 9 and I really preferred the weight and feel of this over the first example of Tuck.
Tthe pictures don't do this justice.... You will have to try it to get the full impact. It has a bobble like look on the back (assuming the purl side is the right side in this case!).

Lock the card. Now tuck for 4 rows then reset the dial to ST ST and knit two rows... Repeat. 

Very simple and beautiful. The picture on the left is the front and the picture on the right is the back so as you can see this would be very practical for something like a baby blanket as the finished material is as pretty on the front as it is on the back....

This one is the same as the one above it...but although it is very pretty... unless you have a colour changer, I found it a little time consuming as well as a little overwhelming remembering everything.... Using colour A (white) knit 2 rows ST ST, then change to colour B and set machine to tuck (card is locked) and knit 4 rows. Repeat. the picture doesn't really do the finished product justice but it is very nice and would make a nice border ... too much work for a whole sweater, unless it was very tiny or if you had a colour changer...
Card Number 1 - Tuck Stitch
Go to:
Fairisle Tuck,   Slip,   Weave,   Punchlace,   Lace Carriage,