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12 May 2000 - Harbour Pavilion, Singapore

Pictures < click here >
Hiiiiii !!!! Tam2's here to share with you all my exciting and rather scary experience when I saw a
Westlife concert for the very first time...I had to admit that it was cool although I still prefer a Boyzone concert as it would be more hilarious and I got to see Steve ! ^_^
As you all have known...
Westlife concert was held at the Harbour Pavilion, 12 May 2000...It was supposed to start at 7.30 pm. But, as Westlife and Trademark < their opening act> was late, it started quite late at 8 pm something.

3.00 pm
I arrived at the Harbour Pavilion with two of my friends. Many people were there before us. Haaaahahaaa..as I had suspected before..we have to wait for a loooonnngggg and tiring hours. So, my friend < Mon2 - a webmistress of Aiko's unofficial
Westlife site > and I decided to create a banner...We wrote " WESTLOIFE..LE GRĂ "
Mon2 draw some caricatures of the lads..talking about killing the boring time we have to pass.

5.00 pm
There was some trouble happening there. The queue was getting out of control and the security guards and the promoters were not very happy about it. People were pushing uncontrollably. They just could not wait to get into the venue. The victims?????? One of them was me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got crushed between the sea of fanatic fans! I almost could not breathe. They were too rude to be true ! They kept pushing as if there was no one else in front. I fell and was stamped by some unreasonable people. Thanx to them I got my body slim down a bit < hahhaha >.
the promoter just could not help it but said " Shut the F*** up !!!!! " Nope ! It did not help...We just had to suffer until...

7.00 pm
We thought that it was about time to open the gate and let us in. Well, the promoter thought they had the better idea. Hahahaaa....they were wronggggg..!!!!!!!!!! Sounds of fans wailing and cursing filled up the room. Many reporters were there and actually took the picture of the mass. People pushed, pushed and puuusshhheedddd even harder. Man, I tell ya! It hurt !!!!!!!!!!

7.30 pm
They finally opened the gate and let us in.. I thought that my suffering would end right there...Oh my my....no no no...I was crushed and pushed to the gate. I got stuck between the gate ! weell..........I was to kind to be true that I did not kill the person behind me and the guard in front of me ! He did not do a single act to help ! He just shouted and scolded. What a kind and thoughtful man ! Many poor fans lost their balance and fell down. Many fainted.
Luckily, I finally made my way to the venue. It was not too big but the air conditioning satisfied me. The waiting had not ended. We still had to wait for
Westlife < Wonder what they were doing back there that took such along time >. I got quite a wonderful place. ^_^ At least no one blocked me although I was not exactly at the front. 

8.00 pm something
Finalllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy, the long awaited concert was about to start !
Trademark showed up and said heloo !!!! They were very sweet. Initially I was disappointed when Mero was officially cancelled as Westlife's opening act, but I think I prefer Trademark. They are longer in the music business. They sang a few songs from their new and previous albums like " Amazed", " Miss You Finally" and " Only Love " 
They were awesome. A bit of jokers I have to say.
I took some pix of them. Buutttt...oh no...during the fifth shoot, I found out that my camera battery was game over. I surrendered to my faith. I could not take
Westlife' s pix. Well, at least I could enjoy the concert.

8.45 pm < around this time >
After 20 minutes of waiting < again......... >,
Westlife finally decided to come out from their hiding place. Phew ! The crowd was getting crazy and mad !!!! You can guess it ! They were screamingggggggggg !!!!!!!!!!! < ddooohhhhhhh > They were much more cuter in real life !!!!!!!! Let me describe...^_^
Kian - wearing a grey long sleeved shirt, his usual silver necklace. He was S-E-X-Y !!!!!! ^_*
Nicky - wearing a white long sleeved shirt, covered with grey short sleeved shirt,matching with Kian's. He was also wearing some mood bracelets. I think they were blue and black.
Mark - his grey jacket and grey t-shirt looked awesome!! He was cuutteeeeee..His perpetual pink cheeks!!!! Awwwwweeeee..and moreover...his bald hair do..it grew a bit though ! Y'know what many fans said there ? He was getting rounder ! For me..he was still as cute as he could be !
Shane - wearing white tight-fit sleeveless shirt and looking oh-so-good-looking.
Last but not least - my ^_^
Bryaaaaaannnnnnnn......I was dumb-struck !!!!!!! He was C-U-T-E !!!!!!!!!!!!! Woowwwww!!!! He had lost weight < I think > but those chuuby cheeks !!!! He was too cute to true !!! So, let me describe....errmmm.....He was wearing simple white t-shirt < it was enough to make me drool ^_^ > His sweet smile completed it all...
I threw the chocolates I wanted to give
Bry and it landed beside Kian's foot! I kept on mumbling " Don't step on it ! no ! " He did not..he just kicked it a bit..But, Bry DID !!!!! He squashed the chocolates !!!!!! sob sob..never mind...It was just my faith.
~_~ Their first song to greet us was " Open My Heart ". And it went on and on and on.........< eerrmm... I could not recall > They sang " I need you ", If I let You go ", " Flying without wings " and " Seasons In The Sun ". We held up our banner and
Shane seemed rather taken aback.

around 9.15 pm - about 10.00 pm 
After they sang some songs, they got inside to change their clothes. To treat us < They had to ! They made us wait for 10 minutes again ! >, they played some kind of an Irish song. It was coolll and funky !!! I mean...it was so catchy that you felt that you wanted to dance along to it. The lightings were effective. 
The song ended and the lads entered the stage. Their clothes were more casual this time.
Mark was wearing a jacket and a white t-shirt. Kian was wearing a leather jacket and white sleeveless shirt. Shane was wearing a tight-fit red sleeveless. Nicky's khaki long sleeved shirt fitted him well. Andd......ehm....Bry..was cute < doohhhh.. > with his longsleeved yellow cotton shirt. ^_^. What made me wonder was that they sang " If I Let You Go " and " Seasons In The Sun " twice !!! 
They also sang " More Than Words "!!!!!!
Kian showed some of his guitar skills here.....He took off his jacket *_~, revealing the white sleeveless, and pluck the guitar. Gosh !!!!! He looked amazing ! The last song that they sang was " Swear It Again " as they thought that it is a very special song for them..Awww..so sweet...Finally, they said "Bye bye " as they had to go. 

I was planning to chase them to their hotel, Shangrila in Sentosa. Errr...but when I found out from my friend that we had to pay $ 70 just to get in, I quickly changed my mind..*_* I went home, exhausted......

If you wanna share your experience about
Westlife, just email me and I will try to read them and put them up in site...