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"I don't do kooky faces. That's pretty much the reason why I'm not in the Chili Peppers anymore." (to Kurt Loder on Mtv News 1515.)

"It was a really heavy experiance for me, and its affected every relationship I've been in since." (In regards to the murder of his mother, Constance.)

"I'm the same person no matter what year it is. I've grown more as a musician and as a human being but I don't really adjust my playing to fit the format of the decade." (response to being questioned as being a product of the Eighties)

"I almost had a nervous breakdown cause it just...It brought back so much memories, ya know."(Referring to the night when Dave joined Perry and Stephen to play at a Porno for Pyros concert this past year in New York.)

"I'm not a funk a funk guitarist and I don't like funk. It makes me feel dumb and I can't relate to music that makes me feel dumb."

"I wouldn't be happy if I hadn't looked into certain sides of sexuality, experimented with drugs, or picked up a guitar for that matter."

"When I listen to music that is really dark, I get this overwhelming sensation that I'm not alone, that I'm not crazy, It's a little comforting."

"In my closet I have black T-Shirts hanging, and socks and underwear that should always be black. You never know when you might be in a situation where you might have to take them off and if they're white there's a chance they may be less than clean looking."

"I don't trust anyone. Its not to say that I'm Mr. Depressing Guy. I'm just saying I walk around with an awareness that shit happens. So when something good happens I'm happy. In that way I'm constantly surprised by life."

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