The Ferham Centre, Ferham Road, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S61 1AP

01709 336660
Fax: 01709 336661

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Activities & Events

Have a look at some photos taken from past Activites/Events here

Please register with Sure Start so you can receive regular updates on trips, new groups etc. We welcome any suggestions for what kind of trips or groups you would like to see us provide and also welcome feedback on what you thought of them.

Please note this information can change without us been informed. Please contact the group organiser to check dates,times etc.

Ferham Toddler Group

Held at St Pauls Church, Kimberworth Road, Kimberworth
10.30am - 12.30pm, Every Tuesday

Contact Nazirat on 07712390463

Victoria Parent & Toddler Group

Held at Rotherham Pentecostal Church, Masbrough
10.00am - 12noon

Contact Margaret on 01709 554172

Peoples Voice

As a parent/carer of children within the Sure Start area your voice is important to us. People's Voice aims to give families the chance to meet together and discuss topics relating to Sure Start Rotherham Central

We aim to meet every month - If you are interestedin coming along, please contact Sally on 01709 336660. Childcare and Transport can be arranged



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If you require any information on Sure Start in arabic or urdu then please contact us on (01709) 835499