The Ferham Centre, Ferham Road, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S61 1AP

01709 336660
Fax: 01709 336661

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Latest News

(Last Updated 30.06.04)

We have now moved to our new main base which is The Ferham Centre which is part of the New Ferham Primary School. Please feel free to come and have a look round and see what services we can offer you. It's a really exciting time to be involved with Sure Start as we have lots of groups up and running, so it's important that you register with us so we can inform you on what's happening.

Our office base in Canklow is still going to be open, but there is no permanent member of staff there at the moment. Please give us a call if you require information or support or you would like one of our staff to see you at the Canklow Office.

Sure Start aims to work with parents to be, parents and children to improve the Health, Learning and Social Development of babies and young children, paticularly those who are disadvantaged so that they can flourish at home and when they they get to school, helping to break the cycle of disadvantage in the current generation of young children.

Register with Sure Start Rotherham Central and receive a FREE Welcome Pack

If you live in the Sure Start area and have a child under 4 years old we would like you to register with us. To see if you live in the Sure Start Central area please click on the map & postcode list.

By registering you will have access to Sure Start services and receive information about Sure Start and future events.

To register you need to complete one of our Family Registration forms. You can download and print off the form by clicking the icon below.

Once completed send to :

Judith Higgins (Co-ordinator)
Sure Start Rotherham Central
The Ferham Centre
Ferham Road
S61 1AP

If you have any queries or difficulities regarding the registration form please let us know.

Any Adverts or Pop Ups on the website are not endorsed or supported by Sure Start Rotherham Central.
If you require any information on Sure Start in arabic or urdu then please contact us on (01709) 835499