




superkate: journal

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060701 » every man and his mullet

listening to | something for kate \ echolalia
feeling | good good

ok, first i should probably clarify the whole ben situation. even though i'm over it all now, some of you may be curious as to what i was referring to in the blog.

i was on the phone to my friend sandy on wednesday afternoon and we started talking about the weekend. i mentioned ben and the following conversation ensued:

sandy: oh, i saw ben at the grand on sat night.
me: what? you were at the grand?
sandy: yeah, i went straight after work. ben was all over some chic.
me: yeah, that would have been me.
sandy: hahaha no it definitely wasn't you!
me: what? what time was this at?
sandy: between 2 and 3am, and then he left with her. you didn't get with ben again did you?!
me: i left the grand at about 2am, i just missed you! so he left with her?
sandy: yeah, but they looked pretty close - must have been his girlfriend.
me: *ahem* supposed ex girlfriend.

so yeah, ben left the grand with another girl. i was pretty pissed off when i found out. not because i was jealous, just because of the fact that he could do that considering i am a friend and would likely find out. though, he would have been quite frustrated when i left. haha. but if it was his on-again-off-again girlfriend i can excuse him. they seem to break up and get together every couple of weeks.

i'm still a little pissed off that he hasn't responded to my text message asking him about it. lucky i didn't ring him, or it could have been rather uncomfortable for the both of us. so much for him so badly wanting me to ring him so we could see each other again.

none of this explains that
text message i got from him a couple of hours after i left the grand, however.

so that's the story. at least there is one less thing to be confused about now.

i saw tex perkins last night. omg! it was the weirdest gig i have ever been to! it was like being at the local bowlo! haha! all these old balding guys and men with mullets all trying to recapture their youth. i think the new tex probably may not have been the tex they were expecting, considering they would mostly have been beasts of bourbon fans. scarey stuff.

jono and i got to the gig all of about 3 minutes before it sold out - they only had 50 tickets on sale on the night. that meant that other friends of ours were not able to make it, as they could not get to the venue in time.

his support act, dan brodie and the broken arrows, was very country. dan is not exactly what i would call a lyrical genius. dan, wearing a beanie and a funky shirt will not make you hip to the young ones, especially when you write lyrics like "you make me want to kill, because you make me so ill" (or something along those lines). wow! rhyming kill with ill! who would have thought of that? i was so waiting for a few "yeeha's!" in the middle of a few of his songs.

but then the tex came out and made me want to go *reow*, but not as much as the cute boi beside me made me go *reow*. he looked a little like merrick watts though. eeek. but i don't think he had man boobs. he kept rubbing his arm against mine and he had a cute goatee. we both had a bit of a chuckle when we realised the 40 year old guy in front of us had lit up a giant spliff. haha! talk about trying to relive his youth.

for some reason i had been feeling like absolute shite all day. i woke up with swollen glands and a headache and was worried i may have tonsilitis again. more likely, the fact that i had been talking about tonsilitis and glandular fever with dan the night before was making me paranoid (i hope you don't have glandular fever dan!) and i really only have a cold. but anyway, i was feeling like crap and so was jono, so we left tex at after he had played for about an hour. it wasn't a proper walkout because we were liking what we were hearing. we only did it because we both felt like shite. my eyes were incredibly sore and i felt like falling asleep. so don't take this as meaning i wasn't enjoying tex, i was! i just felt like poo.

dan and i have come up with the perfect idea for a shop. i'm so going to open a cd store that is also a pub. how cool would that be? especially for me, because i would be working there. i could get pissed for free and listen to music all day. though, if i get drunk i may start giving people more change than i should, and that wouldn't be very profitable. i also came up with the idea that if you spend over $15, you get a free schooner. :D i've already had a few friends volunteer to work for me.

by the way this idea is copyright to superkate and dan the man, so don't even think about stealing it!

ok, off to see the beautiful mick hart tonight. here's hoping he plays a few of those covers he has been playing lately (namely hymn l'amour, lucky or lilac wine).

text message of the past couple of days: rache is out on the town and horny for you (from my friend andrew whose girlfriend rachel i kissed)

days without a smoko: 75 (i've decided i can probably stop keeping count when i get to 100)

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