




superkate: journal

supervic | superjen | supersar | superkate

180501 » let me show you how to rock

listening to | john butler trio / three
feeling | rock

the setting: newcastle university's bar on the hill

the entertainment:
you am i and the vines. eskimo joe are not classed as entertainment.

the crew: me, jono, kate, andy, manda, andrew, belinda, kim, tori, kylie, bevo, et. al.

remember the name the vines. these guys will be huge. they are so ROCK!! thom yorke of radiohead screaming - that's what the singer sounds like. he has a really lovely voice, but he also has a damned huge set of lungs on him! he was constantly jumping off the drum riser and throwing his guitar in the air. bring on the windmill next time, i say! you would never have guessed the band had only played about 5 live shows before they got the you am i tour support.

eskimo joe suck arse. their singer looks like a tom from blink 182 try hard. sad really. needless to say, we didn't watch them. when that annoying shit of a song 'i could neeeeever wear that sweeeeater *whine* blah blah blah' came on my friend kate got up to go to the bathroom. i believed she was actually getting up to go watch eskimo joe. i screamed out 'LOOOOOSERRRRRRR' at her and she attempted to defend herself by stating she was merely answering the call of nature. bwahaha. yeah right!

tim rogers is the epitome of rock. too cool. he has all the moves and knows all the right things to say to whip the crowd into a frenzy. fatherhood has not dampened his rock attitude either. if anything, it has made him a better performer. he now looks like he is enjoying himself so much more than in previous years when he is on stage.

tim quote #1: i would cut off my penis to kiss little ruby's toes.

yes tim, but that would make it difficult to provide ruby with some little brothers and sisters. it may also leave your beautiful wife, rochia, slightly unfulfilled.

the marriages of the three senior members of the band have apparently led to an increase in maturity:

tim quote #2: in the past we would come out here and want to kill you all, but we have matured. we are men now. so instead, we will stalk you and then fuck you.


the ever sexy david lane was resplendent in an all white ensemble. his haircut is one of the more interesting i have seen. apparently it is very spinal tap.

so, after you am i rocked my socks off i ran around like a crazy loon for a while, lamenting the fact that i could not partay on with the sydney troupe as i had to work the next morning at 9am. poo. why the hell did i agree to that?

on another note, i had an interesting conversation with a friend during eskimo joe's set. she told me she had broken up with her long distance boyfriend. one of the reasons is that he has emotional issues that she can't deal with when she is so far away from him. i commented that a few of my exes had had problems with depression. she then asked me why i thought i was attracted to people like that. i told her i thought it was because i wanted to help them and be the one to take their pain away. she point blank said to me 'sorry to be blunt, but that shows you have a real insecurity problem kate. to have to be needed like that means you are insecure.'

*wow* i have always thought this may be the case, but to hear someone else say it was something else. i've been telling myself i have this problem because i'm too caring and want to see people happy. that is part of the reason, but i know my friend is also right. i do need to feel needed. i am insecure. this may not seem to be the case to an onlooker, but it is. but what can i do about it?

days without smoking: 25

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