




superkate: journal

supervic | superjen | supersar | superkate

270501 » the singing daddy

listening to | radiohead \ ok computer
feeling | happy :)
drinking | coffee *yum*


nicky c just rang me from the palimpseste/elixir (featuring various members of the band george) gig he is at at the zoo. tyrone noonan was singing radiohead's the tourist. *sigh* so, so beautiful. i think i would have been crying if i was there. it was a perfect rendition, vocally. imagine what i'm going to be like when i eventually see radiohead! i'm going to bawl like a baby.

a little later...

ok, nick just text messaged me and said that ty just sang radiohead's exit music (for a film). can i go and kill myself now please? i should have just gone to brisbane and not worried about uni! *cries* :(

but seriously, nick ringing me and letting me listen to ty singing the tourist made me the happiest i have been in ages. thankyou so much noodle. :)

my mum is devastated about gordon being evicted from the big brother house. i'm disappointed too, but not to the extent that my mother is. she claims she isn't going to watch the show again.

part of a conversation between my mother and i after gordon was evicted:

mum: ooh look at that gorgeous smile. and he has that funny laugh. that beautiful body!
me: you just like him because of his substancial appendage *cracks up*
mum: *looks at me shocked* i do not! he is such a lovely, interesting, intelligent guy!

hmmm yes mother, i believe you.

i must say, i do agree with her. i didn't like gordon to start off with, but damn he has a nice bod! *reow* if only he didn't have that cornetto hairdo! oh and nick, he dances like you! teeheehee.

i'm also starting to like sara-marie. god forbid! she is the only interesting person left on the show. apparently this is why they are going to introduce something 'shocking' into the house this week.

when the danish version of big brother got boring they brought two 'intruders' into the house. over the next week the two intruders had to compete to convince the housemates to choose them to stay. at the end of the week there was a vote and one of the intruders got to stay. *interesting* this is what i think is going to happen this week. i mean the show has become a tad bland since it started, hasn't it? who the hell are these people voting off all the interesting ones?!?!

listening to | mick hart \ still the flowers bloom
feeling | frustrated!


i cannot find anything on any of the research topics i have to choose from for my maths paper that is due on wednesday. i am going to go maaaaaaaad! why the hell do we have to write a paper on such obscure topics? *argh*

so, instead i am calming myself by finishing this journal entry. *caaaaalm kate*

i saw my dad in a musical last night - les miserables. it was tops. he had to sing! teeheehee.

i was supposed to go to the jeff buckley tribute in sydney, but was unable to find someone else going who could give me a ride to balmain and back. there is like no public transport to balmain, and after
last weekends episode i wasnt going to take a risk.

it all turned out ok though. sure, i didn't get to meet the dead ringer for jeff that was apparently performing, but my dad was unable to get a ticket for me to see him perform next weekend - so it was last night or never.

i'm really glad i was able to go. les miserables is such a beautiful story. it brought back so many memories of singing in my primary school choir where we had to learn a few les mis songs. i must admit it was a tad weird to see my year 5 teacher up on stage dressed as a prostitute, though. hehe.

ok, well it is late and i should go to bed. if anyone knows anything about topology, email me before wednesday. *cries*

weeks without smoking: 5

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