




superkate: journal

supervic | superjen | supersar | superkate

250501 » ps. no i am not drunk

listening to | the moulin rouge soundtrack
feeling | a $10 bottle of white... so if this entry starts making less and less sense it is because i am slowly getting more and more drunk
feeling | relaxed


first of all i have to say that the whole bitch thing isn't going very well. you all probably realised this after reading the
post immediately after my bitch post. could you get any more contradictory?!!? anyhoo, i have decided not to be a bitch for the sake of being a bitch, but at the same time i am not going to withhold my feelings merely because i am worried about a person's reaction. and this relates to anything in my life. i'm not going to keep my feelings to myself for fear of rejection, ridicule, anger, disagreement, or whatever else. hopefully i will be able to carry through with this promise!

i saw moulin rouge last night. absolutely fucking fantastic movie! my god! nicole kidman can act! and sing! and ewan mcgregor... what can i say? *sigh* i think i'm inlove (yes, again :P). the movie turned me into a sooky wuss again. it made me cry. i hate crying at the movies, it is so embarassing! although, everyone else was crying too, so that kinda makes me a little less wanky.

baz luhrmann is an absolute genius! the movie is incredibly visual and the way he uses modern music in the score is fabulous. the scene involving madonna's 'like a virgin' was partiularly funny.

the movie totally reaffirmed that i will never be able to go out with a guy who will not sing to me again! i need a man who will sing to me! *swoon* so romantic. i have even begun to like soppy love song ballads. eeek! *shame* and that christina aguilera/lil' kim/mya/pink song 'lady marmalade' is no where near as annoying as i used to find it.

*hey sister, go sister, soul sister, go sister!* *french part i don't know how to spell*

*less than half a bottle left*

k, i have forgotten what else i was going to write about. see people, this is why you do not drink and write journal entries at the same time.

*thinks for a while*

oh ok, i remembered something now. i am so never going to work in a waste treatment plant!

i had a site visit to bedminster waste treatment plant in raymond terrace yesterday. it stank like a tip.

bedminster take the non-recyclable materials that people throw out and turn it into compost. pretty nifty idea. you should see some of the things people throw out in their garbage bins! gas bottles, car batteries, a motorbike! yes, a motorbike! someone threw a motorbike in the bin! haha!

so yeah, i am never working in a place that smells like a tip! we all got on the bus to go back to uni and we noticed this stench. then we realised it was us! we stank! we stank like we had been rolling around in garbage! eeew! i was so self conscious on the train ride home. yukky. i had a shower once i stepped in the door!

i was going through a heap of old photos today and yesterday and stumbled across a couple i would like to share. the first is of me with my 1st guitar. hehe. and i still don't know how to play! i think i am like 6 or 7 or so in this pic.

it is actuallly my uncle's guitar that he gave to me to play with. he later kinda started teaching me to play guitar when i was a bit older, but he moved to sydney soon after so i gave up. i was only young and music was fairly unimportant to me at that time. i think kylie minogue was my favourite singer.

ever since i got into decent music (courtesy of previously mentioned uncle and his wife) i have vowed to learn the guitar. i will get around to learning! i love music too much to not be able to play an instrument!

i bought some more red hair dye today to redye my hair. after seeing nicole kidmans red hair last night in moulin rouge i had a need to dye my hair a seductively bright red again. but today i was looking through some photos of me after i finished year 12. i had had my hair streaked blonde and i think it looked fab! i've decided i may give the red a miss and go for a lighter brown again. i have been red for over a year (with black for a short period of time in between. it looked like crap.) so i think i need a change. plus lighter hair makes my skin look more olive. *reow* hehe.

plus, when i get sick of the lighter colour i can put the red over the top and it will be really bright!

*sings* i hope you dont mind that i put down in words how wonderful life is now that you're in the world. hehe oops. i'm singing aloud again.


*pissed now*

oh, and a warning to you all. do not go to the tool affiliated website when drunk. trippy shit sydney.


*wine all gone*

almost forgotted! i am going to queensland in the uni holidays! woohoo!

this means i get to see supersar and my lizzybabay! i spoke to liz on the phone last night! i miss her heeeeeeeeaps! i want the three of us (and possibly more) to go to a big brother eviction night! woo! how fun that would be! we could all dress up like sara-marie and act like lunatics. yay!


i just banged my toe really hard on the antique balnket box our tv sits on in the loungeroom. i was in such a hurry to see the new tool clip that i did not turn the light on and smacked my foot straight into the box. no it was not because i was drunk that i did it! ouchies. *rubs foot*

days without a cigarette: 33

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