




superkate: journal

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310301 » augie march, i love you!

listening to | mick hart \ still the flowers bloom
feeling | content


augie march, i love you!

i saw augie march last night. the best augie gig i have ever been to, and possibly one of the best concerts i have ever been to.

darren hanlon was up first. i had only ever heard one of his songs, but i'm a convert now. the guy is such a brilliant story teller. funny too. it was so unusual to see sydney's metro theatre completely hushed for a solo performer most of the people would have never heard of. he had the entire crowd wrapped around his little finger. i think the man definitely won himself a lot of fans last night.

augie march were absolutely fucking brilliant. over 2 hours of the most beautiful music you could ever listen to. for the entirety of the gig i wished i could be lying in bed curled up with a loved one listening to them. *sigh* too, too perfectly beautiful. i think this is the 1st gig where i have ever seen their singer, glenn richards, in good spirits throughout. he was laughing and making jokes and didn't complain about the soundguy once. we were even treated to two tracks from their 1st ep - century son and future seal - in the encore. a fact glenn stated would make him feel like a dirty slut backstage after the gig had ended. lol. oh, and they did a doors cover!

glenn's hair had grown back, so he no longer looks like a 12 year old with an earing who hangs out at the local shop on his bmx bike. dave, the drummer, looks like he should be working at old sydney town judging by his attire. hehe.

i would now like to proclaim that i want to marry glenn richards (yes, add him to my ever growing list). he is surely the best poet in australia at the moment. *swoon*

there was, however, a downside to last night. we parked in a parking station in george street - it cost us $30 to park for 5 hours!! we really should have checked the parking rates before we left the car there. ouch.

thursday night i saw another 3 great bands. gota cola were awesome! sea life park were great too. didn't get to see much of knievel though. i had to leave to catch a train. if i missed that train, i would have had to wait another 2 hours for the next one.

omg! the
cute gay boy was at gota cola/sea life park/knievel as well! i'm beginning to wonder if perhaps he isn't gay and is actually stalking me. that or he isn't gay and it is fate. lol. at any rate, he was looking mighty fine in a tight white bonds shirt.

i'm going to a party tonight. it has a cowboys and cowgirls theme. cross dressing is encouraged. there will also be a bush band and my friend matt, who is hosting the party, insists that we bush dance at the party. thank god for all those square dancing lessons i had to torturously endure in year 7 and 8 at high school.

the thing i'm looking forward to most though, is karaoke! woohoo! i am karaoke queen! i get up and do one song and you just can't pull me away from the microphone after that. i know the karaoke machine matt has hired has some garbage and radiohead on it, so i look forward to butchering many brilliant songs by singing very drunkenly and very loudly. i just hope timi and foota don't try singing unchained melody again. i think that is more than my poor ears could handle.

i thought i should let you all know i scored 100% in that
financial maths assignment i told you all i had to do 2 weeks ago. i have already done the new assignment we were given for the subject. once again, it is the same as last years with the exception of a few minor alterations. lazy lecturers rock.

i'm about to dye my hair again. red. red! RED! i noticed the other day that *shock horror* my hair has pretty much gone back to my natural colour now. brown is so boring, so i picked up some hairdye yesterday. i will be 'feisty kate' once again in only a couple of hours. :D

lastly, i would just like to urge you all to go out and buy mick hart's new album. i'm inlove with it! stunning. though, how could i not love something by a guy who says his favourite ever work of art is jeff buckley's 'grace' album. he is a man after my own heart. *sigh*

listening to | augie march \ sunset studies
feeling | kinda pissed off... the only thing keeping me from being in a really bad mood is my cool new hair colour!


k, the hairdye is out, but the hair is wet, so i don't know what the colour looks like. at the moment it is looking like it will be pretty goddamn red! :D

my uncle and aunt sold their appartment in bondi about an hour ago. most of my family is now sitting around drinking champagne. half a million dollars for a 2 bedroom appartment overlooking north bondi beach. they sold it to a middle aged couple who bought it for their 18 year old daughter. how disgusting is that? imagine being 18 and having your parents buy you an appartment overlooking bondi beach. some people just have way too much money.

i heard a bad, bad story about patch from motorace last night. i still think he is sexy, i just don't think he is a nice guy anymore.

he went to see a band called the pictures play the other night in sydney. the lead singer of the pictures is david lane, you am i's guitarist. the prick stood there yelling out for the you am i song berlin chair, thinking he was being funny. the greatest irony is that motorace want or wanted to tour with you am i. yeah, behaviour like that will get you far matey.

well you may be wondering why i am in such a bad mood. well, i kind of am too. i have a feeling it has something to do with men. it usually does. men cause way too much grief. they suck. if you are a guy reading this: you suck! :)

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