




superkate: journal

supervic | superjen | supersar | superkate

310801 >> brodie-man and she-kate

listening to | iOTA / big grandfather
feeling | stressed stressed stressed

firstly i would like to apologise to all my loyal fans(?) for not putting up a journal entry for a while.  i know those uni students amongst you will more than sympathise with the extreme state of *distress* that i am under at the moment.  this stressful period is going to last another week at the very least.

this past week alone i had a presentation on monday, an assignment due on tuesday and an exam and two assignments due on thursday.  this coming week i have my group hazop report due on monday, which is the culmination of half a semester's worth of work, a lab report and presentation due on wednesday and another exam on thursday.

not only have i still not done both of the assignments that were due last thurday, i have not even looked at my lab report... and i cant really to a talk about the report if i haven't done it.  eeek!  i have no idea when i am going to get anything done for that exam. 

it has gotten to the stage where it is physically impossible to complete everything.  all my friends and i seem to do anymore is whinge about uni and the extreme pressure we are under.

oh, something else i just remembered.  that car my friends and i are building in order to be sent to the chemical engineering conference in melbourne next month, has to be ready to show sponsers on the 6th.  shit.  we haven't even got the actual car ready.  let alone all the testing and the risk analysis we have to do on it.  fuck fuck fuck.

did i mention the fact i am stressed? 

so i bought a new cd today to cheer myself up.  i recommend everyone goes out there and buys iOTA's new album 'big grandfather' as it is awesome!

i also bought the twin peaks movie for $9.95.  the main reason i bought it was as an excuse to be near cute angus and robinson bookstore boi.  *yum*  when i took the video to the counter he commented "oooh twin peaks, hey?  i remember when the series was on tv - i watched it religiously." yay!  that means he must be cool.  then he looked at me with those bright blue eyes and smiled and i walked away with a big grin on my face.  hehe i felt like such a teenager.

i saw regurgitator last night at the bar on the hill.

brodie and i met up at about 8.30pm and proceeded to hype each other up a little too much.  we were so loud and being really strange and people kept staring.  then gerling came on stage and their sheer crapness made me feel incredibly violent.  i was holding onto the railing we were sitting near a little too tightly as a method of channelling my anger towards something other than a person.

just before gerling came on, brodie and i noticed the most stunning thing i have ever seen in my life!  we decided we were in love with him immediately.  he was about 6'5" and skinny.  dark, silky hair pulled back into a little ponytail and the most olive skin and fragile facial structure i think i have ever seen on a boi.  my god, he should be a model! he looked soooooooooo good in the baggy dark denim jeans he had on.  and the black polo neck.  and those cool white and blue nikes.  *drool*

i made it pretty obvious that he was the object of our desire for the night.  i was making very audible cooing noises and practically staring at him with my mouth hanging open and drool creeping out the side.  brodie told me to stop being so obvious, but i didn't care.  i wanted him to know i wanted him.  *reow*  brodie and i agreed to share him.  i immediately bagsed the lower half.  until another friend reminded me that that may well not be the best half.  so brodie and i instead agreed to just take turns with the top and bottom half of him.

so, anyone going to see gurge, keep an eye out for a guy of this description!  he was either a member or a roadie for 1200 techniques.  and tell him there is a couple of girls in newcastle who want 10,000 of his babies.

a 'friend' of mine, big gay stu (not that there is anything wrong with that J ), was also shitting me last night.  everyone knows this guy is gay, except him. he is in denial.  last night he told me he was a playboy.  he now goes around telling everyone he is a playboy.  who the fuck goes around bragging that they are a playboy??

so anyways, he kept touching me (ie sitting on me and trying to give me wet willies) and annoying (he stole my beer and drank some of it!  no one messes with my alkimahol!) me so much that it got to the point that i was yelling at him "stop fucking touching me!" and deliberately avoiding him. *argh* combine this frustration with gerling and i was a little insane.

then ty shows up.

he likes gerling.  this makes me sad. L

i hate gerling more than i hate lash.  and that is saying something.

but i think i can get over this fact.  i hope.

but anyways, i was slightly mental when i saw him.  he must have thought i was hella-pissed or off my guts on some sort of drugs.  people who don’t know brodie and i very well really find us quite frightening when we are together.  brodie and i have developed a theory as to why we become so strange around each other.

we are like he-man and sheera (she is he-man).

you see, when we are in the same vicinity, our powers of hyperactivity combine and multiply by a factor of 10.  or does this make us more like the captain planet or the power rangers?

so yeah, i spoke to ty for a little why.  explained that gerling had made me agressive because they suck so bad.  he showed me his black leather converse one stars.

then he told me he had seen a guy he knows, who i went to school with, a few days earlier.  shit.  shit shit shit.  you see, there was an incident in year 10(?) that may or may not* involve me and one of ty's friends.  this friend of ty's was best friends with the guy who went to my school that ty knows.  eeeek.  by the sounds of it, my name came up in conversation.  i know this person would have told him about it.  not that it really matters, it just kinda weirds me out a little. 

hehe but ty touched my hand.  *sigh*  and he always looks in my eyes when he talks to me.  I love that.  *melt* 

but even though i was being extremely forthright last night (some dude tried to hit on me, so i told him to 'shoo' and waved him away.  haha!  aren't i a biatch!?), i still could not gather up the courage to throw ty up against a wall and molest him.   i guess i just feel kinda awkward around him when our friends are around.  if you got me alone with him, i don't think there would be any way to hold me back.  hehheeeh

so then, ‘gurge were tops.  tops tops tops.  they are so back!  it is incredible!  they are like they were 5 years ago!  and they have a turntable dude now.  very cool!  the crowd were insane, and at one stage the giant speaker stack very nearly tumbled over with the sheer weight of people leaning against it.  i haven't wanted to jump up and down during a gig like i did last night in ages!  fun fun fun!

ok, well that kinda brings you all up to date with what's doing with me.  i promise to make up for my lack of entries once i get this rush of uni work finished.  there are even some hunt pictures to go up!  then i will also have to relay all the drunken antics of my chemical engineering formal dinner that is coming up! woo!  which reminds me... i still haven't figured out what to wear!  eeek!

*  i deny everything.

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