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TDA Logo Copyright:
Truck Driving Academy, 1999
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Financial Aid, Jobs
Contact Us


Course Description

Financing Options

PTDI Certification

Placement Assistance

Frequently Asked Questions


Financial Options

The following options are available to those who qualify:

  • Visa, Mastercard, or Discover Cards
    Always accepted.
  • JTPA Grant Funds
    County retraining funds through Private Industry in the county where you live.
    Call the nearest TDA campus for information on how to apply.
  • ETP Grant Funds
    Training funded by State of California's Employment Training Panel. To qualify for ETP, you must be eligible, currently collecting or have exhausted your UI benefits within the last 24 months.
  • State or Private Rehabilitation
    For previously injured workers.
  • Trucking Company Tuition Reimbursement Plans
    Offered by many OTR Companies.
  • Approved for Veteran GI Bill
    You may use your educational funds at Sacramento and Fresno Campuses.

LINKS: Contact Us | Tuition | Course Description | Financing Options
PTDI Certification | Placement Assistance
Frequently Asked Questions | Testimonials

A PDTI  Logo
Copyright PTDI, 1999

Professional Truck Driver Institute
The PTDI is a nonprofit organization sponsored by the nations's trucking industry for the purpose of advancing truck driver training, proficiency, safety and professionalism to the highest standards possible.

PTDI evaluated the curriculum, tracking procedures for attendance and training hours, recruiting practices, job placement and employer satisfaction, equipment and facilities and the faculty of our Sacramento, Fresno and Yuba City campuses.

Why is this important to you? The industry's annual demand for drivers hovers around the 300,000 mark. It is the well trained driver with the proper professional attitude who gets first choice from employers. PTDI certified schools are the vanguard in providing drivers who enjoy the highest level of knowledge, skill and attitude.

TDA was proud to volunteer to the scrutiny of PTDI and we know your experience with us will prove a positive one.

LINKS: Contact Us | Tuition | Course Description | Financing Options
PTDI Certification | Placement Assistance
Frequently Asked Questions | Testimonials

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Placement Assistance

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Truck Driving Academy is committed to providing prompt and continuous job search assistance to graduates. Our placement office staff provides a variety of services including:

  • Trucking Company Presentations
    Recruiters are scheduled every month
  • Company Applications on Campus
    Job applications can be submitted even before graduation
  • Local or OTR Opportunities
    We provide information on all types of current job openings.
  • Job Search Workshop
    We providing students with knowledge to accurately complete job applications.
    We also suggest interviewing techniques and practice sessions.
  • Resume Service
    We'll update your resume free of charge if you change jobs even long after you have graduated.
TDA Statistics
TDA's 1998 placement rate for all campuses was as follows:
We maintain a list of over 300 employers all over the Western U.S. that have hired or show interest in hiring graduates from our program.
# Graduated # Placed %
339 290 86%
Labor Statistics
Truck Driver: Light Heavy
Fresno 9.0% 3.8%
Sacramento 17.6% 16.5%
San Joaquin
17.0% 7.0%
Tulare 4.0% 2.9%
North Central
11.1% 10.5%
According to the Labor Market Information collected by the California Employment Development Department:
Truck Driver - Light and Truck Drive - Heavy are within the group of occupations with the greatest growth potential between the years 1995 to 2002. The table on the left shows percentage of Absolute Job Growth for our service areas.

On the national level, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports Truck Driver Light and Heavy to be within the 10 occupations with the largest job growth between 1996 to 2006. They report growth to increase by 15%.

Criminal Record?

TDA has good news:
Persons who may have had a criminal background do equally well in the truck driving field. Over the two calender year period, 1997 to 1998, out of 25 students who disclosed previous felony convictions, 22 retained jobs in the trucking industry. That's 88%.

LINKS: Contact Us | Tuition | Course Description | Financing Options
PTDI Certification | Placement Assistance
Frequently Asked Questions | Testimonials

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