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TDA Logo Copyright:
Truck Driving Academy, 1999
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What Employers have to say...
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We would like to thank you for allowing Arrow Trucking Company to hire your graduates. We have found them to be well trained and feel your organization is one of the most professionally operated in the nation.

I find your curriculum to be outstanding! The selection of equipment you chose for the training of your students gives them a variety to learn from. I have found T.D.A. students to feel much more comfortable on my road tests, and feel that is a direct result of the variety of equipment you offer, coupled with the attention to detail type of training you teach your students.

It is always a pleasure to hear that your campus will continue to produce quality truck drivers.

After reviewing your program, it's equipment, curriculum, and instructors we have decided to send our son, Robert Lee Stone, through your program.

I would like to take this opportunity to commend the Truck Driving Academy of Sacramento for a job well done in preparing students to begin careers as professional drivers. In the past we have hired graduates from your program and plan to continue that practice into the future.

Werner Enterprises takes extreme pride in knowing that year after year we continue to put on the road the safest, most productive, professional fleet of drivers. Without the help of schools such as yours, our success factor might become limited. This letter is just a small token of our appreciation to you and your staff for the outstanding job you did in helping prepare one of your former students (Howard Eddings) to become a Werner Enterprises team member and be recognized as one of the most professional drivers on the road today.

Please allow me to extend my appreciation for the consistent quality of drivers provided by Truck Driving Academy. The provision of quality trained drivers received from Truck Driving Academy and employed by Swift Transportation Inc., proves successful in the enhancement of the trucking industry. It is a pleasure to maintain the working relationship that has been established between Truck Driving Academy and Swift Transportation., Inc.

LINKS: Contact Us | Tuition | Course Description | Financing Options
PTDI Certification | Placement Assistance
Frequently Asked Questions | Testimonials

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