Life on the Line

Statistics for 2001

Will you be one of the next statistics?

Month of March

Ferguson..... 13th: Officer attacked and beaten by two inmates is form of retaliation. The inmates reported jumped the officer because he had filed an offense report on them after finding them in possession of tobacco. The officer suffered facial cuts and multiple jaw fractures in the attack. (The Huntsville Item)
Robertson..... 9th: At least nine officers were injured. The unit warden says ten inmates were pulled out of their cells so guards could conduct a shakedown. The inmates began assaulting the officers...some using trash cans. The guards suffered cuts, bruises, sprains and broken lips. Some of the inmates were also treated at the unit for injuries. Most were treated and released for their injuries. One officer was transported to a local hospital where he was treated for a dislocated shoulder. This comes after last week's riot which resulted in the prison being place under "lockdown."(KTXS TV - Abilene)

Month of February

Robertson..... 26th: A brawl broke out between two Hispanic groups during a daily recreational period. The fight caused a chain reaction all over the French Robertson prison prompting fights in three other areas. Prison officers used chemical agents similar to tear-gas to quill the disturbance. Prison guards from the nearby Middleton unit and French Robertson guards on the evening shift were called in early. Several home made weapons were confiscated including broom handles, radios, canned goods in a sock, and spoons with the handles sharpened. Two inmates were transferred to Hendrick Medical Center for treatment of injuries. One was beaten, the other was admitted for multiple stabbings. (Abilene Newspaper)

Month of January
Colorado..... Three more of "Texas 7" captured. One commits suicide.
Colorado..... "The Texas 7" are located. Three captured, including ring leader Rivas. Reward maxed at $500,000.
Smith..... 3th: An inmate transported for medical treatment to UMC hospital in Lubbock managed to free himself from cuffs with a handcuff key, banish a handmade gun, and hold two nurses hostage for more than 2 hours. (Lubbock Avanlache)
*** Seven inmates who escaped from the Connally unit place Texas and nation on alert as they rob, steal and kill a police officer in Irving, Tx. The officer was shot 11 times, including 4 times in the head. Reward rises to $200,000. The escape makes America's Most Wanted TV show. The hunt continues as rumors of sitings are rampant. One escapee tries to establish bank account in San Marcos. Where are they?

Introduction Statistics: 2001 Statistics: 2000
Statistics: 1999 Statistics: 1998 Statistics: 1934 to 1997
Inside The Wire Letter to the Public To The Texas Legislature
Salary: Texas vs. Nation Poetry From Behind The Wall Poems From The Picket
To TDCJ Officers Officer Experience Letter to Governor Bush
The Monument Letter to Governor Perry Letter to the Public #2

©2000 - 2001


Last update 09/22/ 2001

Graphics and web design by Country Time Designs Palestine, Texas