

About Me





Emperors of Ethiopia


My Mother


Addis Ababa



Ethopia in the Bible

Teferimantegaftot@hotmail.com      Teferi33@yahoo.com

Ethiopia, the oldest independent nation in Africa, is a land of stunning natural beauty, covering an area twice the size of Kenya, France or Texas. A rich diversity of culture and geography that will captivate the visitor.The welcome that comes from the mosaic of a people with over 80 different languages and as many cultures is warm and spontaneous.The attractions of Ethiopia are of world renowned, and the development of the Country as the foremost tourist destination in North East Africa has opened up Ethiopia to a new generation of tourists, to whom a visit to the land of the Queen of Sheba, the birthplace of the Blue Nile and the 'cradle of mankind' was previously just a dream.
The climate is dependent on the physical terrain and its position close to the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, but for much of the year it is warm and pleasant in low-lying areas and cool and bracing in the highlands.There are two principal seasons,rainy from June to September, (although the sun still shines on most day), and dry for the rest of the year. Just perfect for discovering the riches of Ethiopia

That Ethiopia has a heritage from the beginnings of mankind was underlined when the remains of 'Lucy', dated from 3.5 million years ago, and the 4.4 million year old Homo ramidus afarensis, man's oldest anthropoid ancestor, were uncovered. Traders from Greece, Rome, Persia and Egypt knew of the riches of what is now Ethiopia, and by the first century AD Axum was the capital of an great empire.This realm became one of the first Christian lands of the World. Late in the 10th century Axum declined and a new Zagwe dynasty, centered in what is now Lalibela, ruled the land. Axum, Lalibella and Gondar now provide our greatest historical legacy.

It was in the 16th century that the son of the great explorer Vasco da Gama came to Ethiopia, but then found a land of many kingdoms and provinces feuds and wars.In the l9th century the great Emperor Menelik led us towards the modern state of Ethiopia, and the Country's passage to modernization began.


The natural beauty of Ethiopia amazes the first-time visitor. Ethiopia is a land of rugged mountains (some 25 are over 4,000 meters high), broad savannah, lakes and rivers.The unique Rift Valley is a remarkable region of volcanic lakes, with their famous collections of bird life, great escarpments and stunning vistas. Tissisat, the Blue Nile Falls, must rank as one of the greatest natural spectacles in Africa today.

With 14 major wildlife reserves, Ethiopia provides a microcosm of the entire sub-Saharan ecosystem. Bird life abounds, and indigenous animals from the rare Walia ibex to the shy wild ass, roam free just as nature intended. Ethiopia, after the rains, is a land decked with flowers and with many more native plants than most countries in Africa.

With over 80 different peopels, the cultures of our communities are prominent in our lifestyle. eith tradition going back to the days of Axum, and a strong religious setting, celebrations and festivals play an important part in our daily lives.Our greatest festival is Timket (Epiphany), where tourists are welcome to celebrate with us. But other festivals such as Enkutatash (the Ethiopian New Year, in September after the rains), Maskal, Gena (Christmas), Id and Easter are all glorious celebrations.