Training Evangelistic Leadership

"And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same
commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."
2 Timothy 2:2 (KJV)

Roy Robertson, Founder and Director of Training Evangelistic Leadership, Inc. (TEL) went to China in 1948 as the first missionary of The Navigators.  He trained disciples, supervised a Scripture memory follow-up course that reached 46 cities, and organized two cooperative public evangelistic meetings.

For 15 years, he directed the Asian branch of the Navigators.  In the 1950's he organized a massive follow-up program for 180,000 inquires in Taiwan through Orient Crusades and in Japan through Youth for Christ.  In 1962, he launched The Navigators work in Singapore where he lived for nine years.

In 1966, at the Billy Graham World Congress on Evangelism, he committed himself to even more intensive involvement in evangelism.  In the years that followed, he organized crusades for some of Asia’s leading evangelists in Malaysia, Viet Nam,   Indonesia, Singapore and Sri Lanka.  He then began raising up young Asian evangelists through "Training Evangelistic Leadership" in Singapore, Japan and Indonesia.  He had training programs in his home and led out gospel teams and work with them in public evangelism for two years, then sent them back to leadership roles in the evangelization of their own countries.

In 1976, TEL was formally incorporated in India and Indonesia and work is being done there by national staff he has trained.  He lived in the Philippines from 1977 to 1983 during which time he launched the TEL work there.  He has worked in the counselor training, coordinated counseling and follow up of three Billy Graham Crusades. Late in 1977, he was in-charge of this work at the Graham crusade in  Metro Manila, Hong Kong and Tokyo.  He has sponsored India’s First National Training Program of Christian evangelists during 1981-’83.  In 1985 and 1986 he led summer gospel teams into China. 

While in China, he showed young Chinese Christians how to study the Bible and memorize Scripture and started a chain-reaction of discipleship that spread to 46 cities of inland China. Even when the communists were in power, he organized two co-operative public evangelistic rallies in the city of Shanghai.

After this, he moved his Asian headquarters to Hong Kong.  He teaches TEL training programs there and in other TEL bases in Asia.

A gifted Bible teacher, he has also been a pilot and was a flight instructor during World War II. He has studied at Texas A&M University, Southern Methodist University and took Chinese and Japanese studies at the University of Minnesota.

Roy Robertson currently supervises more than 100 staff in India, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Hong Kong, China and among various ethnic minorities in Asia.   He and wife Phyllis live in Hong Kong.  Four of their six children are missionaries and two are nurses.

More information on Roy Robertson and TEL will be published here as I get the information for the years 1986 to 2003. God continues to bless and grow this faithful ministry in Christ's service.

Click Here
for a Brief Overview of TEL's Ministry 1986-2003


Click Here for More Information about what makes TEL Unique and its Mission
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To become a fellow worker in the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ through the work of TEL, contact Roy Robertson at either:

1. TEL          Post Drawer E          Denton, Texas 76202
2. TEL          KCPO Box 73759      Hong Kong
3. E-Mail:
4. E-Mail:

For your growth and encouragement: Read, Fill Out, and Mail the following Bible Studies in the Gospel of John to TEL at one of the addresses above.

When you are doing the lessons, you can "click" on the scriptures that are within the (     ), and you will be directed to Bible Study Tools. net which will bring the verse up into a "pop-up" window and then you can research the verse in depth.

You have to close each "pop-up" window before you can view other verses in each lesson.

Lesson 1: Understanding
Lesson 2: God's Protection and Love
Lesson 3: The Word of God
Lesson 4: Christian Living

Lesson 1: Understanding
Lesson 2: God's Protection and Love
Lesson 3: The Word of God
Lesson 4: Christian Living


tpworkbook.jpg (17762 bytes)

Learn how to train a disciple to teach a new beliver on a "one-on-one" basis with
"The Timothy Principle Workbook"

Roy's Newest Book
"Developing a Heart for Mission, Five Missionary Heros"
Published by Navigator Media S'pore Pte. Ltd.
ISBN # 981-04-7425-3

The book consists of Five Parts & Study Guides and Appendix A, B, C

Part I :
Modern Missionaries in Action -- The Powerhouse Five (1935-1946)
David Morken, Hubert Mitchell, Dick Eillis, Dawson Trotman, Bob Pierce
Five Chapters

Part II :
Three Great Missionary Advances (1792-1946)
The Denominational Pattern, The Unevangelized People Group Pattern, Parachurch Pattern
Three Chapters

Part III :
The Powerhouse Five Link with Youth for Christ (1946-1960)
Eight Chapters

Part IV
Building Upon the Foundations (1960-2002)
Four Chapters

Part V
Challenge for the Future (2000 A.D. until the Rapture)
Two Chapters

Study Guides -- Pages 311 - 348
Appendix A, B, C

If you would like to purcase a copy of this newest book by Roy Robertson,
then use the contact information below

1. TEL          Post Drawer E          Denton, Texas 76202
2. TEL          KCPO Box 73759      Hong Kong
3. E-Mail:
4. E-Mail:


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