The Lurch Files



The links listed below are just a few of my favorite hangouts, or other Addams family websites. None of these websites are affiliated with the Lurch Files in any way. If you see a broken link, please contact me

Addams Family Links

The Unnofficial Addams Family Web site The Unnofficial Addams Family Web Site offers many pictures of the Addams Family from the classic show and the movies. Ufortunately, Jim Davis rarely updates his site. Still worth a good look though
Stuart Mannings New Addams Family Website The Stuart Manning is a true friend of the Lurch Files. He has created his own website based on the New Addams Family show which looks terrific. Stuart, incedentally has offered up some pictures in the odds and ends section that arent currently on the Pictures pages. Make sure to check them out.
Morticia's Morgue Not just your basic Addams Family page; this site covers all things Gothic. A well done site with information and links on everything from TV shows, to movies to the Wiccan religion. GREAT reading!
Brenna and Brittany's New Addams Family Homepage Brenna and Brittany created their own homage to the New Addams Family Show and have put together an amazingly complete website. Including interviews with Michael Roberds and Glenn Taranto. Good Job girls!!
Addams Family Reunion Much as I would like to forget they ever made this disaster, it is a part of Addams Family history. As such, the Warner Brothers website has a few games and an order area where you can purchase the video. Do yourself a favor. Visit the site, forget the movie!
Pizsaz Entertainment Network The Pazsaz Entertainment Network offers some great Episode Guides an the cartoon and the New series. Worth a look!
The Musters And Addams Family Fan Club A fan club for both Creepy families of the sixties. For a small fee, the webmaster offers many goodies. Although he seems more interested in his alternate lifestyle than the show, he does offer a few picture galleries. Go ahead and check it out
Charles Addams Want to know more about the father of the Addams Family? See Pictures of where he grew up? This is the site for you then! Well written by the folks in Westfield, New Jersey! Although not exclusively Addams Family, (in fact, they are rather hodge-podge), they offer alot of links to other sites not offered here. This link will take you directly to their Addams Family page.
Need that elusive Autographed Photo? How about the "Fester Mystery Light Bulb" Get it at auction at Ebay. This link will send you dierectly to the Addams FAmily auction items. Beware though. I spend tons here and am known to outbid people at the last minute!
The channel that started it all. A few Shockwave games and other items make this an ok site.

Check 'em out

Other Links

Horrorfind is a search engine built for us off-the-wall gothic and horror fiends.... err... fans. Well worth checking out!
HauntWorld is another new search engine based on my favorite holiday. Highly recommended, HauntWorld is a true masterpiece for everything Halloween, & Haunted Houses!

The Batman Batfan website offers tons of information on the 60's campy TV show. Everything from an episode guide, to the cast of heroes and villians. The site also lists the guest appearances by John Astin, Ted Cassidy and Carolyn Jones. A "not to be missed" site!

Batman Batfan
An email pal of mine put together an EXTENSIVE web site about that Err... ahh... OTHER family. I swear it rivals the Lurch Files in content. (Told ya I'd get it on here sooner or later!:P ) The Munsters Land of Fun
The only other direct competitor in the sixties with the Addams Family was also the longest on air. The Bewitched/Elizabeth Montgomery Website has been put together by true fans of the show, and back by most of the supporting cast! If you want a behind the scenes look at the Bewitching show, this is the premier site Bewitched
It seems if you didn't find the Lurch Files through Yahoo!, you must have got here through Tims TV Archive! His list of TV shows and Archives seem unending, and you could positively get lost searching through all of his information! If it was on TV and theres a website for it, Tim has it listed!
Ted Cassidy had a short cameo on this show. This website is perhaps the best of the I Dream of Jeanie Fan sites I've seen so far. The author is very knowledgable and has tons of memorabilia
Not to be Missed !!
Who is Barnabus Colins? Victoria Winters? Dark Shadows is a Gothic dream show from the sixties. ( Also one of MAMA ITT's favorite shows) This site is well worth a few minutes of your time.
One of the Best Fantasy Artists of our time! If you have read any of TSR's Draganlance Saga Novels, then you are already familiar with some of Larry Elmor'swork. His dragons are both beautiful and haunting! Larry Elmore
Enjoy the Radio Dramas of yesteryear? Why not talk about them with other fans at The Whirlitzer of Wisdom Great discussion board based on the ZBS organization. Whirlitzer of Wisdom
With as many references to this site throughout the Lurch Files. It seems incomplete not to include them here. The Internet Movie Database is truely a treasure trove of infomation on ALL forms of screen entertainment. IMDB.COM
World-reonowned artist and close friend, Maria Del Carmen Flores De Foley, (MC or Carmen for short) specializes in an art form called "Repujado ". Her art is located within many Art Galleries and Meuseums. And now you can own some of her work!
Metal-Art.Net Specializes in Celtic Design. Amazing job and talent beyond belief!!
As a translations Engineer for Sprint,. I have come to love my job, the people I work with and the company I do it for! I gotta give them a small link here. Besides, they offer great deals too! Sprint telecommunications


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