
Nothing has ever been made that was not done so with the blood and sweat of those that went before...
As the subtitle states, nothing is possible without using something that someone else has already made. This is particularly true - not to mention obvious - of fan sites, since they are based on other's work. Here's a list of everyone that inspired me, I borrowed from, and I downright copied and/or stole from. ; ) At least I give credit where credit is due.


Everything on this site that is legally protected, if only on my say-so. It may not be reproduced without the premisson of its creator(s).
CyberSix, show information including episode titles listed on the Episode List page, and all characters on the Character List page are copyright to TMS and Telecom Animation Film. See this page from their message board for further copyright information.

All writings on this site, including page text, fan fics, poems, essays, episode descriptions and character sketches are original works and property of me. They may not be used, in whole or in part, without my explicit permission. Don't try; I check out every CyberSix site on the Internet on a regular basis, and my friends pretty much cover the rest. Mail me with any requests or questions about the writings from this site if you want anything; I'm usually pretty reasonable to people who respect my work and my effort.


Sites that I used to make sure my content was as accurate as possible.


While this site is definetly image-lite, there are some used, and credit must be given. Particularly when I made them myself. ; )

The background (back2.gif) was made by me using Corel PhotoPaint 8, and may be used freely as long as credit is given to me in a page similar to this if used on the Internet. The provided image has a border around it, only so it can be seen against the real background; download back2.gif from my server to get the real thing.

The title (title.gif) was made by me using Corel PhotoPaint 8 and the lightning.gif made by Small Pixie. It took me a long time to make, and is rather specific, so please don't use it for your own site. Besides, it would be kinda obvious if you did.

The banner (link_banner.gif) was again made by me using Corel PhotoPaint 8 and a screenshot (ss34.gif) made by Small Pixie. It may only be used as a link back to this site, as described on the links page under the section Link to Me!

Main    Episodes    Characters    From the Rooftops    Essays Fan Fics    Links

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CyberSix and all related information © TMS and Telecom Animation Film. All writings are original works and property of me. See above page for more information.