
The only place the world is black and white is on the printed page...
I'm one of those freaks that likes writing essays and independent studies for school. I can write; can't do much else, but I can write. And so, in keeping with the literary theme of this site, I'm going to be putting up essays based on CyberSix here. Don't feel obligated to read them; they aren't all going to be for everyone's tastes. But hopefully there's be at least one you'll be interested in, and if there is I'll have succeeded in improving your enjoyment of the show.

NOTE: If any of the essays contain major spoilers for an episode, I'll include that in the essay description.

Finished Essays

Here are the essays that are up and readable. Well, they're in English, a lot of people might say they're not readable, but that's just me...

Upcoming Essays

Don't worry, there'll be more coming. Some of them should be real dozies, too... :)
Main Episodes Characters From the Rooftops Essays Fan Fics Links

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CyberSix and all related information © TMS and Telecom Animation Film. All writings are original works and property of me. See Credits page for more information.