Links to Other Great CyberSix Sites

Life is not a destination, but a journey; you learn more in the travel than in the stopping...
What, leaving already? Well, I hope I didn't scare you off the show to much. ;) To make up for it, here's about six search engines worth of CyberSix sites, both the show and the comic book series.
If you have a site of your own, mail me your address and I'll put it up. I'm even considering putting up non-CyberSix sites, if I get enough. Oh, and please link to me too! I've got a banner and instructions below.

Show:           Official Sites      Teletoon Sites      Online Clubs      Fan Sites
Comic Book:      Fan Sites      Other

The Television Show

Official Sites:

These are the sites done by the company that makes CyberSix. Obviously, the first stop for all fans. :)
The official CyberSix website by the guys that make the show. NOT to be missed! :)
The official message board, where just about all cyber CyberSix fans hang out. Post questions, answers and random thoughts about the series, and meet other people with the same great taste as you. ;)

Teletoon Sites:

These are the sites related to CyberSix from the only Canadian station that airs it, Teletoon.
Teletoon's English page on CyberSix. Nothing here you wouldn't know after five seconds in another site, so I don't recommend it other than to find out the show times, which for frame viewers can be shown in the upper left corner.
The French Teletoon page, has a bit more information on it than the English one.
The Teletoon Poll Booth. We've already got CyberSix just second to The Simpsons, let's make her Number One!!! (You can only vote once per connection; I'm not sure how it works for cable users.)
The French Poll Booth. CyberSix is number five on the French Poll right now, but we're getting her up steadily! (You can vote on the English Poll and the French Poll in the same connection.)

On-Line CyberSix Clubs:

Places to go on the internet to talk with fellow fans about the show, the CyberSix cyber-underground, and life in general.
Ok, it's mentioned above, but it's the best place to go to talk with everyone. We've raked up over 100 threads in the past few months, so there's plenty to check out and talk about.

ICQ chat!
Ok, this one doesn't exactly count, but it's going up anyway. On a nightly basis, Cybersix Chick sends out a cry about 8:00 pm Eastern with one message in mind: RPG! While we've had more that a few pointless plots, we're getting better. ;) So if you have ICQ, like to bash Fixed Ideas for no other reason than they make great punching bags, and can put up with the occassional Pretty Princess Party by Bethany and Erika, find mine or Cybersix Chick's number and get on! (The link above is so you can download ICQ if you don't already have it and your parent's haven't already vetoed it. {Poor SyberKat! We miss you!})
Syber Kat's Cyber6ix club. Doing pretty well despite her complaining about the name, it's more familiar than the message board (AKA We're more likely to talk about things other than CyberSix.). The good thing about Yahoo! Clubs is that they tell you if any other members are on so you can chat with them. I suggest getting a Yahoo! login if you don't have one already, there's lots of stuff to do with them.
lucas_amatto's Cyber Six Club. The first CyberSix Yahoo! club, it's got less than the Cyber6ix one, but mainly because Syber Kat bugs us more about hers (Joking, Kat! ; ) ). Check them both out.

Fan Sites

We're finally getting some sites out on the web! That's great from the view of wanting more coverage...But, understandablely, it makes my job much harder here. Therefore, I'm changing this slightly into three different sections. "Favourites" is a list of my favorite CyberSix sites (Ok, I like them all, sue me!). "New Sites" are sites that have just been put up, and don't yet have any original content, but should still be supported so they get original content. (So I don't get flamed or anything, my definition of "Original Content": Something that can't be found on any other site. In other words, fan fiction, fan art, or unique comments on the show. Another pointer: New Sites typically only have two or three pages...) "Other Language Sites" are just that, sites based on the show in something other than English; they have their own section because, unless they're in French, I can't comment on the content, and even then I hold no responsibility...

Small Pixie's Site, complete with sounds, screen captures, a Twisty gif program where you can make Jose look even more twisted than normal ;), gifs she's made, and her fan artwork, including some very adorable chibi-style ones. In my opinion, the best show site so far, especially the best fan work based. If you don't have a site, she'll post your fan art and fan fics for you, and if you don't have any fan work, check out her's.
The CyberSix DataDomain. Highly recommended, especially for show information; in my opinion, it even beats the official site for some things, particularly in the episode descriptions. I actually use it as a reference for the names for my site. This is second only to Small Pixie's site, and not by much. Also has an episode poll, express your opinion!
Merlin the Magician's Web Wizardry. It has some great sounds that he made, that where actually used in the show! There's also show information and a song he made that can be downloaded.
Frundock's CyberSix Website. Gorgeous looking with a wicked shockwave opening scene, and some sounds and character info up. Best of all: The Second Season! Ok, they're just two "episodes" he's written, but definitely worth the look. He's also got SyberKat's fan stories up, since her site had to be taken down due to constant flaming.
NightStorm CyberSix Page. A beautiful image-based site, including her own fan art and even more screen shots than Small Pixie's. Also be sure to check out her other posted art work; she's got a great anime-style that's unique, too.
The CyberSix Hideaway. This is Cyber Poet's site, and it's definitely impressive! For starters, she's got the best collection of CyberSix links out there. She has several chapters up on a very good Episode 14 Fan Fic. She's also got up a bunch of CyberSix poems, hers and some other fans. (Yes, including me....) She's also got up some other fan stuff, making her site possibly even more loaded that Small Pixie's. Definitely worth a look!
Paradox Headquarters. This is a very popular fan art site, with every right; the pictures are absolutely gorgeous! What gets me jealous, however, is the fact that Lex can write too.... You simply have to read her CyberSix fan fic, Preying on a Hate Dream, it's too funny for words...(My favourite part is the one about Lucas and the monkey....) Check out the "Freetalk" section as well for her rambling on CyberSix and friends. :)
The Blind Monkey has some tutorials on drawing CyberSix, a must-see for all fan artists out there! He's also got some of his drawings up, to make all us untalented-people jealous. ;)
The Cat's Realm. Baset's fan fic characters, including her CyberSix character F3. She did have a CyberSix site, but it was taken down due to problems...If you ask nicely, she might get it up again, or at least re-post those fantastic captioned screen shots of her's...
Sierra's CyberSix Domain, with her fan fic character C-9, her artwork (Check out the rest of her site for it all, it's worth it!), and a list of fan characters. More information on the way, too.
Erika's Place. Cybersix Chick's site about our favorite heroine, from a slightly different angle: The bad guys. ;) Includes info on Jose and her own character, Erika. (Yep, we're Best Friends, despite the entire different-sides issue..LOL)
M-17's Pad. Maggie's site, which includes all the typical CyberSix stuff. The best part, however, is the stuff on her Fan Fic character, M-17, a half-cyborg converted against her will by Von Richter, but is loyal to him. Her art work isn't quite at the same level as some people, but it's still worth the see, and her fics are great. She also has a nice original poem that I recommend you check out. This girl is just bursting with talents! ;)
The Jose Archives. Madison's site devoted to...Jose. If you like the little cloned psychopath, go check it out. (For the record, I'm one of the few girls I know that doesn't think he's adorable.) It also has some info about the other characters and a baby dragon, Meiko (Cute! :) ).
Stacey's CyberSix Site. Also known as Cyber Artist, she's got some of her artwork and animated gifs up. She also has The Cybersix Clock which is pretty cool. (I think it only works on Explorer, but even then, it's still neat...)
Amanda's CyberSix Page. Her character, Kayla (AKA Cyber 338) is very nicely put up here, and she has up the beginning of her fan fics with her own illustrations. I really like this one, so be sure to go here and check it out.
Syber Kat's CyberSix Site. Take THAT, flamers! Yes, she's back, and she's as good as good as ever. She only has a little bit up so far on her character, but she should be getting more stuff up in the near future. Welcome back to the land of the linkable, Syber Kat! :)
Douglas's Webpage. Douglas (AKA Carp's Tail on the message board.) has some picture's he's done in his "Cybersix" section. Nothing else up on our favorite chick with the cape, but they alone are worth checking it out. He's also the wunderkind behind the Unofficial Cybersix Theme, so if you haven't already go and pay hommage. (Not to mention his picture on the opening page...LOL)
Mike Clarke's CyberSix Fan Fics. I beyond seriously recommend these, they really capture the feel of the show, while building on the desperation that begins to grow after the fall of Von Richter. I can't say anything else without giving anything away, just go read them! :)
Cybersix (A Wicked Cool Cartoon Show!). The information here is a little basic, I admit, but the fan fic by C. T. is more than enough reason to check it out.
The Sustenance Storage Chamber. This wins the prize for most innovative lay out, and also the prize for changing the lay out the most frequently. LOL It's got some nice stuff up now, thought, including a quotes page and some personality profiles. I'm looking forwards to :beauty and the beast:, though... :)
The fan webring, started by Small Pixie.It only has a few sites now (all of which are mentioned here) but please join if you have a site.

New Sites
CyberSix Homepage. Very bare, but check it out, and maybe the promised Fan Fic will be written!
Cyberling's CyberSix page. Good background, remember to check out the rest of the site.
Tvashri's CyberSix page. Very nice brief background, gives the major points in two paragraphs.
Buffy's CyberSix page. Has a nice arrangement of pictures. :)
Meridiana, City of the Damned. Just the one page so far, but give it time.

Other Language Sites
Cyberpalace. The first all-French CyberSix site I've found devoted to the show. It's got a bit up about the history and stuff, and if you can read French I recommend it. (I'm nothing near fluent, but even I could understand it. :) )
Another French CyberSix page. Most of the information looks like it came from "The Unofficial Cybersix Page", and the rest I'm not entirely sure I want to understand. In other words, not entirely recommended, even if you can read French.
Cybersix, un anime a la argentina. Can't read Spanish, so I can't comment on the content, but it uses pictures from the Telecom website.

The Comic Book Series

Fan Sites:
The Unofficial Cybersix Page. Best comic based site I've found, it's in English and includes a psychological profile on CyberSix. I use this one as a reference for the comic history, and the one out of the comic sites I recommend. (NOTE: For some reason, the rest of the pages are gone. I'm keeping this information on the hope they return.)
An English site with information on the characters and basic history, it also has Italian and Spanish counterparts. Some nice images, but the profiles are pretty basic.
The Unofficial Cybersix Fun Site. Apparently one of the best known comic fan sites, it looks interesting. Unfortunately, it's in Spanish, so I can't comment on the content.
A Shrine of Despiration. Basically, it's Cape Girl's description of the comic series, lamenting the fact that there's next to nothing about it on the web.

Contains a mention of a showing of CyberSix in an animation festival. Not much else other than a list of cartoons shown.
A live action, Spanish CyberSix show that had eight epidose and was done a few years ago. Anyone got any info on this show? Mail me if you do, please.
Nothing here but some links involving PennyLn and Talkcity. I assume this is the website of the person who goes by Cybersix in some messageboards.

Link To Me!

If you have a CyberSix site that's not on my list, please mail me your address so I can add it. All I ask is a link back to my site in a similar page. Feel free to link, but try to make sure your site is something I wouldn't mind viewers coming in from. (AKA Nothing racist, derogatory, or pornographic.) Here's a  banner I - painstakingly, I might add - made for that purpose if you one of those people that like banners, and code so you can just download the gif, copy the code, and voila! Just replace the stuff in blue with whatever you call the banner, and it should work.

<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="link_banner.gif" BORDER=0><A>

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CyberSix and all related information © TMS and Telecom Animation Film. All writings are original works and property of me. See Credits page for more information.