What is Tennis Development System (TDS)H

1. Conditioning System
From coaches and trainers viewpoints, the activity during a tennis player's or club team's conditioning includes plan, do, check, and act. These activities require a try-and-error approach leading to accumulate success stories and improve negativities.

2. Infomation Management System
From coaches and sports scientists viewpoints, the activity includes collect, analyze, feedback, and put information in the database.

3. Performance Analysis System
From coaches and sports scientists viewpoints, the aim of the activity is to objectively and efficiently analyze competition (game) performance.

4. Talent Identification System
From coaches, trainers, and sports scientists viewpoints, the activity searches talented young players.

5. Junior Sports Development System
From coaches and trainers viewpoints, the activity includes consistant supports to improve junior players performance along with their growth and development.@

6. Coach Education System
The aim of the activity is to gain knowledge and experiences and share these with others to educate coaches leading to high levels of coaching.

7. Career Support System
From managers and agents viewpoints, the aim of the acitivity is to support athletes through athletic career to post-retirement career.

8. Consilience System=Business Management+Ecosystem
From a sports scientists viewpoint, the aim of the activity is to gain knowledge and experiences pertaining to business management and ecosystem in order to find a new way to improve performance.

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