The Slice
The name "slice" doesn't refer to pizza or pie. The slice is next step to making a faster serve.
A slice serve not only adds speed but also the amoung of "stuff" that you put on the ball. To do this, one must advance the right-hand edge a bit so it will lead. To do this, you can't keep an Eastern grip, but to an Eastern backhand grip. (see figure 1). This will give some cut, but no too much. In general, it is wise to change the grip only a very little at a time, for otherwise a person can make the grip too extreme and the ball will go way to the left.

The full swing must be added to the slice grip. This means that after the jump takes place, with the landing you lean way down and then regain your balance. The motion of your arm will actually force you to do this as you add speed.

In a slice serve, note the increased coordination of left and right arms. Their motions become more and more alike. There will be more knee-bending and sometimes after the jump, the right leg will "step through" or in otherwards, take an extra step.
Basic Serve
Figure 1
Follow Through
Time :Log
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