JUSTICE #19 - 'Hero Worship'
May, 1988
(26 Pages)

Cover Artist: Lee Weeks
Writer: Peter David
Penciler: Lee Weeks
Inker: Mike Gustovich
Letterer: Agustin Mas
Colorist: Janet Jackson
Editor: Howard Mackie
Assistant Editor: David Wohl
Designer: Cindy Kruhm
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco


Berme Switz sits at a desk, thinking about the story he caught, one about a group called the "Millenias," when his door is smashed down by several people. They swarm in and proceed to beat Berme to death. A voice rings out for them to stop. This man, named Savior, is tall, dressed in leather with a long goatee. He steps in and commands his followers to burn the house and the body.

A young woman pulling out from a roadside diner swears as the car refuses to go forward (due to the fact that Justice's shields block the car's path). She tries reverse, swears again, gets out and smacks the hood. Justice approaches and offers to take a look under the hood. Faking repairs for ten minutes, he then tells her to start it up and accepts her offer of a ride into Philadelphia -- the town, he thinks, where his daughter lives.

Angela Tensen sits in a college office as a non-descript man tells her that her request for financial aid is denied, thanks to her father still providing 50% of her income (technically). He advises her that she finish the year, work to get the rest of what she'll need and come back. Later, in a bookstore, Angela talks with a friend but rushes outside suddenly, believing she saw her father.

Savior talks to his believers, telling them to convert people by relieving them of their possessions, and if they will not be converted, they should be killed. Angela strolls past an alley only to be jumped by two of Savior's followers, Nicky and Bud, and ordered to strip. Bud uses a switchblade to barely cut her cheek, causing her to pass out. They prepare to strip and kill her when Justice steps into the alley, proceeding to beat the punks into living hamburger. After using his shields to slam Bud into the wall, he asks Nicky about this "Savior." Bud says his magic tricks don't scare them. Justice knocks him out, starts a "magic trick" involving putting the unconscious Bud under a garbage can, and channeling his sword through it, leaving the can untouched but vaporizing Bud. Nicky tells him everything. Soon afterward, Angela wakes up in a hospital and learns that the man who brought her in had white hair.

Justice follows the information Nicky gave him to the Millenias' base of operations. Savior points out their similarities before Justice delivers an unseen kick to Savior's crotch. The two of them begin to fight in earnest, Savior ripping up the floor to trip Justice and using a piece of the same floor to smash into his back, sending him tumbling through the hole. The fight continues, with Justice gaining the upper hand, finally beating Savior down to the floor. Savior yells for his followers to attack Justice, only to have them turn on him. Justice allows this poetic justice to continue unabated. The followers kneel in front of Justice, wishing to worship him before he yells at them to go home. After they run away, Justice finds a safe crammed with stolen money and jewelry.

The next day Angela enters the office of Mr. Schreiber, the man who told her that her request for financial aid was denied, who tells her to hold on as she tries to wheedle help out of him. He informs her that her tuition is paid in full for next year and the year after that, even with increases. A government fellow came in and put the money into a trust fund, he says. Angela asks about the man, and learns that indeed her father was he.

Summary written by Rod Myers Jr.

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