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Frontier Open Source

News | Introduction | System Requirements | Download

Source Code | Change History | Known Problems


24 Oct 2004 : Created this web page.


Userland Frontier™ is a powerful cross-platform web content management system and scripting environment, formerly a commercial product, that is now open source.

For more information on the open source version of Frontier, visit the Frontier SourceForge project.

To be automatically notified of updates, I recommend using the mailing list subscription feature offered by

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System Requirements

Requirements for running Frontier :

  • Mac OS 7.x/8.x/9.x (most recently tested with Mac OS 9.2.x)
  • or Mac OS X 10.1 or newer (most recently tested with 10.1.5, 10.2.6, 10.3.3)
  • or Windows 3.x/95/98/ME/XP/NT4 (most recently tested with Windows 98)

Requirements for building Frontier :

  • the above requirements
  • Frontier source code
  • Metrowerks CodeWarrior v8.3 (Mac OS or Windows)
  • or Mac OS X Developer Tools (Xcode)
  • or Microsoft Visual Studio C++ v6


Files are stored as StuffIt (.sit) binary files, or Apple Disk Copy device image (.dmg) files, or MacBinary (.bin) files, or BinHex (.hqx) files. You may require an appropriate FTP client and/or web browser settings.

The ".mac" (or iDisk Public Folder for user "teague") web site appears to have more reliable file transfers.

Source Code

The source code for Frontier is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License accompanying the Frontier source distribution.

The sources required, are available from the Frontier SourceForge project.

Change History

28 Sep 04 :

v10.0a1 Initial release of Frontier open source.

Known Problems

v10.0. Some.
News | Introduction | System Requirements | Download

Source Code | Change History | Known Problems

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Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Terry Teague
Date Last Modified: 10/24/2004
Replace "abuse" with "teague" in EMail address

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