Chamberlin and Chambers of Tetbury in 1735

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Chamberlin, Chamberlain

The family has 31 entries.
James Chamberlain wed Mary Teakle 6 Apr 1675
Mary Chamberlin wed William Stoaks 11 Sept 1675
Elizabeth Chamberlin wed Samuel Dyer 17 Apr 1704
James Chamberlin wed Sarah Cook 21 July 1706

The Hearth Tax at Rodborow
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
1672 Rodborow Tithing William Chamberlin Discharged Poor

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 B 2/12/1 23-Nov 1717 James Chamberlin attended Court Leet dinner at the 3 Cups
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718 Page 15, James Chamberlain house 4-0-0
D 566 R 1/6 24-Dec 1726 Anthony Chamberlin received 2/- from Madam Hodges Charity of 10 pound for the Poor
D 566 L 7/8 27-Dec 1732 John Chamberlin received 2-10-0 Robert Clark boy's apprentice money

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
John 69, his wife Mary 67, and two children Mary 29 and John 15
Thomas 48, his wife Jone 45, and his two children Elinor 18 and James 16
James 60, his wife Sarah 55 and one Servant
Not in Census Anthony 49

Court Leet Roll 1735 - James p12 (Town Jury), James Junior p11, John p11, John p13, John Junior p13, Thomas p11

Ted Prince research for 1735
James Senior
Overseers paid 8d for yarn for Combers,
and 6d for hanging worsted for ye old men.
John Presented to Court Leet by Town Jury for laying dung in the streets before his door.
To be removed by 5th Nov on penalty of 5s
Thomas Presented to Court Leet by Town Jury for erecting posts or rails before his door
and in the streets or waste land.
To be removed by 5th Nov on penalty of £1

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Chamberlin John House 13.01&w 2cd - pr4
He 1676-60 Mary 1678-60 Mary 1706-80 John 1720-
Chamberlain Thomas House 20.04&w 2cd - lg1 ch5
He 1687-46 Jone 1690-46 Elinor 1717- James 1719-44
Chamberlain James House 22.04&w 1sv- ch3
He 1675-44Sarah 1680-45

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 M3 1738 Carnals (Meat Inspector) John Chamberlin the Younger
D 566 B 2/5 24-Dec 1739 John Chamberlin took James Aldridge, a poor child of Tetbury as Apprentice
D 566 Z5 03-Jan 1739 John Chamberlin received 2-10-0 James Aldridge boy's apprentice money
D 566 M4 1746 417 members of the Court Leet Page 12 John Chamberlin the Younger, John Chamberlin
D 566 M4 1750 Constable of the Court John Chamberlin the Younger
D 566 M4 - 1754 439 members of the Court Leet Page 6.2 John Chamberlin
D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 4.2 John Chamberlin, Page 6.2 John Chamberlin

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
1742-3, John Chamberlin Ratepayers in Tetbury rate set at two shillings in the Pound,
Page 54 1-00-00
Page 54 3-00-00
Page 425 ratepayer Chamberlin in the Green Apr 1747

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
On 04-Feb 1754 John Chamberlin family received 10/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 20-May 1754 John Chamberlin family received 10/6 allowance each 4 weeks
On 23 Jan 1758 John Chamberlin and wife received 12/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 11 Dec 1758 John Chamberlin and wife received 12/- allowance each 4 weeks

Bigland recorded
Tomb in the churchyard, north side,
Jane, wife of John Chamberlin and Daughter of Francis and Jane Hobbs,
died Decr 21, 1701, Aged 21.
Rebecca, daughter of John and Jane Chamberlin, died Febr 26, 1702 aged 18 weeks,
and here are interred also
Jane Wollery, Widow, who died May 16, 1730, aged 76 years.

Anthony Chamberlin 16860211 - 17370319, son of Thomas, buried his wife 17090428.

Eleanor Chamberlin baptised 17170609, daughter of Thomas, married on 17350928 to her first husband, James Arnell 1711 - 17440402, who baptised Stephen 17361118, James 17380225, John 17400627 died, twins John and Edward (he died) 17420217, and Nelly baptised 17440608, two months after her father was buried 17440402.
Eleanor was a widow 8 months, then married on 17450127 to James Warn baptised 17230118, son of John and Judith. James Warn baptised Judith 17460710, Sarah 17490530 - 17520828, Elizabeth 17500805, and Robert 17541222.

Francis Chamberlin Master teaching the trade of Wheeler for apprentice Paul Laughton son of Samuel, 21 pounds fee, tax 10/6 reference Kew Public Record Office IR 1 50 dated 11-Oct 1741

James Chamberlin was in the group of 43 who attended the Court Leet dinner at the 3 Cups on 23-Nov 1717

James Chamberlin, Woolcomber, 1680 - 17441231, married 17060721 to Sarah Cook, 1685 - 17450424 buried 4 months after her husband, and buried a daughter 17111015. These are the only mentions in the Tetbury Registers.

Will of James Chamberlain 1744/20

Intestate Statement made 4 March 1744 (old date style)
James wife Sarah is deaf and illiterate and can not read or write so she asked that Richard Smith her husband's chief creditor be appointed in her place to administer his estate.

James Chamberlin 17190208 - 17470907, son of Thomas, married 17430622 to Emme Butler, 1721 - 17550116.

James Chamberlin and Elizabeth 1745 - 17780506, buried son James 17760303 and baptised Jane 17770221.

John Chamberlain 16761121 - 17600301 aged 83, son of Anthony, buried his first wife Jane, daughter of Francis and Jane Hobbs 1680 - 17011223, and baptised Rebecca the same day and buried her 17020228 aged 2 months.
His wife Mary 1678 - 17601115, aged 82 baptised Mary 17060817 - 17800121 aged 74.
John Chamberlin took James Aldridge, a poor child of Tetbury as Apprentice, record dated 24-Dec 1739

Lydia Chamberlin 1707 - 17531223, daughter of James, married Samuel Dyer 16780329 - 17460831 aged 70.

Thomas Chamberlin 1680 - 17460608 aged 60, could be a brother of John. His widow Jone was buried a month after him, on the 3rd of July. He baptised Eleanor 17170609 and James 17190218.


George Chambers wed Elizabeth Recats 26 Dec 1655
Edward Chambers wed Katherin Kilmester 29 Apr 1686
Edward Chambers wed Esther Tanner 10 Apr 1692
Sarah Chambers wed Edward Isbury 10 Aug 1698
John Chambers wed Mary Bezie 27 Dec 1702
Thomas Chambers wed Jone Gumer 7 Apr 1713
Sarah Chambers wed John Loyd 2 Mar 1711

Will of Elizabeth Chamber 1679/17

Will written on 24 May 1658 and Proved in 1679
Daughters Margaret, Frances Beale and Alice to share her clothes
All the rest to son Peter Chamber and appoint him sole executor

Will of George Chambers 1685/129

Intestate Statement on printed form, made by George, son of the deceased

The Hearth Tax at Tetbury
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
None in Tetbury Oct 1672 Edward Chambers 1 Poor On Overseers list
Oct 1672 Edward Chambers 1 Poor Discharge Certificate
Oct 1672 George Chambers and forge, 2 hearths West Street
Oct 1671 John Chambers ? hearths Page 1
Oct 1672 Richard Chambers 1 Poor On Overseers list
Oct 1672 Richard Chambers 1 Poor Discharge Certificate
Hearth Tax families in nearby places
1671, 1672 Avening John Chambers 2 Clark
1671, 1672 Horsley Giles Chambers 4 hearths
1671 Horsley Mary Chambers Exempt Poor
1671 Horsley Sarah Chambers Exempt Poor
1671, 1672 Horsley Walter Chambers 3 Poor
1671 Horsley William Chambers Exempt Poor
1671 Minchinhampton James Chambers 1 hearths
1671 Minchinhampton James Chambers Discharged
1672 Minchinhampton John Chambers Discharged
1672 Minchinhampton Timothy Chambers Discharged Poor
1671, 1672 Minchinhampton William Chambers 2 Poor
1671 Minchinhampton William Chambers Discharged Poor
1671, 1672 Minchinhampton William Chambers Discharged Poor

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
P328a OV 4/1 22-Oct 1687 Edward Chambers served as Apprentice to Edward Chambers
P328a OV 4/1 22-Oct 1687 Edward Chambers Master to Apprentice Edward Chambers
P328a OV 4/1 05-Feb 1690 Edward Chambers Master to Apprentice Francis Chambers
P328a OV 4/1 05-Feb 1690 Francis Chambers served as Apprentice to Edward Chambers
D 566 B 2/2 05-Oct 1703 George Chamber uncle was paid 2-10-0 as his Apprenticeship money
P328a OV 4/2 02-Nov 1709 William Chambers served as Apprentice to John Sidman
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718
Page 10, Edward Chambers rent 1-6-0
Page 09, Edward Chambers rent
Page 02, Edward Chambers Chief rent
Page 05, Richard Chambers house owned by Jonathan Holton
Page 13, Richard Chambers house owned by Richard Kilmaster
D 566 B 19 Dufton, The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718 Page 17, Richard Chambers land leased from Sam Saunders
P328a OV 7/24, in Workhouse Nov 5th, 1725 George Chamber's Child
D 566 R 1/6 24-Dec 1726 John Chambers received 2/6 from Madam Hodges Charity of 10 pound for the Poor

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
John 40, and his wife Elizabeth 37
Thomas 33, his wife Elizabeth 31, two children Ann 7 and William 5
Not in Census
Edward 10, eldest child of Thomas
Alice 28, Mary 30 and her daughter Elizabeth 1
Edward 27, Francis 23

Court Leet Roll 1735 - John p4, Thomas p4

Ted Prince research for 1735
The Overseers paid Farmer Chambers for wheat

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Chambers John House 6.13&w- ch2
He 1695-54Elizabeth 1697-40
Chambers Thomas House 6.16 &w 2cd - lg1 ch5
He 1702-66Elizabeth 1704
Edward 1725 Ann 1727-50 William 1730

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 M3 1746 - 417 members of the Court Leet Page 8 Edward Chambers, Page 4 John Chambers, Page 8 Thomas Chambers
D 566 M4 - 1754 439 members of the Court Leet Page 3.1 Edward Chambers, Page 3.1 Thomas Chambers
D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 3.2 Giles Chambers , Page 3.2 Thomas Chambers, Page 3.2 William Chambers
D 566 R 1/7 Dec 1773 John Chambers Senior, received 6d at Christmas inside Column 2, Langstom and Maltby Charity

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
Page 368 Elizabeth Chambers horsehire to carry her to Bridewell and John Parker for Justices 12-00 28-Jul 1746
Page 377 Elizabeth Chambers expenses of 12-00 taking her to Justices and Bridewell 22-Sep 1746
Page 409 Elizabeth Chambers being lame 06-Apr 1747
1742-3, Page 54 James Chambers Ratepayers in Tetbury rate set at two shillings in the Pound,
Page 5-00-00
Page 4 John Chambers Payments each 4 weeks 00-01-06
Page 177 John Chambers given 03-00, has a broken leg 13-Feb 1743 (Old date)
Page 423 John Chambers Ratepayer of Tetbury Apr 1747
Page 4 Widow Chambers Payments each 4 weeks 00-02-06
Page 407 Widow Chambers receive an allowance each 4 weeks 06-Apr 1747

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
On 04-Mar 1754 John Chambers was given 6d, being ill
On 01-Apr 1754 John Chambers burial cost 12/-
Rate set at 4/- in the Pound, listing by streets is new in 1754
126 Long Street, downwards Thomas Chambers 1-16-0 house and stock
On 04-Feb 1754 John Chambers received 4/9 allowance each 4 weeks
On 01-Apr 1754 John Chambers doctor visit cost 1/6

Edward Chambers Master to teach trade of Blacksmith to apprentice Edward Chambers Junior, his son, reference P328a OV 4/1 dated 22-Oct 1687

Edward Chambers Master to teach trade of Blacksmith to apprentice Francis Chambers, his son, reference P328a OV 4/1 dated 5-Feb 1690

Edward Chambers 1680 - 17140825 baptised Thomas 17020303, Easter 17090314 and buried Edward 17120520.

Will of Edward Chambers 1720/183

Intestate Statement made in Sept 1720 by Hester Chambers, widow and relict of Edward

Edward Chambers 17251008 - 17851003, son of Thomas, married 17500226 to Sarah Blake 17260303 daughter of Charles, and baptised Edward 17510124.

Francis Chambers 1675 -17121230, from Didcot baptised daughter Francis 17001030, Sarah 17040228, Mary 17051011, Alice 17070406 - 17480208, Edward 17080722 - 17510205, John 17101128 - 17120817 and son Francis 17121230 born 3 months after his father died, died from Small Pox and was buried 17230201.

Giles Chambers, 17450703 son of Thomas, the 12th child born, married Elizabeth, and worked as a Chimney Sweeper. He baptised Edward 17730730 - 17851003 aged 12, Thomas 17750417 - 17821117 aged 7, and James 17770117 lived 4 months.

John Chambers, baptised 16951017, son of Edward, married 17160126 to Elizabeth Stancomb buried 1700- 17400618.

Mary Chambers 17051011, daughter of Francis, baptised her baseborn daughter Elizabeth 17340512

Sarah Chambers 1675 - 17241008 married 16980810 to Edward Esbury 1674 - 17460712 aged 72, and baptised Daniel 16990805, Thomas 17020124, buried Child 17040310, baptised Sarah 17041209, and Mary 17070815.

Sarah Chambers baptised her baseborn sons Robert 17180909 and Stephen 17200623. She married Robert Crook two days after baptising Stephen.

Thomas Chambers, a Woolcomber, 17020305 - 17660707, son of Edward, married 17231226 to Elizabeth Beal, daughter of Mathew and Elizabeth Beal baptised 17040528 and buried 17521214. They baptised Sarah 17240720 - 17250114 lived 5 months, Edward 17251008 died before his father leaving son Edward, Ann 17271228 - 17500513 aged 22, William 17300205, Rebecca 17320102 - 17340522 lived 2 years, Jeremiah 17331125 - 17341030 lived 11 months, Rebecca 17351102 - 17410609 lived 5 years, twins 17380411 - 17380504 John and Thomas both lived 3 weeks, Elizabeth 17390705 - 17410527 lived 22 months, buried Thomas 17430815 and baptised Giles 17450703.
12 children and two (numbers 4 and 12) survived to bury their father

Will of Thomas Chambers 1766/165

Will signed on 22 Jan 1760 and Proved 5 Aug 1766
To my two sons William Chambers and Giles Chambers I give all now in the hands of John Baldwin Blacksmith as tenants in common and not as joint tenants
To my grandson Edward Chambers one guinea to be paid to him rwelve months after my decease
All the rest of my goods to my two sons and appoint them joint executors.

William Chambers, a parentless child, and Richard Caudle the elder, a labourer, made an Apprenticeship agreement with John Sidman of Box, Wiltshire, glover, and Katherine his wife, for William to serve for 7 years, for the sum of 50/-, reference P328a OV 4/2 dated 2-Nov 1709

William Chambers buried a child 17211228.
William Chambers 17300205 - 1809 son of Thomas, married 17530513 to Elizabeth Beal 1729 - 17531001 aged 24, and she died five months after they married.
He then married 17640718 to Mary Mower and baptised Ann 17650420 and Joseph 17751209 who lived 10 months.

Will of William Chambers 1810/10

Will signed by his own hand on 2 May 1787, and is Proved on 12 Jan 1810
Wife Mary is to have the house he bought from his brother Giles Chambers, and is appointed sole executrix
Then it goes to his daughter Ann wife of Michael Shipton
Then to his daughter Sarah Chambers

George Chambers left a Will Proved in 1856, reference number 1856/219

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