Episode 32-"Comes the Time of Testing..Carmen's Baptism of Fire!"

A brief highlight from the previous episode..Mikey gives Carmen his FilmBrace and VCP dispenser..The Scanrangers battle TriloByte and his minions, with Carmen as the new YellowScanner.
Normally, it would be near the end of the episode where our heroes counterattack MAYHEM's monster du jour, but we'll try something different-On to the action already in progress!
YellowScanner and BlueScanner smashes a cybercreature with their FilmBlades. GreenScanner follows with a two-fisted punch-PinkScanner with her shield in the monster's face. KuroLobo couldn't bear the punishment dished out upon him! It was RedScanner's cue to finish the cybercreature, then the team could break out their CamZooka or the CineMasher! As Vin ran to use his new sword, the Cinerama Cutlass, Yellow ran ahead of Red.
"Mate! Wait, Yellow!" shouted Blue.
"Don't worry, guys! I'll take care of dogface here! I've got this!" said Carmen. She ignored the others and was about to use her Anime Film Energy, and became one with Saint Seiya(or Knights of the Zodiac) and used Pegasus Seiya's signature move Pegasus Ryuseiken. However, KuroLobo simply stepped out of the way, tripping her to the ground. "How was your trip, Scanranger?" replied KuroLobo. The monster then teleported despite its injuries.
"Blast! We had him! He got away!" said Pink. "All we had to do was to let Vin do his thing, and the monster would've been finished, but a certain non-team player got in the way.." The others looked at Yellow.
"What?" Yellow replied in a somewhat defensive response. "That monster's in no shape to attack! We'll get it next time around.."
"There may not be a next time!" said Red. "What was you thinking? You did your part! I could've destroyed the cybercreature!"
"These cybercreatures come back stronger!" said Pink. We know how MAYHEM works! Can't you understand? You haven't been in many battles yet, and you've got to take this seriously, Carmen! This isn't a Superman thing..We work as a team!" At the same time, Professor Alex was watching the battle from her office at Mt. Columbia Catacombs, shaking her head.
The next day, Carmen was walking on her way to campus. At the same time, two slackers noticed her and began to follow her. One of the guys tried to get her attention.
“That campus girl looks so fine..” said one of them.. “I’d definitely like to have her go out with me..”
“You think you could get that junior-sized ‘J Lo’ for a date?” said the other. “I’d like to see you try..”
“All right, you’re on!”
The first guy pretended to bump into her, knocking her books down. “Oh. Excuse me, but I lost my phone number..Could I borrow yours?”
“In your dreams, creep..Take a hike.” Carmen replied, walking away from the two. The first guy was highly insulted. He yelled at her, insulting her in turn.
Carmen was offended at that remark. She turned and used her Anime/Sci-Fi Film Energy and summoned a Darth Vader-type being to strangle the two annoying guys, using the Force.
“AAGGGHH! What the blazes is going on? Something choking me..” said the second guy gasping for air.”
“I-I can’t hold on much longer!” said the first guy with his feet dangling in the air also.
“You WILL apologize to the pretty girl immediately, lest you taste my unforgiving wrath!” said Carmen hiding her voice, using deep vocals.
“Hey, girl..I-Aggh! I’m sorry ..
“S-Same here..M-my badd..”
“Now..Beg for forgiveness..” she continued.
At that moment, Toni and Mikey, in a wheelchair, saw what was happening as they walked on by.
“CARMEN, STOP!” shouted Toni. Alarmed , Carmen’s energy being dissipated, and the two guys ran away. "What the blazes do you think you were doing?"
"Those two idiots insulted me, even made a derogatory remark at me!" Carmen replied.
"That's no reason to retaliate.." said Mikey. "I don't think you're aware of this-but what you did almost compromised your secret identity!"
"That prank you pulled, Carmen..Fortunately, no one else was around when you used your Film Energy..Since you got your powers, you have much to learn about responsibilty.." continued Toni.
"I am responsible! I helped you all in battle, didn't I?" said Carmen defensively.
"That's not the point, Carmen.." said Mikey. Like Spider-Man himself learned, 'With great power comes great responsibility..'" While Toni and Kunio lectured the newest Scanranger, someone else was watching from a distance-namely Anark Key. He chuckled and transported back to MAYHEM headquarters.
"With the original YellowScanner out of the way, the Scanrangers cannot function correctly..Even as I speak, there's dissension on their team...and I can use that to our advantage, Colonel TriloByte.." said Key. "What can this newest member, who can be the weakesr link-hope to accomplish?"
"Don't underestimate that woman, Key.." said TriloByte. "After all, you haven't witnessed her full power, which unfortunately, Lady Vixen and General Ug had encountered."
"No!!" said Vixen. "Let me deal with her! I want that upstart brat's head in a box! Let me take care of her, Colonel TriloByte! She cut my beautiful face! She must pay, with interest!!!"
"Well, what say we settle this the old fashioned way? We'll flip for it.." Key pulls out a quarter. "Heads or Tails?"
"Tails..she said."
Key catches it, and it lands heads. Vixen, frustrated, pouted off without a word. "Sorry, lady..but worry not..I just might save you a few male Scanranger leftovers for you after my Team Nightmare and I defeat them.." He then tosses the coin to TriloByte, and saw the coin was two-headed. "Hmmm.." pondered the substitute MAYHEM leader. "Treachery is afoot, Very deceitful..I like that.."
Back on campus, Mikey looked at his watch. "Whoa, I've gotta go..I need to meet up with the rest of my study group..Check you ladies later.."
"Bye, Mikey.." said Toni.
As Mikey rolled on to class, and Carmen talked to Toni, the two women were hit with an explosion, courtesy of Anark Key, leaping from the vortex.
“Hello, ladies..Are you two looking for a date? A date with your destiny?”
“Anark Key! What do you want?”
“Like I said, a date with destiny, alias dead! And I intend to complete that by taking out the both of you!”
“Like, that’s gonna happen, mohawk face!” said Carmen.
“KuroLobo!” The cybercreature leaped upon Toni and tried to wrestle her to the ground, but she kicks the monster over with a judo throw, back at Anark Key.
“Get off me, dog!” said Key. As he was about to use his energy chain, Vin flew out of nowhere to kick the MAYHEM captain. Nick and B.C. followed, kicking KuroLobo as well.
“You ladies all right?” asked Vin. Nick and B.C. shielded the three. Key swung his chains, shouting ‘FIRE FRY!’and blew his fire directly at the students. Before the flames made impact, the five transformed. “CAMERA! ACTION! SCANRANGER!” RedScanner attacked the cybercreature with his FilmBlade, then gave it a roundhouse kick. YellowScanner went after Key, as he swung the chains like a hurricane, blowing Carmen to the ground. As the other four began to counter, KuroLobo shot out a freeze mist at them.
“TIMBER FREEZE!” shouted KuroLobo. He proceeded to freeze Red, Green, Pink, and Blue.
“Guys! Speak to me! What have you done to them?” said Yellow.
“Nothing..Just put your friends on ice..” said KuroLobo. Meanwhile, Key used his chain to bind Yellow’s leg to drag her over. As Carmen was about to hit a tree, she used both of her legs to spring them back at Key and KuroLobo. Using the “WARP SPEED SMASH!”, she rammed the both of them like a torpedo. At the same time, Team Nightmare took the captured Scanrangers and teleported away.
“NO! Give them back! Come back here!” cried Yellow.
“Four out of five isn’t bad!” said Key. “We got what we came for!” Key said. “Let’s go!”
“Right, Master Key!” The cybercreature and Key escaped as well, with both of them laughing in the distance, leaving Yellow very much alone.
Later at Mt. Columbia Catacombs, Carmen curses herself for not helping her teammates.
Professor Alex walks into the IMAX briefing room. “This is all my fault! If I hadn’t been so pig-headed, Vin would’ve destroyed that monster, and the guys would’ve been safe!”
Alex interrupted her. “This is a serious lesson you have to learn..especially in battle..I’ll briefly explain it to you as I explained to the team..Number one, there’s no I in team..Number two, like a movie production crew, everyone works together, from the star of the film to the behind-the-scenes crew. In order for the film to be successful, everyone must do their part as a team..”
“Now, I understand why you’re the director..” replied Carmen. “and I understand why Kunio and the others respect you so much..”
"Professor! I have a message from one of the MAYHEM captains.." said Sarita.
"What? Punch it up on the video screen.."
"YellowScanner! You're wondering how I got through your communications..We at MAYHEM have our ways.." It was Anark Key and Team Nightmare with the frozen Scanranger statues.
"Get to it, Key! What do you want?" said Alex.
"This message is for YellowScanner..It does not concern you! Are you ready to bargain, little lady?"
"What is it?" Carmen asked.
"In order to save your friends, I'm willing to make a deal..I'm giving you four tasks you must do for me..The first one is as follows..There exists an out of print movie book that lies within the most dangerous street in the country..I wish for you to retrieve it..The second and third is a pair of tapes that include the most horrific creatures on Hollywood."
"You're making it too easy..Anark.." Carmen said. "What about task number four?"
"The last task shall be to my picking..I make the rules here..You win, they all go free..You lose, then you lose your new pals.." The Team Nightmare member Jetzun uses a sample crystal ice sculpture and swings his double-edged hockey blade, shattering the statue into shards!
Carmen tried to hold her composure. "All right,you win..I'll retrieve your items.."
"One more thing, miss Jennifer Lopez wanna-be.." Key continued. "You have near the end of the day to complete the tasks, including the fourth unknown item..which means you only..five hours..I'd get cracking if I were you..Heh heh heh.."
"What do you think you're doing, Carmen?" said Alex. "You must know it's obviously a trap!"
"Don't you think I know that, Professor? Besides, I've made up my mind..There must be an agreeable heart, even in the evil of men.. Just one thing I need.."
Later, at the Leewood Park Mall, Carmen went to the Moonbay video store and saw two of the videocassettes Key had inquired about. Behind Carmen entered LaceFace and Sugar Guy two of Team Nightmare's members.
"What's this? Who are you?" she asked.
"Just your friendly neighborhood chaperones.." replied LaceFace. "We just wanted to make sure you hold up your part of the bargain, as per our orders from Master Key.." said Sugar Guy. He puts up his sharp hook across carmen's neck. "Remember, if you fail, your friends are history within four hours.."
Carmen wanted to find a way to escape, to try to let these people know about these monsters. The cashier approached the three. She was about to warn the clerk. "Hey, rad looking costumes, man! I forgot about that horror/slasher movie convention on the other side of the mall! I've gotta check it out after work! The cashier turned to Carmen. "Looking for any movie in particular?"
Carmen was frustrated. "My teammate's lives are at stake! I don't need the extra pressure with these creatures on my back! How can I pull this off without breaking the law?"

Act Two

While Laceface & Sugar Guy checked out their counterparts on video(Candyman and Leatherface) Carmen then bought the two tapes. "Finished yet, girl?" said Sugar Guy.
"I got it! I got it! What's next?"
"You'll find out soon enough.." said LaceFace. "Move it!" Their task led her to an old mom-pop bookstore in Somerville, and they retrieved the out of print book of International Horror Monsters of Film.
The three rendezvous with Key, with Yellow finishing the first three tasks.
“I’ve got what you need..A deal is a deal..” said Carmen.
“Not quite yet..my love.” said Key. “The final task is relatively easy..The tech specifics of StuntMaster, your new robot! I want the program!”
“StuntMaster? That’s going too far! I can’t do that!”
“Well, I guess that means the end of the Scanrangers, then..” Key communicates with Jetzun, who kept the imprisoned Scanrangers on ice. “Jetzun! On my command, break up the Scanranger statues!”
Before the monster lifted up his hockey blade to finish the job, “NO! WAIT!” cried Carmen. “I have no choice..I’ll do it..I’ll retrieve StuntMaster..”
“Good..good.. I knew you come to reason..My two chaperones shall meet you at these coordinates..You have now only a half hour..Heh heh heh heh..”
She ran as fast as she could to finish the final task. “Curse you, Key!” Carmen muttered to herself.
Carmen returned to Mt. Columbia after she handed over the rare book to MAYHEM. She steps into the computer room and activated the console. She pulled up the file of StuntMaster, which had all the tech specifics and the workings of the utility robot. Dr. Markby passed by and saw Carmen. She then double-checked to make sure it was the right program, then took the StuntMaster disc, putting it in her inside coat pocket.
“Carmen!” said the doctor. She was startled. “What are you doing? That’s the specs for StuntMaster. What’s going-”
She body-checked Dr. Markby and ran off without a word. “CARMEN! GET BACK HERE! GUARDS! GUARDS! STOP HER!”
Anark Key saw the yellow ranger stealing the disc from Nebultopia with his Team Nightmare colleagues. “Excellent! Once we have StuntMaster, we’ll reprogram it and use it for our own dark purposes! LaceFace! Sugar Guy! Retrieve YellowScanner and that disc!”
“As you say, Master Key!” said LaceFace. She and Sugar Guy teleported to an open field not far away from Leewood Park.
Carmen was able to elude the MCC security by teleporting out, meeting with the two TM cybercreatures. “You win, blast you..I won’t let you get away with this!” she said.
“All’s unfair in love and war..” said Sugar Guy. ‘Get used to it!” As Carmen was about to hand over the disc, it shattered during the transaction.
“What? Who did that?” said LaceFace.
The answer came in the form of SilverScanner, who shot the disc in pieces with his MagnumSilver.
“SilverScanner!” said Sugar Guy.
“I see your true colors now!” said Takeshi. “You were about to sell us out to MAYHEM, traitor!”
“SilverScanner, No!” cried Carmen. “Do you realize what you’ve done? Now the rest of the team is going to be destroyed!”
“We’ll do that, after we destroy your friend for his interference!” said LaceFace.
“You’re welcome to try, creatures!” said Silver. The two went at it with Takeshi and battled while Carmen was about to get paranoid about her soon to be jeopardized teammates.
“The fate of the Scanranger team is on my shoulders, I can’t give up! I CAN’T GIVE UP! I WON’T GIVE UP!” At once, Carmen’s hair turned red, and gained extra strength, and transformed into YellowScanner! First, She pulled out her ScanLaser to take out Sugar Guy, she pulls out her FilmBlade and duels with LaceFace. Swiftly, the FilmBlade breaks LaceFace’s chainsaw.
“What? Impossible! No one could break my chain saw in two!!” said the Team Nightmare female.
“Well, meet Miss No One..” replied Yellow. She summoned her Anime Film Energy, becoming one with Sailor Moon, she imitated one of SM’s finishing moves(Rainbow Spiral Heart Attack), the only difference was when Yellow was spinning, she uses the sword and spun towards her target. Yellow fire surrounded her as she shouted her newest attack..
“CINEMA CALIENTE!” Carmen slashed through LaceFace. The female cybercreature began to explode and sparkle, but still conscious.
Suddenly, Carmen’s Film Energy depleted, her hair turned back to brown, and her body suit dissipated.
“Carmen! What happened? Dai so ka? Are you all right?” asked Silver.
“What happened? I can’t power up like before! What happened to my Super-saiyan energy?"
“Awww, the little yellow bird lost her power..” said LaceFace. She threw a blade, and Carmen moved out of the way, but the blade slightly slashed her right arm, and ripped her shirt sleeve. Yellow held it to keep it from bleeding. “Did I miss? Don’t worry, we ain’t gonna at this range!”
“I can’t seem to fight off these B-Movie boogey men..What do I do?”
“Hang on, Carmen..We just need to buy a little more time..” Silver said.
In response, Sugar Guy replies, “You can do nothing, except die!” As he was about to slash Carmen with the hook, SilverScanner guarded her, the ground began to shake, Sugar Guy looked and saw StuntMaster! The robot slapped Sugar Guy across and over the horizon. LaceFace was next, and she replied, “Bye!” and teleported away.
“Yatsu ta! All right! Good show, StuntMaster!” said Silver. “Let’s now work out a plan to save-AHHH!” Suddenly, in mid-sentence, Silver was also hit by KuroLobo’s Timber Freeze gun.
“Silver! Silver! No! They’ve got you too! Dios, No!”
KuroLobo came out of nowhere, and attacked Carmen. She threw the cybercreature out of the way. “Five down, one to go… We’re not finished, Scanranger! When I’m through with you, you’ll see things crystal clear!”
“Give me back my friends!” she replied.
“Try and make me, little girl!” said KuroLobo. “TIMBER FREEZE!” The monster shoots Carmen, but she somersaults out of the way. She leaps off KuroLobo’s shoulder, bounces off a tree, and using her capeoira skills, kicks the cybercreature in the face! As the cybercreature fell, KuroLobo dropped his freeze gun!
As she does so, Anark Key enters the mix! He attempted to hit her with his chain, but missed.
“You’re pretty tough with that chain in your hand, and proving yourself by beating up girls! Didn’t your mother teach you not to do that?” said Carmen.
Key swung his chain, and Carmen blocked it with KuroLobo’s gun, breaking it! With the broken gun, Silver was free from his statue form, and the imprisoned Scanrangers transferred from Nebutopia down to the battlefield, and are now free!
“Hey! We’re free!” said Blue.
“I can move around again!” said Green.
“Blast! Look what you’ve done!” cried Key.
"Are you all right, Carmen?" asked Vin.
"Now that you guys are safe, I sure am!"
"Good, because the wolf's at the door, and we're gonna slam the door smack in his face! Go ahead and transform, lady!"
"Right!" Carmen began to do her 'henshin'. "LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! YELLOWSCANNER!"
KuroLobo ran towards the rangers, but PinkScanner used her “Maniac Stomp’ to put the monster off balance. GreenScanner called up his HoloClones of the team to confuse the cybercreature. ‘Where are you all?’ He swung at the team members but his claws went through them.
“Looking for us?” Green replied, kicking KuroLobo. Blue followed, using his Comedy Film Energy, using his ‘Anvil Chorus Crash.’ and dropping a group of anvils on the cybercreature’s head.
Silver was next, using his Tokusatsu Film Energy, and followed with the Kamen Rider based, ‘SILVER PUNCH!’
“All right, you wolf in cheap clothing!” said Red. “This time we play for keeps! To the moon, creature!” Vin summoned his Action Film Energy, and as before, he calls up his new weapon, the Cinerama Cutlass, a newer version of his SwashBuckler sword which was destroyed by Blackorg. In the same way, he becomes one with Yoshimune, Errol Flynn, and Zorro, he combines all three of his previous attacks (Abarenbo Slash, the Flying Flynn Finish, and the Zorro Zlash).
The other five rangers all gather in a circle as Red jumped, and the rangers give him a boost up to deliver the final blow to the cybercreature!
“CUTLASS CRASH!” Red slashes three times through KuroLobo as the monster finally falls and explodes!
"Stupid dog..” said Key. “It seems I’ve got to do everything myself!” As Key was about to attack with his energy chain, he forgot all about StuntMaster, who grabbed him from behind.
Suddenly, StuntMaster grabbed Key as he dropped the tapes. "LET ME GO, YOU TIN -FOILED TRANSFORMER! LET ME GO!"
“I anticipated that you weren’t going to play fair, Key, so like the Beatles said, I got by with a little help from my friends. I asked an old friend about the three tasks you wanted me to pursue." Carmen had talked to Kunio to get some advice about the captured Scanrangers. He had handed her a tracer to put on the tapes. It'd probably would made sense to check the tapes before claiming..After all, to use Film Energy, you need something to work with.." Carmen holds up a Microsoft Word tape and peeled off the cover. Even your toadie General Ug would've figured this out!"
"For the record, Silver had a hand in this too..The disc I brought was no more than a blank recordable CD.” Carmen showed Key the broken CD Silver shot at.
“Very impressive acting skills, YellowScanner.” said Silver.
“Thank you..” she replied.
"You're gonna pay for that, woman!" Key replied, still struggling to get out of StuntMaster's grasp. At that moment, an energy blast hit the robot, releasing Key. It was TriloByte and Ug.
"You may have won this battle, but the war is far from over! KuroLobo! Front and center! You know what to do!"
The KillerBytes activate within the completely damaged cybercreature's body, and in the usual sentai fashion, grows into a giant!
“Scanrangers! Listen!”said Alex. “All the repairs on the Box Office Smashers have been completed! You can use them now!”
“All right! We could use all the power we can get!” said Red.
“If you guys need some back up with WideScreener, you know to call me!” said Silver.
“Thanks for the assist, but we can handle this..” said Green.
The Scanrangers gather and act in their usual fashion as well. "ROLL 'EM! BOX OFFICE SMASHERS!" The BOS's fly from the Hollywood Hills, get into their V formation. As our heroes land in their respective mecha. Red of course, gives the call, "BOX OFFICE FORMATION! BLOCKBUSTER!" With the mighty robot's part fully repaired, BlockBuster goes into action, sending the combatants into the Cine Vortex, and into the typical soundstage full of buildings.
KuroLobo ran towards BlockBuster, and in the same way the cybercreature played YellowScanner, the Scanranger robot sidestepped aside and tripped the monster. BlockBuster then applied a few judo throws, slamming KuroLobo to the ground.
The monster retailiated with its Timber Freeze, but it didn’t have any effect on the mighty robot.
In return, Red shouted, “BLOCKBUSTER BARRAGE!” All the cannons and wrist blasters shot down the monster mercilessly!
"Now! PSI-TEK WAVE!" Red shouted as KuroLobo was helpless, being thrown down to the ground and back up again. BlockBuster was in position to finish off the cybercreature.
"BLOCKBUSTER ENERGIZE!" the team yelled, with the robot blasting off towards KuroLobo. "BLOCKBUSTER BOMB!" With that signature move, KuroLobo was blasted to bits! "That's a wrap, people!" said Yellow. "You took the words right out of my mouth!" replied Blue.
The next day, the Scanrangers, including Mikey, meet at their favorite spot in the cafeteria.
“Great work, Carmen! You’re a hero! You’ve passed the test!” said Nick.
“I am? I did? After how I totally screwed up?” she replied.
“We all make mistakes in some way..” said Mikey. “and yet that’s the reason why I said what I said..With great power comes great responsibility. Even when the chips were down, you knew what you had to do..You could have given up, but you wouldn’t give TriloByte the satisfaction..It’s that ‘never give up’ attitude that won the day..that extra smidgen of willpower helped you free your teammates.”
“And, in the end, everyone worked together..” said Toni.
“In a way, we could have found a way to escape that crystal trap, but Professor Alex has Mikey and Takeshi as trump cards in case anything went wrong, but you were the one who saved us from being a permanent collection in MAYHEM’s museum.” said Vin.
“We’re proud to have you on our team, Carmen..” said Toni.. Carmen blushed slightly in a humble fashion.
Back on Nebultopia, Anark Key was licking his wounds. Colonel TriloByte had already completed the tasks Key had failed to complete. "Instead of a primitive tape, he didn't think about a video disc.." TriloByte had claimed a sci-fi DVD, an action DVD, and a comedy DVD with strong language. "All I had to do was to go into the human department stores(actually TriloByte went to a street vendor in New York hawking bootleg tapes and paid with a $50 bill-fake!)in disguise.."
"How in blazes did he get money?" Key pondered.
The vendor realized his mistake. "What the---? That crook suckered me and gave me a counterfeit $50!"
TriloByte watched out in space at the Earth. "Enjoy your victory, Scanrangers..With my Lord Blackorg's help and as he recovers, I assure you it shall certainly be your last!"

To be continued...

In our next Scanranger adventure..Something new..something different..A tribute to James Bond..a tribute to Austin Powers, even a tribute to Triple X! Believe it or not, these three heroes all team up together to save the world! Okay,okay, I lied.. for now you have to settle for B.C., Nick, and Vin..
Next time on Movie Task Force Scanranger-Episode 33
"Three the Easy Way or Tomorrow Never Dies Another Day"
Nick in British accent: Yeah, Roll That Film, Baby!
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Episode 33