I've given up on my Tom Felton guild. No one would join. I'm now part of a better guild. The Neopian Plaza. I'm third on the guild council and am the official wesite maker for the guild. You can go to the guild website here. If you are not part of a guild or are part of a crappy one, join The Neopian Plaza. Thanx so much for your support!!!

Click the Grundo to join Neopets.

4 The Members
The guild webbie is looking good so far. Give me any suggestions that you may have. You can e-mail them to me, Neomail them to me, or sign them in the guestbook. Oh! and I made a page just for you guys! The link to it is only here, so if you want to return to it, you'll have to come back here. The Neopets help will stay until i get it up on the guild webbie. I'm hopeing to get even more help on it. Hope it'll be soon, too. Remember to refer the guild to as many people as possible! We're growing fast and we don't want to stop.

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