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5/24/05 WOW!!!!!! almost a year since i last updated!!!! i'm really not into this websiting thing anymore. my intrests have just changed, that's all. like i said in my last intry, i've been listening to a lot of music. music is now my life. i've devoted myself to choir (my favorite thing EVER) and band. i have soooooo many favorite bands these days (with The Used in the lead) and all that is just more important to me now than tom felton. don't get me wrong, he's still an extremely attractive guy and i'd sooooo date him if i ever got the chance, but i'd rather be reading about bert mccracken than writing things for other people to read about tom. no hard feelings, i hope. i'll leave this site up until the end of time, so you can still come back and reminisce about all the good times we had together..... and you can still use the forums actively. i might even come back and post once in awhile. and if you have questions about tom, i'll be happy to answer them so go ahead and e-mail 'em to me. if i don't have the answer, i'll find it. i'm a bored person, so i won't mind. if i ever have a whim to add something to the site one day, i'll be sure to let you guys know on the marquee.

6/21/04 wow....its been more than 4 months since i last updated. i haven't been in the mood for websiting. i've been reading a lot and listening to a lot of music lately. i've really really gotten into good charlotte. billy martin's so hot! oh and i've heard that Tom's got a girlfriend now. i'm not 100% sure its true. it might be. i dunno. i wrote a POA movie critique. be sure to go take a look. i'm also takin extras down because angelfire is being a butt now and if the pics are on anything but an angelfire site, they don't work. *sigh* maybe i'll be able to find another free provider.

2/5/04 lol....i obviously haven't updated in quite awhile. i just haven't been in the mood. i never did upload those pics i told you about. i'm starting to just give up on the whole pics thing. i dunno.....i'll never be able to top what tomfelton.com has now. you guys have seen it, right? its HUGE. the good news is, though, that i've decided to start working on a new layout cuz this one's sucky. who knows when it'll be up, but it will eventually.

i bet you all knew it was coming. i took the calendar page off. i never updated it. ever. i got tired of it. but i am so exited that we now have forums. you can go and chat with other people that are on the site at the same time as you. even if no one else is on, you can leave a post and come back later to see if anyone's replied.

12/25/03 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! and for all you jewish people out there, HAPPY HANUKKAH!!!! and for all you peeps that celebrate Kwanza, HAPPY KWANZA!!!!! i don't know if there are any other holidays that are celebrated this time of year, but if you celebrate them, HAPPY (insert holiday of your choice here)!!!!! k. i think that about covers it. *phew*

i know its been FOREVER since i last updated, but i've been really preoccupied. i got some new pics for ya, except they're not really new. they just weren't on the site before. i still gotta upload them, so if you go look an none of the pics are new, its cuz i haven't gotten them up yet.

i thought you guys might wanna know that i've taught myself how to make blogs. i mean the pretty ones with pics behind them and everything. you can use them. just go here. and i apologize for the mess before hand. rather than designing a new layout for the new site, i just copied and pasted the html code from this site onto that one and altered the codes. all the links still go here. like i said, i've been preoccupied.

11/24/03 POA trailer has been released! YAY! Go here to see it. Tom is in it for, like, 2 seconds, but those are 2 seconds of heaven.....

Big huge apologies to anyone who tried to talk to me today. i am so sorry! i got off the computer and forgot to log off and it was like that for hours. i am soooooooo SORRY! i promise it will never happen again.

On the up-side, Tom is now 6'1". OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That makes him even more hot than he was, if that's possible.

I'm tryng to win a Phenomenal Award. Go to the Vote 4 Me page, or go here.

11/09/03 Extras is up!!! and in addition to that, i got fanart up, too!!! Kudos 4 me! you prolly noticed the links at the top of every page to starpages.net. i have just shown up on the list and i don't have too many votes yet. if you haven't voted yet, i'd LOVE your vote. thanx bunches!

I've kinda been neglecting JOTW. the fact is that i have no more jokes and no time to look on the internet for some. *sigh* i'll try to change it soon.

11/04/03 guess what? i'm workin on a ~surprise~ for you guys. it might not mean too much to some of you. but i still won't tell. nope. i won't say a word cuz its a surprise. FINE! if you wanna know that much, i'm gonna get Extras back up. for the peeps that have just discovered this site, i had a section on the site that had nifty images and stuff to put on your site with HTML codes to copy and paste. for reasons out of my control, i had to delete it:( anyway, i'm gonna get it back up and its gonna be a whole lot better. this time i'll have a lot more stuff and music.

10/25/03 Hullo, friends! i'm feeling happy. i don't know why. maybe its just the fact that Tom Felton exsists.....lol! i wanted to upload pics, but every time i try it says it can't find the page. i'll try again tomorrow, i guess. OMG! i just realized something. i forgot to make a callendar for this month! September's been up all month. well doesn't that suck. i guess we won't have an October callendar. maybe i'll decide to make one. it all depends. check back.

10/15/03 How is everybody? i wanted to put more pics up, but my sister is hogging the computer they're saved on. *sigh*

Well.......Fall Break is almost over. i DO NOT want to go back to school. i hate school and i hate my life. no.....i don't exactly hate my life. its just having to work all the time makes it so miserable. i guess i can't really be talking too much. there is a lot of kids my age or younger that work a lot more than i do. i just have so much to do. i'm a Jr. Optimist board member, a cheerleader, a band member, a choir member, and am in Algegra 1. that's the most advanced class at my school. i just feel so overwhelmed by it all sometimes. i'll shut up now cuz ya'll prolly don't wanna hear about all my problems anyway. i bet emma fan (read prev. entry) is wanting me to shut it, so i'll do what Queen Of The World wants. i'll try to update soon.

10/13/03 I am SO SO sorry i haven't updated in so long. my dad disconnected the internet cuz my room wasn't clean. ugh. i'm pretty sure i'll update on Fri. and upload more pics for you. i'm going to visit my sister on the other side of the state and won't be back till fri. there is always the chance that we'll stay another day or somthing so i'm not promising anything. check back, though, to see.

lol. someone signed my guestbook saying that this site sucked and everyone who says its good sucks, or something like that. i don't really remember. anyway, if you have a mean comment just e-mail it to me i'd be glad to read it then laugh at it. mean and rude things can't hurt me or offend me so it's really no use even trying. i guess they were an emma fan....lol. if you don't tnow what i'm talking about, go to Pictures>Tom and Emma. i'm sorry if that upset anybody, but it is a free country and this is my site and i put on it anything i want. the truth is, i'm just the jealous type. sorry if anyone got mad. i actually have nothing against Emma. she's just skinnier than i am, prettier than i am, richer than i am, her job is the job i've wanted since the beginning of time, and she knows Tom Felton. what's worse is i'm exactally 5 months older than her. I'M OLDER!!! why can't i have what she has??? *sigh*.....o well....

Oh! i almost forgot. i'm working on a new site for all those delicious HP boys. i'll be sure to tell you when its up!

9/30/03 I spent 6 hours on the pics yesterday and most of them are up. YAY!!! tom is so sexy! there is also a new callendar.

An brand-new page is up: Name Analysis. it talks about the names Thomas and Andrew. it's kinda hard to explain so go check it out!!!

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