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Running in and around Thailand


Australia, Cool Running
Belgium & Benelux, Jogging International Magazine, complete calendar
Brazil, race calendar
Canada, Race Calendar
Europe, Running in
France, Marathons in
Germany, Running in
Holland, Race calendar for
Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association
Hong Kong, Athletic Veterans of
Ireland, Mountain Running Calendar
Irish running calendar
Israel, Running in
Italy, Marathon races in 
Japan, Marathon Guide
Malaysian running calendar
Malta, race calendar
New York, Sri Chinmoy marathon calendar
New Zealand, Calendar of running events
Russian race calendar
Scandinavia, Running in
Scotland, Running in
Sweden, Running in
South Africa, Running in
South Africa, running calendar
Spain, Calendar of marathons in
Switzerland, Running in 
UK , Runner's World - Calendar
US, Runner's World - Calendar

AIMS Calendar of marathons
Dead Runners Society
IAAF Calendar
Marathon Guide
On the run
Runner's Web
Running "portal" - run-down
Run the Planet
Yahoo list of marathons