X-Men 2020 Role-Playing Records
The following is the story in Air Raiser's X-Men 2020 RP at http://www.oocities.org/the2020rp/.

This role playing thread invovles the interaction between Joey and Changeling between December 3rd and the and January 9th. Continued in part VIII.

NOTE: Not every single posting was copied into this file. Only the posts that actually added to the plot line where added. Most of the Out Of Character (OOC) comments have been eliminated to save space. Some of the text as been changed to combine two or more different threads. If you have any problems with with this notify me, Sirah at the2020rp@yahoo.ca

Posted by Changeling on 12/3/2001, 5:10 pm
Something at the back of her mind tickles at her senses, but she ignores it, since that area was where the vampire half resides. She continues on with the two angels.

Posted by Joey and Sky on 12/3/2001, 5:13 pm
Joey's eyebrows rise at Changeling's words, but he doesn't comment. He had suspected that she couldn't remember when she'd asked what his apology was for after he'd healed her, but he hadn't thought that her memory would remain missing. The silver haired teen was rather glad that Changeling couldn't remember. Who knew how she'd react to the memory of that particular experience? It wasn't pleasant from any point of view.
Sky nods absently, busy steering the two through the crowded streets. Eventually she guides them into a restaurant, they're soon seated in a booth in one of the far corners. The silver-blue haired woman picks up a menu and flips through it thoughtfully. She quickly decides what she wants, flips the menu closed and places it on the table. If one happened to look at her hands while she was doing this they might have noticed that her two middle fingers seem to be glued together. Her head tilts as she realizes something. "I don't think I caught your name..." She says to Changeling, raising an eyebrow at Joey as if wondering why he hadn't introduced his friend.
Joey is studying everything, it'd been awhile since he'd been in a restaurant (aside from the diner). The silver haired teen seems particularly interested in the cutlery. Following the other angels lead he picks up his own menu and starts leafing through it. He didn't really know what to order. He does even notice when Sky cocks an eyebrow at him, he's busy with his menu.

Posted by Changeling on 12/3/2001, 5:45 pm
She also picks up her Menu and looks through it, a triffle confused by all of the different foods. She glances around at what everyone else is eating, curious to see what some of the things on the Menu actually look like. When Sky asks her name she grins and looks up from her pursuit of breakfast "I thought you knew, since you seemed to know so very much else about me." she smiles wider and continues "Eliza."

Posted by Joey and Sky on 12/3/2001, 5:53 pm
"For some reason I seem to have problems pulling names out of thin air. Go figure, one would think that would be the easiest." She shrugs cheerfully, then holds out one of her hands for Changeling to shake. "Nice to meet you. As you've no doubt heard, I'm Sky."
Joey sits, pondering. Should he have the chocolate chip pancakes and be a little kid, or get something more mature? The silver haired teen smiles slightly as he puts down his menu. He was an angel, he didn't have to worry about eating a healthy breakfast. Chocolate chip pancakes it is.

Posted by Changeling on 12/3/2001, 6:05 pm
She grins and shakes hands "So, what brings you to New York? I'm assuming that you're new here, since neither I nor Joey recognised you...?" she cocks her head curiously, picking up the Menu again.
She raises an eyebrow and glances at Joey when he sets his Menu down, wondering what he's ordering. She's close to a decision herself, but she wasn't sure about some of the things that looked suspiciously like cooked fingers. Sausage didn't used to look like that...

Posted by Joey and Sky on 12/3/2001, 6:22 pm
Sky's grip is strange, almost like she only has three fingers and a thumb. Her skin doesn't feel like the normal human skin it appears to be either. Scales seem to be closer to the truth. Sky grins in Joey's general direction. "I looked quite different last time Joey saw me.." She says, absently fiddling with the watch-like devise on her wrist. "Quite different." She repeats before answering the rest. " Yup, just arrived a few days ago." She shrugs in answer to the first part. "Business..." She says vaguely, she seems to be rather amused by her own answer.
Joey studies the other angel almost worriedly as she fiddles with the watch. Appearing in her real form in a restaurant was something Sky would do. The silver haired teen doesn't relax until Sky's hand moves away from the watch. He's rather intrigued by her last answer. Was she being obscure on purpose, or was this one of the angel bonds that actually worked on her?

Posted by Changeling on 12/3/2001, 6:39 pm
She finally decides on breakfast and sets her Menu aside "Business?" she's curious; maybe this angel didn't have the same kinds of restrictions Joey did, or maybe she could just get away with more. Either way, she's curious to know just what an angel does... apart from healing people and saving their lives, that is.

Posted by Joey and Sky on 12/3/2001, 6:47 pm
The silver-blue haired woman shrugs. "Business." She repeats, still sounding amused. The conversation comes to a sudden halt as a waiter drops by to get their orders. Sky looks like she's trying not to break out laughing at Joey's order. The silver haired teen's expression doesn't change. After all, Sky was having chocolate milk with her order. The waiter zips away after giving both of the angels wierd looks. It isn't long before their food arrives on the table, the restaurant wasn't that busy at this point in the day.

Posted by Changeling on 12/3/2001, 7:14 pm
She grins as her huge breakfast arrives. Eggs, pancakes, ham, sauseage, bacon and hashbrowns, along with a large glass of milk. When she sees Joey's plate of chocolate chip pankakes and cocks her head curiously. Strange... She shrugs and starts on her pancakes, spreading the butter and drenching them in syrup.

Posted by Joey and Sky on 12/3/2001, 7:18 pm
Joey can't help grinning at Changeling and her reaction to his chocolate chip pancakes. He digs in with relish.
Sky smiles at the two and starts on her own food.

Posted by Changeling on 12/3/2001, 7:41 pm
She trys to savor her breakfast, but she's just to hungry. She finishes the pancakes and moves on to the eggs, then ham and hashbrowns. She pokes at the sausages, still convinced they looked like fingers and sips from her tall glass of milk.

Posted by Sky on 12/3/2001, 7:50 pm
She finishes quickly and sits back, watching the other two eat. She's still for a moment, then blinks suddenly and stands. " That's my call, I gota go." She leaves the booth then turns back, digging around in the pocket of her jacket. " This should cover the bill.. You two can stay and finish, then get the bill.." She says, lobbing a small roll of cash at the stunned Joey. Then she leaves the restaruant, moving quickly. The angel disappears quickly into the crowd an is gone.

Posted by Changeling on 12/3/2001, 7:57 pm
She blinks when Sky stands and again when she leaves, watching her with wide, curious eyes. She swallows her mouthful of bacon and glances at Joey "Call?"

Posted by Joey on 12/3/2001, 8:06 pm
"Somebody needs help.." He says absently, his head tilted. He was listening hard, trying to figure out just what had happened. Eventually he shrugs and turns his attention to finishing his breakfast. He looks at the money in front of him. His eyes widen as he looks at the roll of cash in his hand. There was a lot more then was needed to cover the bill.

Posted by Changeling on 12/3/2001, 8:14 pm
She nods understandingly and finishes her large breakfast with a sigh. When she notices the look on his face, she leans over and cranes her neck to look at the roll of bills.

Posted by Joey on 12/3/2001, 8:17 pm
He turns in his seat to study the door that Sky had left by. "Well, I'd say that solves your food problem."

Posted by Changeling on 12/3/2001, 8:30 pm
She laughs and chokes slightly "I guess so!" she sits back, digesting both her breakfast and the day's events so far. And it wasn't even mid day yet!

Posted by Joey on 12/3/2001, 8:36 pm
He continues to eat his chocolate chip pancakes looking spacy.

Posted by Changeling on 12/3/2001, 8:39 pm
She sits back and muses, wondering again where Tracker could be.

Posted by Joey on 12/3/2001, 8:49 pm
The waiter comes by, asking if they want anything else. Joey shakes his head, he was full.

Posted by Changeling on 12/3/2001, 8:52 pm
She smiles and shakes her head as well, then waits for Joey to pay the bill before standing and stretching.

Posted by Joey on 12/3/2001, 8:56 pm
He pays, still somewhat amazed by the amount of money Sky had casually tossed to him.

Posted by Changeling on 12/3/2001, 9:20 pm
She smiles and starts toward the door, then pauses, waiting for Joey.

Posted by Joey on 12/3/2001, 9:24 pm
The silver haired teen follows as Changeling heads towards the doors. He's gone spacy again, he's thinking.

Posted by Changeling on 12/3/2001, 9:30 pm
She smiles at the look on his face and turns to her own thoughts, glad to have a little time to sort things out.

Posted by Joey on 12/3/2001, 9:31 pm
Joey absently follows Changeling's lead, maybe she had someplace that she wanted to go.

Posted by Changeling on 12/3/2001, 9:33 pm
She meanders through the crouded streets, unconciously heading back towards the warehouse. Maybe it was because the crowds thinned there, or maybe she just did that automatically, but soon they leave behind the taller buildings of the big city.

Posted by Joey on 12/3/2001, 9:36 pm
The silver haired teen eyes the sky above him, still thinking. Running into Sky made him wonder just how many other angels he knew might be wandering around in this city that he didn't know about.

Posted by Changeling on 12/4/2001, 5:39 pm
She slowly realizes where she'd been leading them and smiles slightly. It was better farther away from the city anyway. Maybe they could go to the beach again...

Posted by Joey on 12/4/2001, 5:45 pm
He's somewhat more spaced out then usual, plodding along like a man in a dream.

Posted by Changeling on 12/4/2001, 5:50 pm
She smiles and looks up at him, noticing his distance. The beach would be nice... so she leads them off towards her secret flying spot.

Posted by Joey on 12/4/2001, 5:55 pm
The silver haired teen follows absently, still a million miles away. It's a good thing that the sidewalk is fairly even, he would have ended up on his face several times by now if the terrian was at all challening.

Posted by Changeling on 12/4/2001, 6:18 pm
She continues on, smiling at the first breeze of moist sea air. They'd be there soon, and in the air again. She breathes in the salty air, anxious to be on the wing again and mostly alone.
That thought brings back what she'd been contemplating earlier and some of the joy disappears from her attitude. She'd have to tell him sooner or later... she'd gotten him into too much trouble already and she couldn't tell the future.

Posted by Joey on 12/4/2001, 6:24 pm
He blinks, suddenly conscious of the fact that he had been completely and utterly spaced out, then looks around. He'd been so oblivous that he hadn't even known were they where headed. He smiles slightly as he recognises the area, completely unaware of Changeling's darker thoughts.

Posted by Changeling on 12/4/2001, 7:28 pm
She continues on in silence, trying to banish the thoughts that haunted her concience. Soon, they reach the beach and she smiles, the sight of sand and salt water finally taking the place of the all too vivid scenes that swam before her eyes. She steps onto the sand and looks around; deserted as always. With a grin, she shifts into her pale gold wings and takes off, knowing that Joey'll be close behind.

Posted by Joey on 12/5/2001, 1:29 pm
The silver haired teen takes a quick look around , making sure that there was no one about. When he's satisfied that the beach is empty he flicks open his wings, running across the beach to get into the air. He can't figure out why flying felt so strange, until he realizes that Changeling still has his trench coat and his halo. Joey smiles and does a barrel roll, heading towards the golden winged figure above him.

Posted by Changeling on 12/5/2001, 6:49 pm
She smiles, then feels slightly uncomfortable with his trenchcoat on. When he joins her, she glances at him, wonering if she could manage to take it off and stay in the air at the same time...

Posted by Joey on 12/5/2001, 6:53 pm
He flies silently behind her, having too much fun flying to pay much attention to anything else.

Posted by Changeling on 12/5/2001, 7:03 pm
She decides to try it, and flaps hard to gain a little more altitude, just incase. She stretches out her wings into a soaring position, then quickly takes one arm out of the trenchcoat sleeve. After checking her position, she is careful to keep a hold of the coat so it didn't fly off her back the moment she removed her arm. That done, she wonders what to do next, since it'd be nearly impossible to reach around and pull the coat off her back and stay aloft at the same time. A second later, she grins with the idea and lets go of the trenchcoat, tucking her wings back and diving down a few feet below it. She opens her wings again and catches the coat, her smile broadening.
She glides back down toward Joey and offers him his trenchcoat, still grinning.

Posted by Joey on 12/5/2001, 7:11 pm
He watches this little manuver with his head tilted, he seems to be rather intrigued. He takes his coat with a grin, rather amused at his own observation. He'd never manage to do that without falling out of the sky.
So he settle for falling out of the sky. He simply tucks his wings, making them disappear, and starts to fall. He manages to get his trench coat on and then snaps his wings open again, turning his momentim into a dive. He skims over the waves then comes back up again.

Posted by Changeling on 12/5/2001, 7:16 pm
She watches him curiously as he falls, wondering just how his shirt and coat work to let his wings through. Probably some special angel thing, she decides. When he turns his momentum into a dive she grins and watches him rejoin her.

Posted by Joey on 12/5/2001, 7:20 pm
He absently does another barrel roll. He felt much better now that he had his trench coat back.

Posted by Changeling on 12/5/2001, 7:24 pm
She laughs joyfully, relaxed in the freedom that wings provided. She abseltly wonders why people didn't sprout wings earlier, but figures that they stayed away from everyone too different from them, like people with wings, because they were jealous, thus dooming their race to flightlessness. She sighs deeply and then clears her mind to properly enjoy the flight.

Posted by Joey on 12/5/2001, 7:36 pm
The silver haired teen looks back towards the beach, and nearly falls out of the sky in surprise.
A distingushed man that appears to be in his late forties or early fifties stands on the beach, watching the two winged figures in the midmorning sky. The white in his steel grey hair gives it almost a silver sheen, making it hard to decide if it's actually silver, or just a strange shade of grey. He's watching both Joey and Changeling with equal amusement, but his attention seems to be focused on Joey.

Posted by Changeling on 12/5/2001, 7:52 pm
She follows his gaze downward and just stared. This beach was always deserted! She'd used it for at least twenty years with no disturbance... what was that man doing here? Then she notices his hair and smiles. Oh...

Posted by Joey on 12/5/2001, 7:55 pm
Joey really hopes that wasn't who he thought it was.
The man below seems to have found out what he came for. He continues his walk along the beach, moving like a much younger man. After a few steps, he just kind of disappears...

Posted by Changeling on 12/5/2001, 7:57 pm
She blinks as he suddenly disappears, then turns to Joey for answers. She catches the look on his face and wonders "Joey, who was that?"

Posted by Joey on 12/5/2001, 8:02 pm
The silver haired teen continues to watch the place were the man disappeared. If that wasn't who he thought it was, that was a heck of a lot of coincidences. "Cardigin... Leonardo Cardigin." He says quietly, not sounding too thrilled about this.

Posted by Changeling on 12/5/2001, 8:07 pm
She blinks "Who?"

Posted by Joey on 12/5/2001, 8:11 pm
"Leo Cardigin. He' a.." He pauses there, unable to say what he wants and lacking the vocabulary to come up with another word. "Co-worker." He settles for finally. "He doesn't like me very much, he thinks I'm an airhead." His tone is distinctly sullen during the last bit.

Posted by Changeling on 12/5/2001, 8:16 pm
She raises an eyebrow at his choise of words and laughs "Doesn't like you, huh? And I honestly don't know where he gets that idea..." she smiles slyly "You're an excellent actor, though." She doesn't mention that she'd figured that angels were incapable of such 'human' feelings and opinions.

Posted by Joey on 12/5/2001, 8:25 pm
He doesn't reply to her comment, but the corners of his mouth curl upward. He smiles faintly, not quite reading her mind. After all, it was a pretty common idea. "There's only so much you can do with humanity. It seems there's always going to be people that don't like you. It just doesn't go as far..." He trails off, unable to say any more without getting himself in trouble. "He thinks Sky's a menace to society.." He grins at this. Sometimes Sky was a menace to society. He blinks at this, not quite sure he wanted to continue that train of thought with himself.

Posted by Changeling on 12/5/2001, 8:30 pm
She nods somberly, then laughs at the comment about Sky "Naw, she's just a little... different." she smiles broadly.

Posted by Joey on 12/5/2001, 8:34 pm
He laughs, he'd heard sky described with somewhat less flattering words, but it was true. " She usually describes her self as unique individual..."

Posted by Changeling on 12/5/2001, 8:38 pm
She grins "Same difference..." and returns to the joy of flight. After a moment or two, she turns back to Joey curiously "What's Sky's true form? Or is it a touchy subject... ?"

Posted by Joey on 12/5/2001, 8:46 pm
He laughs. "Touchy is not one word I'd use to describe it." He goes spacy for a moment, trying to decide how to describe Sky's rather unusual real form. "The only description I can think of is a blue featherball..." He says, sounding entirely too innocent.

Posted by Changeling on 12/5/2001, 8:56 pm
She blinks and raises an eyebrow "Oh?" she's really curious now.

Posted by Joey on 12/5/2001, 8:59 pm
He laughs again. "Yes, next time we run into her, just ask, she'll be all too delighted to show you. Just don't ask in a crowded place... The results are..." He just shakes his head, evidently remembering some funny incident.

Posted by Changeling on 12/5/2001, 9:01 pm
She smiles "I'll remember that..."

Posted by Joey on 12/6/2001, 1:31 pm
The silver haired teen just smiles.

Posted by Changeling on 12/6/2001, 5:08 pm
She grins back, then returns her attention to the flight, soaring higher on a warm updraft. After a moment, she looks back at Joey again, her curiousity getting the better of her "Why do you think he was here? That guy down on the beach, I mean..."

Posted by Joey on 12/6/2001, 5:12 pm
"Not a clue, I wish I knew.." He trails off, going spacy as he starts thinking.

Posted by Changeling on 12/6/2001, 5:35 pm
She looks puzzled, then thoughtful. "And how come we suddenly run into two other angels today, after all that time..."

Posted by Joey on 12/6/2001, 5:39 pm
He nods absently. "Yeah.."

Posted by Changeling on 12/6/2001, 5:46 pm
She continues to think on the matter, but then shrugs and gets on with the flight. She could think of things like that later, after... but she wouldn't even think about that now, shoving it to the side and refocusing on now. It was warm out over the sand dunes, and she let herself go to the relaxation of effortless soaring, closing her eyes with a smile and a sigh.

Posted by Joey on 12/6/2001, 5:50 pm
He does an absent minded barrel-roll, still thinking.

Posted by Changeling on 12/6/2001, 6:02 pm
She hears the rush of wind created by his stunt and grins, still complacently soaring through the warm updraft.

Posted by Joey on 12/6/2001, 6:09 pm
Joey's comletely spaced out, as usual.

Posted by Changeling on 12/6/2001, 6:21 pm
Changeling glances down at him and grins.

In the part of town, where ya don't wanna be. (*grins*)
Posted by Eva on 12/3/2001, 9:09 pm
Eva walked cautiously through the streets and alleyways, sidestepping the garbage that littered the streets, ignoring stares and blank-eyed looks that were attracted to her strange form and even stranger eyes. Her sheer white blouse billowed over her dark blue tanktop and miniskirt that exposed rather than hid long slender yet strong legs.
Her rotating gaze darted too and fro as if searching for someone in particular, and she kept looking down at her watch as if it were a map of sorts.

Posted by Tracker on 12/3/2001, 9:17 pm
He lounges atop a stairwell, watching the goings on beneath him and mulling things over in his mind. He's in his invisible shield, safe from prying eyes and minds, so he doesn't think much of people below. However, Eva catches his eye. Maye it was the way she is so out o place in the shadowy streets, or maybe it's the way she walks, ignoring everything as if it were nothing of consequense. It wasn't, of course, but still... most people atleast glanced at the homeless and drunken as they sprawled out of alleys. She's not close enough as yet for him to notice her strangely shifting eyes.

Posted by Eva on 12/3/2001, 9:24 pm
She continued to pick her way through the streets, consulting her watch once more before stopping not too far away from where he was. Her strangely rotating metallic silver eyes searched the area around her. It was quite obvious she could not see him, but that she could sense him was another matter. She pulled back her watch, revealling a number tattood into her wrist, and she glanced at it absently, perhaps not even realizing she was looking at it, before looking back up again.
But she was not mutant. That much would be obvious to someone who could sense as much. Nor was she a norm. Her eyes attested to that. Strange....

Posted by Tracker on 12/3/2001, 9:29 pm
He watches her curiously, and checks through his list of qualitys he was looking for. Hmm, she met most of them, but there was something else... strange. He had an odd feeling that, even if she did meet all of the criteria, she wouldn't be a suitable partner. Oh well. But he keeps watching her; she helped ease the boredom.

Posted by Eva on 12/3/2001, 9:35 pm
She stood still for a moment, as if listening to something. Then with an amused smile she turned toward him and made the shape with her index finger and thumb of a gun. Her ever-turning eyes made it impossible to tell if she was really focusing on him or if she just knew the vicinity where he was. Suddenly a bullet launched itself from her pointer finger's tip and made a small explosion in the wall next to him on impact.
"Come out of there," she said, amused laughter in her voice. "I only miss on purpose." She did not say it as if she were boasting. "I've a job for you."

Posted by Tracker on 12/3/2001, 9:40 pm
He blinks when she turns to him and jumps at the impact of the bullet. Now there was an interesting question... trust that his shield would keep him safe or risk un-cloaking... He decides to risk it, and drops his shield, becomming visible to sight and sense again. "Did I hear a job offer?" he smiles slightly, but there's no mirth in it. He jumps from his position and lands, catlike before her, waiting patiently for her to explain herself.

Posted by Eva on 12/3/2001, 9:51 pm
"You did indeed." Her hand relaxed and returned to her side. "I hear you're a bounty hunter of sorts," she said as if this were an every-day conversation for her. "There's an interesting character I would like for you to obvserve for me. I say observe because his nature is unknown. Then, if the price is not terribly high I would like you to...obtain him." By the time she finished speaking, all mirth had disappeared from her countenance and she was the epitome of seriousness and business-like manner.
"Name your price."
Was she a fool? Or a genius? Strange how she let him state the starting price of what looked like would be a discussion, however short, over what the price would be if he took the job.

Posted by Tracker on 12/4/2001, 5:37 pm
His smile remains and he crosses his arms as she speaks, respectfully silent unill she's finished "Hmm, a different task from what I'm usually put to, but one definitly within the realm of possibilites." He leans back and contemplates the price "Well, that all depends on exactly who it is, how long I'll be observing him and how... difficult he is to obtain." his face clouds slightly "And if it's nessesary to find another partner." The observation he could handle, it was the capture that had him worried. Sure, he could lay his hands on all sorts of interesting mechanisms to trap whoever it is, but he still liked doing it the old way. It was more fun that way.

Posted by Eva on 12/4/2001, 7:07 pm
She was silent for a moment, as if comtemplating how to explain the situation. "He is not a norm, nor is he mutant. I am not sure of the extent of his capabilites, that is why he must be observed first." She shrugged slightly at his last statement. "You decide if you need a partner or not. It depends on how much you want to risk."

Posted by Tracker on 12/4/2001, 8:55 pm
He nods, grimacing slightly about the slim partner-prospects, then shrugs, leaving that subject alone for the moment, "Two thousand. Bare minimum for what you're asking. Information finding isn't normally my thing, but I suppose I can make an exception in your case." He smiles another emotionless smile then it disappears as quickly as it had come as he returns to business.

Posted by Eva on 12/5/2001, 8:01 am
She frowned in thought for a moment then said, "I can pay you 1500 now as a downpayment. But I am afraid the other five hundred I will have to give you after the job is done satisfactorily."

Posted by Tracker on 12/5/2001, 7:28 pm
He is slightly surprised, having expected to haggle down to what the job was really worth. Not like he minds getting paid twice as much as what he is used to getting, but something about the way she just accepted it. Must be a shortage in good help, he decides. He hides his feelings and inner thoughts well, and just nods "Alright." He gets on with business "I'll need a fairly good picture or description of him, his name and age if you have it, and if you've any clue where I might find him, please don't hold back." he smiles vaguely and waits for the information.

Posted by Eva on 12/5/2001, 8:40 pm
She smiled, and it had the air of knowing something perhaps she should not. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small disk-like object. She pressed a few raised buttons on the surface and an image appeared of Joey as he currently was hovering over the small object on her palm. Then she pressed a few more buttons and a map appeared of New York appeared in miniature with a small red light appearing where evidently he was. With yet another sequence pressed, the chip went dormant once more. She tossed it to him.
"Tracking him should not be hard. I've noticed you've followed him before." She smiled that same knowing smile. "Press the red button then the blue button and you see him. The green then the yellow you get where he is. Hold down all of them at once and you turn it on or off. Don't bother trying to reprogram it to a different signature, you'll just mess the chip up."
She pulled a small wallet out of her pocket as she said, "Cash or check? Or do you prefer your payment it on a credit card? Or maybe you want it on debit?" Her smile turned amused and mirth glittered in her ever-rotating eyes.

Posted by Tracker on 12/5/2001, 8:51 pm
He watches her pull out the holographic device calmly, having see something like it before. When she brings up the picture of Joey, however, he blinks, somewhat surprised. He raises an eyebrow, wondering just how up-to-date her information was. He'd seen him die... hadn't he? He takes the proffered device and pulls up the map and checking again his location. Strange that it was no where near the spot wher he'd left them... nor was it anywhere close to where he would've expected someone to stash two dead bodies. He frowns, contemplating. If what the others had said were true, then the boy just might not be capable of dying... Then maybe Changeling...
He shakes his head slowly, filing away the new information and possibilities for later, keeping his business face carefully blank "Cash, if you don't mind. Checks are all too often phony, and credit cards can be traced..." he smiles slightly at the last part. It was sometimes a good thing to remain annonymous.

Posted by Eva on 12/6/2001, 8:03 am
She watched his facial expressions carefully, noting the nuances perhaps other people might not be able to notice.
Her amused smile remained. "Cash it is then." She proceeded to pull out three 500 dollar bills and handed it to him. "In five days I'll meet you back here and you can give me an update on what you have observed then. What time do you think we should meet?"

Posted by Tracker on 12/6/2001, 6:04 pm
He doesn't seem to notice her observation, his attention focused on the red dot indicating Joey's location on the holographic map.
He looks up at the rustle of paper money and smiles slightly, turning off the hologram and accepting the down payment, tucking it and the projector away in a secret pocket inside his jacket. He considers her question carefully. He didn't particularly want to meet back here, since this wasn't the best part of town, but it was probaly the safest place for their kind of business. He shrugs, "Doesn't matter. Noon's probably best though," he glances around "Less people concious at midday." He wasn't usually so secretive, just when he was on assignment, or dealing with clients; he respected other peoples secrets, and kept them whenever possible. Blowing cover was bad for his reputation, not to mention business.

Posted by Eva on 12/7/2001, 5:52 pm
Eva's smile showed her pleasure. "Noon it is then." She turned, waving vaguely back at him. "I'll see you later." And then something strange happened. Her form began to fade into the scenery until she was just a shimmer in the air that could be mistaken for a heat-haze if not for the fact that it was almost winter. But for a mutant that could sense power, they would be able to tell that this was pure technology. No power whatsover was used.
And the smile on her face as she disappeared was almost like a child's when showing off.

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 6:06 pm
He finally lands on the sands of the beach with a sigh. It was starting to get dark and flying wasn't nearly as much fun during the night.

Posted by Changeling on 12/13/2001, 6:11 pm
She follows him down and hovers a moment in indecision. She didn't particularly want to walk home in the dark again, maybe if they waited a little longer they could just fly there...

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 6:12 pm
The silver haired teen looks up curiously, pausing just before closing his wings.

Posted by Changeling on 12/13/2001, 6:18 pm
She lands finally, but keeps her wings open slightly, ready for a takeoff "Maybe we should fly home... it's faster and easier... and we wouldn't attract trouble..." but her stomache decides to ruin that idea bu grumbling it's hunger again. She sighs and shifts out of her wings. "Then again, if we walk we can always pick up something to eat."

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 6:20 pm
He flips his own wings closed with a nod. "Sounds good to me.."

Posted by Changeling on 12/13/2001, 6:23 pm
She smiles, and starts toward the city from the beach. "You know any fast food places around here?" she's curious to taste french fries, never having been able to enjoy them properly before.

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 6:25 pm
His gaze goes faintly glassy as he thinks. "Yup, there's one not to far from here.." He drifts in the right direction.

Posted by Changeling and Tracker on 12/13/2001, 6:29 pm
She follows, glancing around warrily.
Elsewhere in the city, Tracker follows the blip on his hologram towards the two...

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 6:31 pm
Joey takes the lead, and they arrive at a McDonald's awhile later. He stands outside for a moment, wondering how they were gona pay, before remebering that he'd been given money by Sky.

Posted by Changeling and Tracker on 12/13/2001, 6:37 pm
She smiles and peers inside, watching the lighted room and it's occupants. She glances at Joey when he hesitates "Well?"
He follows them to the McDonalds and smiles when he catches sight of them, pleasantly surprised Well now, they seem to have survived afterall... he considers his options at this point. The money that he'd given Changeling will have run out by now, that would explain the reason they weren't going in. Right now, he could either make himself known, or wait to see what they'd do. He decides to wait, curious to see what Joey has in mind bringing her to a fast food restaurant.

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 6:39 pm
He smiles. "Well, I just remembered that I actually do have money." He steps to the door and opens it for Changeling with a slight smile.

Posted by Changeling and Tracker on 12/13/2001, 6:43 pm
She grins and nods her thanks before entering. Once inside, the sounds and smells, completely new to her, overwhealm her senses and she smiles like a child in a candy store.
He's even more curious to watch them enter, and keeps an eye on them from outside. He doesn't know about Sky, since he was elsewhere when they met up with her, and has no idea where they plan to get the money to pay with.

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 6:45 pm
He smiles, glad that whatever was bugging her so badly that morning had gone. He looks up a the familiar menu. "So what do you want?"

Posted by Changeling on 12/13/2001, 6:49 pm
She smiles and takes in the menu with wide eyes "I really don't know... what's good?" She's completely forgotten her thoughts of that morning and the night before, her worries washed away in the joy of their afternoon flight.

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 6:51 pm
He looks up at the menu his eyes going faintly glassy as he realizes something, he didn't know, he couldn't remember. All the names were familiar, but he couldn't link them with any taste. He shrugs, "I don't really know..."

Posted by Changeling on 12/13/2001, 6:53 pm
She looks back at the lit menu and considers "Hmm, maybe one of those combo things... What looks like the biggest?"

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 6:57 pm
"That one I think." Joey says, pointing at the menu.

Posted by Changeling on 12/13/2001, 7:00 pm
She grins and nods, then steps up to the counter and orders. When the cashier tells her the total, she glances at Joey, since he had the money.

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 7:02 pm
He hands her the roll of bills.

Posted by Changeling and Tracker on 12/13/2001, 7:07 pm
She takes it and pulls off enough to pay for her dinner, then gives the rest back and wanders over to wait for her order to come up. She'd watched from a distance enough times to know that fast food isn't nessesarily fast.
Tracker blinks when Joey produces the wad of bills, and wonders just how much there is. It was very possible that he'd get paid a little more than he expected...

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 7:10 pm
Eventually their food arrives, Joey takes the tray then wanders into the rest of the small building to find a place to sit.

Posted by Changeling on 12/13/2001, 7:13 pm
She follows, looking around at the various posters that advertise deals and contests and such. It was all terribly colorful. She spots an empty table and points it out to Joey.

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 7:14 pm
"Ah." He sides into one of the seats, putting the tray on the table.

Posted by Changeling on 12/13/2001, 7:18 pm
She grins and takes the other seat, then digs into her hamburger "Mmmmmmmmm..." she sais around a mouthful, then swallows and sips at her drink before starting on the fries "Want some?" she offers a couple of fries to him with a huge smile.
She never knew that food could taste so good, the last time she'd eaten anything was over four hundred years ago, and the experience is a little overwhealming.

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 7:19 pm
He smiles at her enthusiasm, and absently takes a few fries. "Thanks."

Posted by Changeling on 12/13/2001, 7:22 pm
She grins and continues with her meal. When she finishes, she sits back with a huge sigh and glances around listlessly "That was actually pretty good. I honestly don't know why some people complain about fast food..."

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 7:23 pm
Joey just laughs.

Posted by Changeling on 12/13/2001, 7:27 pm
She smiles, one eyebrow raised at him, but doesn't comment. She's too full to do much right now but digest "Maybe we should go now... before it gets too much darker?"

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 7:28 pm
He shrugs cheerfully and stands. "Sure."

Posted by Changeling on 12/13/2001, 7:29 pm
She smiles and also gets up, leading the way back outside. She shivers at the cold night air, and is again grateful for the halo. She really would have to get some warmer clothes...

Posted by Joey on 12/13/2001, 7:31 pm
Joey rolls his eyes when he steps out of the lighted building into the dark and starts to glow.

Posted by Changeling on 12/13/2001, 7:35 pm
She smiles faintly "Don't worry, it's not to far from here..." and starts leading the way back to the warehouse.

The silver haired teen smiles absently, still faintly bewildered by his inability to remember what everything tasted like.

Posted by Changeling on 1/7/2002, 7:52 pm
Changeling leads Joey down the street away from their last meal, Tracker following a little ways behind, hidden in his sheild from sight and sense. She's a little worried about the sudden silence, but since he had never seemed the talkative type before, she figures that it's just her immagination making her nervous.
She thinks over what had happened in the last twentyfour hours, and ponders what Joey had said about both the man on the beach and Sky curiously.

Posted by Joey on 1/7/2002, 7:57 pm
He shakes it off, adding it to the slowly growing list of things that he couldn't remember. It wasn't nearly as important as some of the other things he'd forgotten, but it was rather disturbing just the same. He didn't like having holes in his memory, no matter how insignificant they might be.

Posted by Changeling on 1/7/2002, 8:09 pm
She watches him out of the corner of her eye, wondering if any of her previous asumptions about angels were anywhere near correct. She wants to ask, but is fairly sure it's against the rules for him to asnwer, so keeps her curiousity to herself.
She walks quietly down the last street to the warehouse, wondering again where Tracker had gotten off to, and turns down the alley just in time to miss him closing the door behind them. The soft click catches her attention, however, as it echoes off the dark, silent walls, and she pauses at the entrance to the alley. Only a slow intake of breath betrays her struggle to keep her vampire side under controll as she peers arround the corner into the empty alley.

Posted by Joey on 1/7/2002, 8:13 pm
He snaps out of his spaced out manner, alerted more by Changelings sudden struggle with her vampire side then anything else. His head tilts as he listens intently.

Posted by Changeling on 1/7/2002, 8:20 pm
She finally decides that it must've been a rat, or even just something settling in the old building, but hangs back anyway. She trys to reassure herself, but then something occurs to her and she smiles, driving away her fear and regaining controll. Tracker. She smiles at Joey and turns back to make her way down the alley confidently.

Posted by Joey on 1/7/2002, 8:29 pm
He follows silently, still listening. Had Tracker finally returned?

Posted by Changeling on 1/7/2002, 8:35 pm
She opens the door and peers up the staircase, then, after a quick look back to see if Joey's following, she heads up silently. When she reaches the landing she looks around and shrugs when she sees no one, opening the door and entering the office. If Tracker had returned, he's most likely be in later. If he hadn't... she shakes her head, there was no proof what-so-ever that anyone had entered the warehouse just then... only a noise and her intuition. Or maybe her imagination. Well, whatever the cause, if it wasn't Tracker, she'd have nothing at all to worry about. She steps to the still open window and shivers as a gust of cold wind chills the room. They'd have to remember to close that when they left tomorrow... She latches it and turns back, rubbing her arms for extra warmth, once again thankful for the halo, wondering just how cold it really would be without it.

Posted by Joey on 1/7/2002, 8:40 pm
The silver haired teen follows right behind, faintly spaced out once more.

Posted by Changeling on 1/7/2002, 8:45 pm
She smiles slightly and moves to her corner. Suddenly something occurs to her and she almost laughs at herself for not thinking of it sooner. She seats herself, then shifts into a cat. It's dense fur keeps out the cold, and bright eyes catch the light much better than her human form ever could. She grins up at Joey, then halo still suspended above her head, and flicks an ear humorously, ruffling her black fur and raven wings.

Posted by Joey on 1/7/2002, 8:48 pm
He grins as he watches the halo adjust to fit the head of Changeling's feline form. He blinks as a whooshing sound comes from just outside the closed window.

Posted by Changeling on 1/7/2002, 8:53 pm
She flicks an ear at it, then turns to stare intently at the closed window, instincively fluffing her tail and spreading her wings, waiting for another sound.

Posted by Joey on 1/7/2002, 8:57 pm
He too turns to stare at the window. What had that been? There's another whoosh and a thunk as something collides with the shutters. Joey blinks, more intrigued then anything else. Whatever was out their didn't feel dangerous, there was no sense of malicous intent coming from it. In fact, the only negative feeling he could detect was annoyance, and that had flashed when whatever it was smacked into the shutters.

Posted by Changeling on 1/7/2002, 9:00 pm
Somehow, she didn't quite feel threatened either, but her tail was still fluffed as she slunk over to investigate the window. She catches a whiff of outside air and tests it for scents, then turns back to Joey and cocks her head and shrugs as if saying 'Why not?'

Posted by From Outside on 1/7/2002, 9:04 pm
Comes a faintly familliar and faintly indignant sounding voice. "Would you mind letting me in? Staying perched out here is just a tad diffucult." The wind brings the scent of....feathers??
Joey can't help laughing, he knew that voice.

Posted by Changeling on 1/7/2002, 9:07 pm
She blinks, then falls to the floor and wriggles about in the feline equivalent of the giggles.

Posted by Joey and Sky on 1/7/2002, 9:41 pm
"Hullo? Are you two gona let me in or are you going to roll around laughing all day?" Comes the cheerily indignant female voice from outside the window.
Joey flips open the latch and Sky tumbles in, landing on Joey. The male angel looks rather indignant from his position on the floor, having taken a tumble when Sky collided with him. Sky looks rather amused from her seat on Joey's stomach. Her landing had been quite comfy. "Love the furniture." She says to the cat that is Changeling with a laugh. "It's quite comfortable." A prod to Joey's stomach accompainies that remark.
Joey tries to curl up, but can't escape because Sky is still sitting on him. How on earth did Sky know he was ticklish?
The female angel laughs and stands, offering Joey a hand up. Joey's already up by the time she's offered her hand.

Posted by Changeling on 1/8/2002, 3:00 pm
She recovers from her attack of the giggles and sits up, watching. When Sky tickles Joey, she narrows her eyes reflectively in something like a kitty-grin. She stands up and circles the two, Murr's at them, then jumps up to Sky's shoulder and rubs her forehead against her cheek and jawline in the traditional, friendly cat welcome. It's a good thing she is small, nearly half the size of a normal full grown cat, and her long, dense fur makes up most of that. So she curls up on Sky's shoulder, purring, and folds her dark wings neatly against her back. "I quite agree," she replys to Sky's comment about the furniture, while kneeding her shoulder "Most comfortable." and grins cutely.

Posted by Joey on 1/8/2002, 5:52 pm
It is a good thing that Changeling makes a small cat, Sky's not very large herself. Most of the time the female angel was somewhat nervous around felines, they tended to take just a bit too much interest in her, but she knew who the cat was. Sitting on Sky's shoulders feels distinctly strange, like she was sitting on top of a feather boa or something. The female angel still looks completely human, but contact with her proves the illusion false.
Joey still looks faintly indignant, but he's used to being the target of goo natured jokes and doesn't really mind. The sight of the feline Changeling on Sky's shoulder is kinda funny when one considers Sky's real form.

Posted by Changeling on 1/8/2002, 5:59 pm
She paws at Sky's shoulder, feeling a ruffle that wasn't there. Her dark eyes glance up curiously and she manuvers herself deftly so that she's sprawled across both shoulders, hind legs and tail on one side, fore legs and head on the other. She twitches her fluffy tail and wonders, but remains silent. She's tired, but curious about Sky. Not only why she's here, but... well... fluffy and blue weren't what one usually thinks of when one considers angels.

Posted by Joey and Sky on 1/8/2002, 6:05 pm
Joey looks faintly thoughtful. "Guess who I ran into earlier today?"
Sky looks curious. "Who?"
Sky blinks, eyebrows rising. "Reaally? Now that's interesting."

Posted by Changeling on 1/8/2002, 6:09 pm
She watches the exchange with felinely uninterested eyes, but glances back and forth between the two as they speak, watching their expressions closely.

Posted by Joey and Sky on 1/8/2002, 6:16 pm
"How'd you run into him?" Asks Sky, still curious.
"He was standing on the beach watching while Eliza and I were flying over the water. He didn't say anything, he just watched us for a moment and then disappeared." Answers Joey. " So you didn't know he was about?"
"Heh, If I had I would have given you a heads up!" Sky half grins.

Posted by Changeling on 1/8/2002, 6:21 pm
She cocks one ear curiously, looking back and forth between the two. The information Joey'd given her earlier was vague, maybe if she listened a little longer Sky would be able to say something more on the subject. She yawns kittenishly and bats lazily at the halo, still hovering over her ears.

Posted by Joey and Sky on 1/8/2002, 6:23 pm
"Or you could just ask." Says Sky to the cat on her shoulder, her ability to pull things out of thin air was at work again.
Joey blinks, where'd that come from. Sky wasn't talking to him, was she?

Posted by Changeling on 1/8/2002, 6:29 pm
She smiles catishly "Oh, just wondering things... you know, cats and their innate curiousity..." a short pause while she considered which of her three questions to ask first, then "Who is that guy anyway? Cardigin?"

Posted by Joey and Sky on 1/8/2002, 6:34 pm
Sky laughs, she knew cats and their curiousity. Curiousity is what made some cats go after her even though she was a lot larger then them. " Do you want the short version, or the bit longer and much more interesting version?"
Joey tilts his head at the mention of the much more interesting version. He didn't really know much about Cardigin himself.

Posted by Joey and Sky on 1/9/2002, 11:36 am
Sky half grins when Changeling too decides she wants to hear the longer more interesting version. "Well, I assume you know that dear Leo has this small problem with vamps?" That comment was directed at Joey.
The male angel nods. Cardigin was a tad strange in his enthusiasm in hunting down vampires and their kin. He was one of the rare types of angel that could actually cause bodily harm when the situation warranted it.
"Well there's a couple very interesting stories about why he's like that. One version says that he was a soldier in a war, no one is really quite sure which century but that's not really important. Anyway, Cardigin is trying to get home after battle, and he's injured. He drags himself into camp and he thinks he’s finally safe. Then a vampire comes out of nowhere attacks him, drains him, and that's how he died and the reason he's so bitter."
Joey just blinks. He knew Sky well enough that she'd keep going because she hadn't gotten to the interesting bit yet, even if he didn’t react. Sky enjoyed telling stories and liked playing with her audience by leaving things hanging.
"Another version says that he saved a vamp, and she betrayed him. Got herself turned back into a vampire after a week in the sun. That left a few mental scars that have been there ever since." She trails off for a moment, letting that bit hang in the air for a moment before continuing. "But my personal favorite version is even more interesting then that."

Posted by Changeling on 1/9/2002, 2:24 pm
She blinks slowly, taking it all in. So he had a problem with vampires... who didn't? However, as the two stories register, she realizes that it was almost more like revenge... a vendetta against all vampire kind. Not that it was a bad thing, but the second tale sounded a little too familiar for comfort.
She waits in suspense for the last version, ears perked foreward and eyes wide in curiousity.

Posted by Joey and Sky on 1/9/2002, 4:48 pm
Joey's tempted to give the female angel a prod, maybe then she'd get on with her story.
Sky grins slightly, enjoying telling the tale. " The version I like best is a lot more interesting." She repeats, having entirely too much fun dragging it out. " Cardigin isn't an angel in this version. In fact, he's the opposite..." She trails off again, eyeing Joey to see if he gets what she's hinting at.
Joey just blinks, waiting somewhat less then patiently for her to continue.
Sky almost starts laughing. She could almost see that idea go zipping right over Joey's head.

Posted by Changeling on 1/9/2002, 4:59 pm
Her tail flicks in agitated quirks, and her large dark eyes widen slightly. When Sky doesn't continue right away, Changeling pokes her with a paw and gazes up at her with huge, curious eyes.

Posted by Joey on 1/9/2002, 5:09 pm
Sky laughs at the prod and continues. "So the vampire Cardigin is saved by an angel, he's no longer a child of the night. He falls in love with the angel that saved him, everything in hunky-dory for awhile. Then the only person he's actually begun to care about is kidnapped, and to top it all off she's kidnapped by a bunch of vamp's that she'd save earlier. He storms after them, completely forgetting that he's no longer immortal. He finally finds his angel girlfriend, she's being tortured. He looses it completely, going absolutely nuts. Needless to say, even as ticked off as he is, he doesn't last long.." Sky trails off, eyeing her audience.

Posted by Changeling on 1/9/2002, 5:25 pm
She blinks and almost falls off Sky's shoulders. Her eyes go huge, white showing around the edges, and her tail fluffs. What in the world?! That was so impossible it couldn't be true... could it? She's completely taken aback, unable to trust herself to comment, so she stays silent, letting the possible implications sink in. How could that be, anyway? She ponders, not the part about his falling in love with the angel who'd saved him, not his rushing off to rescue her, but the fact that he had been a vampire himself... and then become an angel? She shakes her head and a tiny voice in the back of her mind wonders who the angel was that saved him, but it's drowned out by the other questions that must go unanswered. It was only a story after all, no one had said it was true, right?
Tracker shakes his head raising an eyebrow. It certainly is strange company Changeling keeps nowadays. And who was that 'Eliza' the boy had mentioned... he hadn't caught up to Joey untill after the flight, so it could've been anyone. He grimaces invisibly, but files the information he's already gathered and silently takes stock of what he knows about Joey so far. That was, afterall, what he was paid to do... for now.

Posted by Joey and Sky on 1/9/2002, 5:37 pm
Sky has a fair idea of Changeling's reaction, but she pretends she doesn't realize. "Have you ever watched Cardigin's teeth when he's talking?" She asks Joey.
Joey just looks at her. He completely misses Changeling's reaction, his own was similar. "Well, no. When Cardigin's talking to me I'm usually not watching his teeth."
Sky chuckles at his comment. "I suppose you're actually trying to pay attention to his words, eh? Hopeless cause yah know."
Joey can't help laughing. It was kind of hard to pay attention to Cadrigin when he got going on a subject. It was just a bit too reminiscent of high school lectures.
"They're pointed. His teeth I mean." Says Sky, sounding like she's giving away a great secret."
"So are yours." Joey points out with a half smile.
Sky shrugs, grinning. "Point."

Posted by Changeling on 1/9/2002, 5:47 pm
Her own reaction is put aside when she continues, and she once again glances back and forth between the two as they speak. She's curious now, she had only seen him from the air at quite a distance, so she had no clue if the observation was a correct one. She wonders if she could've sensed him, had she been a vampire at the time... she could usually feel others of that kind for quite a ways, but a vamp that had been cured? Let alone one who'd died and come back as an angel? She somehow doubted it.
She blinks when their conversation turns to teeth, and her mind wanders off on a tangent. That brought to mind what Joey had said about Sky's true form... something about a blue featherball?

Posted by Joey and Sky on 1/9/2002, 5:58 pm
Sky starts giggling. "Really? A blue featherball? That wasn't very kind!"
Joey blinks sheepishly, flushing a bit.
Sky's still laughing. "True, but hardly kind! Oh well, at least I'm not being refered to as a giant blue featherduster. Or a canary." Her human nose wrinkles at that one.
Joey grins sheepishly. "Sorry." He apologizes just as sheepishly.
Sky chuckles. "Forgiven. Well, if you two have discussed I see no reason to stay in this moneky suit!"

Posted by Changeling on 1/9/2002, 6:03 pm
She blinks. Oops... she'd forgotten about that interesting talent Sky has for plucking thoughts right out of the air. Oh well, at least now she didn't have to ask. She wonders if she should get off of her shoulder, then shrugs figuring that if Sky wanted her off she'd say so.
Tracker is a little confuzed at the sudden outburst. No subject change that he could tell had been suggested, but something was strange about that woman anyway.

Posted by Sky on 1/9/2002, 6:10 pm
The female angel hits the button on the watch and the human form shivers and disappears leaving in it's place something that looked more like a demon or a mutant then an angel. She grins, displaying faintly pointed teeth, and her golden yellow eyes sparkle in amusement. Sky is quite aware of what she looked like and loved it.
She is indeed covered in blue feathers, and that's hardly her most interesting feature. She has wings, but not what one would think of as your basic angel wings. Sky's wings only add to her bird like appearance. Instead of sprouting from her shoulders, her wings are attached to her arms. Sky's arm arrangement is faintly like that of a prehistoric bird. She has 'hands' where the birds vestigial thumb would go, and the leading edge of the wing extends where her pinkie might be. Sky's wings are also iridescent, but they have a faintly blue sheen to the white. A long trail of tail feathers can be seen poking out from the edge of her white skirt.

Posted by Changeling on 1/9/2002, 6:21 pm
She does a comical doubletake at Sky's face, and is on her feet in an instant... The fact that she's still on the female angels shoulders causes her a moment of unsteadyness, but she regains her balance and studies Sky with a little more than innocent curiousity, the cat part in her shift making her pupils dialate at the size of this bird. She leaps off of Sky's shoulder, though not out of fear, but curiousity. She wanted to get a better view. From the floor level, her view is a little odd, so she leaps onto Joey's shoulder and takes a seat, regarding the suddenly transformed angel before her curiously. "Oh," is all she says.

Posted by Joey and Sky on 1/9/2002, 6:24 pm
The female angel laughs, that was the usual reaction. Sky has the leading edge of her feathery wings tucked back against her arm so that if one ignores the extra width and the flash of white her arms look almost normal. Somehow this managed to make her scaled and clawed hands look even more like a birds talons. Her feet are talons too, made more for grasping branches then standing on.
Joey just smiles at Changeling's reaction, that'd been his first comment too.

Posted by Changeling on 1/9/2002, 6:35 pm
She can't help but smile at her own reaction. Well, it was a partly acurate description, but... 'blue Archaeopteryx' is what comes to her mind.

Posted by From outside.. on 1/9/2002, 6:43 pm
"Do you think it's the right place?" Asks a loud and familiar voice from outside.
"I dunno, but something is making me nervous so we could be in the right place, or it could just be the area...." Answers a less loud but equally familiar voice.
Sky turns to look out the still open window. "Looks like you have company." She says to both Joey and Changeling.

Posted by Changeling on 1/9/2002, 6:52 pm
"Uh oh..." she says for lack of a better expression. She glances at Joey and whispers "How'd they know to find you here?" she leaps off his shoulder, jumps onto the windowsill of the still-open office window and peers down through the darkness.
Tracker blinks and turns to the window also, but doesn't move, simply waiting and watching.

Posted by Joey, Kat and Kanga on 1/9/2002, 6:58 pm
Joey steps to the window, standing behind Sky. "I dunno." He answers quietly. The two had never had trouble finding him before, but they'd never come to the warehouse before.
Kat and Kanga stand below in their human projections. Kat appears to be rather nervous and keeps looking over her shoulder. Kanga just looks worried. What would Joey be doing here?
"Think we should try the door?" Kanga asks Kat, sounding as worried as she looks.
Kat nods silently, heading towards the nearest door and trying it.

Posted by Changeling on 1/9/2002, 7:02 pm
The front door would be locked, Changeling knew, and the only way in is though the side door down the alley. Then they'd have to find their way to the stairs past the main floor of the warehouse. And then to the right office door upstairs... She wonders if they'd be the kind to give up right away, or keep going untill they'd searched out all options...

Posted by Kat and Kanga on 1/9/2002, 7:08 pm
Kat shrugs. "It's locked."
Kanga bounces irritably. She didn't have the patience to search every door and window. She studies the buildings surface and notices a dark opening. She couldn't see anything moving within. "Do you think we could get through there?"
Kat eyes the window. "I dunno. I could climb up, but what about you? I'm not terribly thrilled about the idea of going in alone."
Kanga continues to eye the window. "Maybe I could bounce up."
Kanga went right to the solution, the open window that everyone was standing in.

Posted by Changeling on 1/9/2002, 7:17 pm
She draws back a little when the two look up, but realizes that they can't see her a moment later. She turns to Joey with an expression that plainly reads 'Now what?' After a short pause she jumps off the sill and returns to her human form. She looks over at Sky "You're gonna have to turn your holo back on," and glances around the room at the furniture. She quickly seats herself on the floor by the file cabinet across from the window and motions for the other two to take seats as well, hoping that it won't look too suspicious.

Posted by Various on 1/9/2002, 7:22 pm
Sky looks faintly puzzled, but flicks the switch and the projection shimmers back into place. "I don't suppose you'd like a distraction?" She asks, a faint grin creeping into her otherwise serious expression. She was still standing in front of the window.
Joey blinks but follows Changeling's directions, figuring that she knew what she was doing.
Meanwhile Kanga watches as Kat goes up the face of the building.

Posted by Changeling on 1/9/2002, 7:29 pm
She glances up at Sky from her position on the floor and mouths "Distraction?" She knows how good Kats ears are, and doesn't want to give anything away. Instead, she starts up a murmur of conversation about the subject they were on last, Cardigin. "So, tell me about the guy. I've never met him, so...?" she waits for either Joey or Sky to answer, hoping to be able to use a conversation as an excuse to their all being together -especially she and Joey- before Kat arrives.

Posted by Various on 1/9/2002, 7:34 pm
Sky shrugs. "Yeah." She motions diving on the girl below. She couldn't hurt the girl coming up the wall, and didn't plan to, but she bet she could annoy the girl enough that she'd come after her rather then coming in here.
Joey blinks. "He's really... Stiff. Formal and stuff." He answers, having a bit of trouble describing the other angel.
Kat is about half way up now, and getting progressivly more nervous.

Posted by Changeling on 1/9/2002, 7:38 pm
She considers it quickly and nods to Sky, changeing her tactics somewhat: from fight to flight. She stands and makes her way to the window to peer out for an instant, then heads back to Joey "C'mon, change of plans," she tells him with a small smirk, and offers him a hand up before turning and making her way to the door...