X-Men 2020 Role-Playing Records
The following is the story in Air Raiser's X-Men 2020 RP at http://www.oocities.org/the2020rp/.

This Role Playing thread invovles mostly takes place on Saturday March 31st 2001. The events leading up to it are in The Ending of the Lab Saga . Those including Vision and Genesis are in their log. There was also a bit done with the Orchardfest.

NOTE: Not every single posting was copied into this file. Only the posts that actually added to the plot line where added. Posts that said basically the same thing on two different threads or posts by the same person in row where combined. Most of the Out Of Character (OOC) comments have been elimintaed to save space. If you have any probelms with with this notify me, Sirah at the2020rp@yahoo.ca

Heads towards the diner
Posted by RedHawk on 3/30/2001, 10:52 pm
His pure red eyes reflect the light of a streetlight and he moves forward, keeping his wigns tucked tightly to his back and rubbing his shoulder. The spot where the mutant his twin and that acursed Nightwolf were talking to shot him with a tranquilizer dart. Two weeks after that happened it still hurt. Giving an angry hawk hiss he jumps through the broken window of the diner that he crashed through two weeks ago and tried to kill Nightwolf. Unforunately that other mutant and his twin didn't let him finish what he started! Hissing again with anger he brushes a hand through his red streaked brown hair, cursing his twin, Nightwolf, and that other mutant under his breath in Irish. He leans absently against the counter, still cursing them and glancing around uncertainly.

Pushes away from the counter
Posted by RedHawk on 3/31/2001, 12:32 am
He moves towards the broken window, looking out at the dark sky. Silently he wonders is there is anyone around.

Posted by Cali, Tom and Kalieda on 3/31/2001, 12:10 am
After the shaking stops, Tom blinks again and looks at Calico. She sits up, glancing towards where Korri was last. He backs into the wall as Kalieda gets back up, just about knocking him in the chin with her head. She grins.

Posted by Korri on 3/31/2001, 12:12 am
Looks up, fear still in her eyes. Not knowing what the shaking was, she is quite afraid. "W....w...what...was that?"

A small smirk flitters across his face,
Posted by Tom on 3/31/2001, 12:15 am
"Sandsnakes... they were in the desert." his eyes flash red, but don't stay.
Calico nods a bit, but looks around, still curious as to where Talon went.
Kalieda shrugs, "He probably knows the ropes well enough..."

She soars overhead,
Posted by Talon on 3/31/2001, 12:17 am
patrolling the area and looking for... certain people...

Glances at Cali again,
Posted by Tom on 3/31/2001, 12:19 am
smiling ever-so-slightly.
~Talon? Kat's looking fer ya...~

Smiles slightly
Posted by Talon on 3/31/2001, 12:27 am
and swoops lower, surveying the scene with Korri cautiously before she approaches.

An ear flicks,
Posted by Calico on 3/31/2001, 12:48 am
"Mirrim?" she stands quickly, glancing skywards.

Posted by Korri on 3/31/2001, 12:19 am
She looks even more confused. "The ground is a sand snake? What? Why did the ground shake?" She begins to shiver, almost as if she is cold.

Bursts out laughing,
Posted by Tom on 3/31/2001, 12:23 am
"No, no...."
Calico giggles too.
Kalieda blinks at them and gives Tom a nice elbow in the side.
He coughs and gives her the Look, then explains: "They live underground... awful big... make the sand move, so I imagine they could make the earth shake..."
Kalieda shrugs.

Posted by Korri on 3/31/2001, 12:26 am
Korri glares at Tom. "What are they?" Her jaw is clenched, her orangish hair falling on to her face.

Posted by Tom on 3/31/2001, 12:30 am
"Really big snakes... sand snakes... kinda self-explanitory."
Calico blinks at him...

Posted by Korri on 3/31/2001, 12:31 am
Biting her lip, she ponders over the situation. "Can they hear?"

Thinks for a moment,
Posted by Tom on 3/31/2001, 12:50 am
"Probably... never asked." and he smirks, recieving a glare from his sister. (Kalieda))

Posted by Korri on 3/31/2001, 12:52 am
A small smile creaps across her face. "They’re bad, right? We want to destroy them, or something? If..." She looks slightly embarassed, "well, what I mean is...if they hear...I...I can talk to them."

Posted by Tom on 3/31/2001, 12:59 am
"I could speak to them... doesn't exactly mean they'd understand me, but... I don't know quite yet if we have to destroy them... probably, though." He shudders.

Posted by Korri on 3/31/2001, 1:13 am
Shakes her head. "No...I mean..." She blushes a deep red, "I can talk to them in their own language. If they are snakes, that is."

Posted by RedHawk on 3/31/2001, 1:20 am
RedHawk continues to look up at the sky through the shattered window then freezes when his ears with their hawk hearing pick up sounds from the outside. Ducking down he peers caustiously outside the diner, not recognizing who is outside. Hissing angrily he watches them, his wings slightly opened, hair standing on end, and red eyes glimmering angrily in the streetlight.

Leans absently against the wall of the diner
Posted by RedHawk on 3/31/2001, 4:49 pm
His arms cross and his eyes closed. His red streaked brown hair falls over his face as he stands there, looking relaxed but tense, his ears listening for even the slightest sound. He moves his wings restlessly then simply stands there.

Posted by Reptileya on 3/31/2001, 5:52 pm
Watching curiously, the mutant yawns sleepily.

Posted by Mirage on 3/31/2001, 5:55 pm
The now blond human Mirage steps out of the Diner. She blinks. "You!"

Looks up,
Posted by Reptileya on 3/31/2001, 5:59 pm
wondering if she's talking to her, or the other male.

Posted by Mirage on 3/31/2001, 6:01 pm
She shakes her head distractedly and mutters quitely,"Just what I needed."

Posted by Reptileya on 3/31/2001, 6:09 pm
Grins a bit, remembering the last run in.

Posted by Mirage on 3/31/2001, 6:11 pm
Wonders how she manages to reconise her while she's shifted...

Posted by Reptileya on 3/31/2001, 6:16 pm
Wonders how Calvin is doing.

Posted by Mirgae on 3/31/2001, 6:18 pm
Walks out into the street, time to go home..

Leaves her room...
Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 6:58 pm
Just as Mirage leaves the diner. She looks around.

Posted by RedHawk on 3/31/2001, 7:01 pm
Looks around, hearing footsteps.

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 7:05 pm
She wanders into the kitchen to find some food.

Posted by RedHawk on 3/31/2001, 7:09 pm
Hears someone moving around inside the diner and leaps through the shattered window to investigate. He sits down at the counter, leaning on it. His red streaked brown hair shades his face so his red eyes seem vaugely normal. Silently he waits to see who is in the kitchen, sitting there with his wings opened slightly just in case whoever it is isn't friendly.

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 7:11 pm
The fourteen year old Kat girl is hunting through the cubbords trying to find some pasta..

Posted by RedHawk on 3/31/2001, 7:14 pm
Sighs and moves a black gloved hand to his right ear. The person in the kitchen's making lots of noise and he can hear it quite well. After a moment he lets out a short hawk screech in frustration then waits to see what the person does.

Posted by Talon on 3/31/2001, 7:19 pm
and lands on the roof of the diner, looking down at Cali and the others.

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 7:17 pm
Jumps a mile at the screech then turns to look at the person who made it.
She checks her mail tube as Redhawk enters the room. Conforted by it's wieght she continues to hunt for the pasta she knows is somewhere in the cubbords. She keeps an ear flicked back at the man, tracing his movement through the room.

Posted by RedHawk on 3/31/2001, 7:19 pm
Smiles slightly as he hears and sees the person in the kitchen. Smirking he thinks to himself.
Nothing but a child.

Still silent he waits to see what the girl will do.
He moves into the kitchen and leans against a wall, watching the girl with emotionless red eyes. He spots something on her back but doesn't recognize what it is so he ignores it. Still silent he stands there, just watching her rummage through the cubboards.

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 7:28 pm
"Ah ha!"
She finally finds some macaroni. Hauling it out from it's spot in the bottom cubbord she starts to hunt for a pot.

Posted by RedHawk on 3/31/2001, 7:32 pm
Snorts as the girl finds some macaroni and begins searching again for something. He spots a pot up on top of a cubboard and supposing that's what she's looking for he pulls it down. Silently he moves over and holds it in front of her face, speaking then in his Irish accented voice
"This wha yer lookin fer kid?"
Rolls his eyes up to the ceiling as he hears something land on the roof.

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 7:34 pm
Looks at him, then at the pot.
"Yeah! Thanks."
She takes the pot from him, fills it with water and puts it on the stove.
"Would you like some?"

Grins brightly,
Posted by Calico on 3/31/2001, 7:25 pm
"Tallie!" She rushes to the diner, climbing up the wall and pulling herself onto the roof. She stands there for a moment, then grins again, rushing towards Talon.
Tom smiles slightly, following at a much slower pace.

Posted by Talon on 3/31/2001, 7:33 pm
She smiles broadly and hugs Calico, then pulls away "What happened? Where did the desert and the lab go? And Dr. Blacklin? Everything's GONE! All gone! I checked just after I woke up..." watches tom, her eyes flash silver momentarily, then return to warry orange.

Posted by RedHawk on 3/31/2001, 7:37 pm
Silently shakes his head and looks up at the ceiling again. After a moment he glances back at her, pure red eyes reflecting any light in the room.
"So, was yer nayme kid?"
Winces as his ears pick up more things on the roof. Gives an almost inaudible hawk hiss and glares at the ceiling and the roof beyond.

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 7:39 pm
She works on the food.

Posted by RedHawk on 3/31/2001, 7:41 pm
Nods and heads toward the kitchen doorway.
"Kat ye saye. It fits ye. Since ye have them cah features ih fits ye well."
Glances up through the hole in the roof then looks out through the shattered window at the sky.

Posted by Calico on 3/31/2001, 7:39 pm
"I have no idea, but as far as I'm concerned... who cares?"
Tom gets up and cocks a brow at her, "I think we should figure it out..."
"You're different." She makes a face.
Tom shakes his head and gestures towards the door of the diner, "Inside is always full of more people..."
Calico nods, hoping off the roof and glancing at Talon again, "C'mon.."

Posted by Talon on 3/31/2001, 7:46 pm
She smiles and steps off the edge, catching herself with the wings that materialize as she opens them. After she lands softly, she re-folds her large wings and they disappear again.

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 7:45 pm
"Yeah, the funny thing is that it's part of my real name.."

Head towards the door
Posted by Calico and Tom on 3/31/2001, 7:49 pm
and when they reach it, Tom opens it, leting the two girls in first. He follows.
Calico smiles and sits down on a stool, glancing at Kat. She blinks. Tom blinks too.

Posted by RedHawk on 3/31/2001, 7:53 pm
Leans against the kitchen doorframe and watches at the group on the roof come down and start towards the door. With a snort he glances back at Kat in the kitchen then freezes. Coming in the opposite direction of the group from the roof is someone he hates. Under his breath he mutters an Irish curse and jumps over the counter, watching as the mutant approaches.
"Nightwolf. Ye'll be sorry ye came here this nigh!"
Glares angrily out the window as Nightwolf approaches.
Nightwolf moves out of the forest and heads towards the diner. She had left NightHawk in the forest and was headed to the diner to see if there was anyone there. Looking up she spots a group heading towards the door, but doesn't recognize any of them. She quickens her pace, not noticing the figure of RedHawk inside.

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 7:56 pm
One of her ears flick towards Redhawk and she looks up.
"Nightwolf's a bad thing?"

Posted by Talon on 3/31/2001, 7:59 pm
Talon stops, also seeing the figure aproaching. She scents the air for any odors that would identify the other. No such luck. This was someone she had never met before. Her eyes flash from the friendly teal they had been with her close friends to bright, warry orange as she watches Nightwolf aproach.
Her time in the Lab and harsh desert had hardened her.

Posted by RH & NW on 3/31/2001, 8:05 pm
RedHawk continues to glares at Nightwolf as she approaches, paying no attention to the group that came off the roof.
Nods and answers Kat without looking back.
"She killed me father. My weak twin brother denys tha fact and he be a fool."
Continues to glare angrily at Nightwolf's approaching form.
"So, how do ye know her?"
Nightwolf walks quickly towards the diner and glances at Talon, not recognizing her. She pauses for a moment as Talon's eye flash from teal to orange then continues forward. As she approaches the diner she freezes in her tracks. Her nose has picked up RedHawk's scent and he is standing right there in the kitchen doorway, glaring at her. For a moment she stands frozen then squares her shoulders and heads into the diner. As she does she hears someone in the kitchen and smells Kat. Glancing at RedHawk she sits in a booth, swinging her feet up into the seat.
"Well hello RedHawk. And a hello to you too Kat."

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 8:11 pm
Kat answers Redhawk, "She visited here before.."
She waves to NightWolf.

Posted by RH & NW on 3/31/2001, 8:13 pm
Snorts and says nothing.
Waves back then glares grimly at RedHawk.
"Look, I didn't kill your father RedHawk. Why would I kill somebody who helped me anyway?"
With that she peers into the kitchen, smelling something but not recognizing it.
"Is that anything good your cooking Kat?"

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 8:16 pm
"I don't know, does Macaroni count?"

Posted by RH & NH on 3/31/2001, 8:20 pm
Red Hawk leans silently against the doorframe, keeping his eyes on Nightwolf.
Nightwolf cocks her head.
The word doesn't register in her memory of all that she remembers from ten years ago.
"What's macaroni?"
RedHawk chuckles softly and Nightwolf glares fiercely at him.

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 8:23 pm
"Little tube pasta's.."

Stares at Kat...
Posted by Cali on 3/31/2001, 8:23 pm
and blinks, shaking her head, then looks up at Kat again, "Do I... know you?" Blink.
Tom looks out at Talon, "Coming?"

Posted by Talon on 3/31/2001, 9:05 pm
She nods and enters slowly, keeping her eyes on the two new faces. She sits near her friends silently. Every now and again, her eyes get lightning shocks of silver.

Posted by RH & NH on 3/31/2001, 8:25 pm
RedHawk turns his head towards Talon from his spot in the kitchen doorway. His red eyes remain expressionless as he looks at her for a moment then looks back at Nightwolf. Nightwolf only glances out of the corner of her amber eyes at her, noticing Talon's now orange eyes that keep having silver lightning flashing through them.

Posted by Talon on 3/31/2001, 8:28 pm
She turns slowly away from both of them, but keeps every sense at the ready, and even opens her wings a little so that they appeared, incase she needed a quick escape.

Posted by RH & NH on 3/31/2001, 8:31 pm
RedHawk still laughs silently as Nightwolf glares at him. After a moment Nightwolf drops her glare.
"Hmmm. Have enough for one more?"
Standing up she goes past RedHawk into the kitchen, her right hand moving to a knife belted around her waist. She eyes him and keeps a firm grip on the knife, ready to pull it out if he decides to attack her. RedHawk lets her pass, his eyes flicking to the knife then over to the other's in the diner. Nightwolf moves into the kitchen and releases her grip on the knife, sighing slightly. Quickly she moves over to Kat and watches her cook.

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 9:03 pm
Looks overat Calico from her spot in the kitchen...
Her face forms a frown as she thinks hard...
"Yea... I'm Kat.. You're Calico and we hada chat about our birthdays being so similar.."
"Then I remember seeing you with the police awhile ago... You got taken to the police station.. I did too..."
She shakes her head in annoyance.
"After that I can't remember a thing."
She sighs.
"For some strange reason I'm missing two months of memory. After that, it's blank.. Then I get dumped off in a parking lot.. Same thing happened to Calvin. It doesn't help any that there are a whole bunch of people that look like me..Or I look like them.. I used to look like Vision, now I look like some guy named Oblivion.. Bah. A guy no less.. Moon asked me if we were related.. "
She shakes her head.
Done answering Calico, she looks down at the pot and answers Nightwolf. "Maybe." She chucks in another handful of pasta. "Now I do."

Posted by RedHawk on 3/31/2001, 8:35 pm
RedHawk stands silently in the door, watching Talon and not Nightwolf or Kat.
His eyes widen at the appearance of wings on Talon's back then smirks.
"Another wih tha gif o' fligh aye?"

Posted by Talon on 3/31/2001, 8:46 pm
Nods back mutely, but a little of the harshness had gone from her eyes and they were even turning a shade closer to brown.

Posted by NightWolf on 3/31/2001, 8:35 pm
Nightwolf glances at Redhawk then back at Kat. She moves past him into the kitchen, her hand moving to a knife belted around her waist as she passes him. RedHawk's eyes move to the knife for a moment then go back to Talon. Nightwolf slides into the kitchen and vanishes from sight.
She sniffs the air.
"It smells good. Slightly familiar. I think I may have had it before."

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 8:38 pm
"It's kinda hard to avoid marcaroni..."

Posted by RH & NH on 3/31/2001, 8:42 pm
RedHawk suddenly jumps over the counter and leaps out the broken diner window, taking to the air. Nightwolf peers after him then turns back to Kat.
"Well, I've somehow avoided these past ten years and I have no idea if I ate it before I was experimented on."
She shrugs then turns towards the door.
"I promised NightHawk I would not be long. Goodbye Kat. I hope I see you again."
With that she shifts into a white wolf with a streak of black from its nose to the tip of its tail, leaps over the counter, then leaps out the broken window, and then runs into the woods.

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 8:41 pm
Wonders what she's gona do with the extra marcaroni, then waves.

Posted by Talon on 3/31/2001, 9:41 pm
She watches them go and relaxes visibly when they're both out of sight, eyes slowly turning green once again.

Her eyes get big,
Posted by Calico on 3/31/2001, 9:12 pm
"That's not good...Kat? You.... what happened?" blinks again, smiling slightly.

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 9:15 pm
"I duno, what happened after we got captured by the police?"
She flicks one of her ears.
"Unless you mean what happened as in why do I am a big green kitty? After I got dropped off in the parking lot I realised that my eyes were green.. I just kinda got more felineish as time went on. I'm just glad I haven't started shrinking.."

Posted by Calico on 3/31/2001, 9:28 pm
"Tom didn't shrink any, that's for sure... but... " she giggles slightly, "Green?"

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 9:30 pm
"Well, look at me!" Kat’s fur is indeed jade green. The tabby markings on her fur are white.

Posted by Calico on 3/31/2001, 9:32 pm
Just kinda giggles to herself. Tom smirks slightly

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 9:36 pm
Her ears flick.

Posted by Calico on 3/31/2001, 9:45 pm
Tom glances out the window, "Kat.... er, Cali, we gotta move back in before we find the cats have torn the place apart." he laughs and she nods, trying not to keep giggling.
Tom grabs her by the arm and pushes her towards the door, still giggling, "See ya, Kat..."

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 9:47 pm
She waves. "Cyas." Finding that her macaroni is done she starts looking for some cheese.

Posted by Talon, Cali and Tom on 3/31/2001, 10:00 pm
Talon watches them go, then sighs and wonders where she's going to sleep tonight.
Tom gets Calico out the door, then glances back at Talon, "You moving back in too?"
Her eyes flash when Tom turns to her, then soften at his question "Yeah, I have nowhere else to go ayway..."
Tom smiles slightly, "Gotta have some use for that couch..."
She almost laughs, then walks out the open door following Calico.
Tom leaves too...

Posted by Kat on 3/31/2001, 10:04 pm
Finds her cheese and starts grating it up. She waves again.