X-Men 2020 Role-Playing Records
The following is the story in Air Raiser's X-Men 2020 RP at http://www.oocities.org/the2020rp/.

This Role Playing thread invovles mostly Vision, and it begins were the Vision Part VII left off. It's basically a one character record.

NOTE: Not every single posting was copied into this file. Only the posts that actually added to the plot line where added. Most of the Out Of Character (OOC) comments have been elimintaed to save space. If you have any probelms with with this notify me, Sirah at the2020rp@yahoo.ca

At Vision's loft apartment....
Posted by Vision on 4/2/2002, 9:56 pm
It's early morning and the entire LeVali household is asleep, each in his or her own room. Vision is asleep in her bed, sleeping somewhat fitfully as she's troubled with disturbing dreams.......
In her dream Vision is curled up on the couch, upset and close to tears, unable to keep her human form. With the strange sense of vagueness that dreams usually had, she knew there was something wrong with her sister. She didn't know what, just that her sister was in great pain and that she couldn't do a thing about it. No one could help, and that fact was what had upset her so. She couldn't bear the though that Cass might die....
There's a knock at the door, and Vision curses. She wasn't in any state to deal with visitors. She's tempted to simply ignore the knock, but something makes her head to the house controls and flick the switch to activate the camera at the front door. When she sees who it is she palms the button that would open the door. She practically tackles Genesis after he makes it through the door and closes it. Alex would fix everything, he could heal Cass and everything would be alright. She buries her head in his shoulder and cries for awhile, seriously confusing and worrying him. Distantly her mind notes her rather strange behavior, it wasn't like her to loose her head this completely.
She stops after awhile, returning to her senses enough to tell him what had set her off. He hugs her tight and Vision is somewhat surprised to realize that she wasn't squirming away. It was nice, standing here like this. The same distant part of her mind notes that there was something screwy about this situation, but she ignores it. His comforting hold continues to tighten, after a moment Vision realizes that it would start hurting soon. "You're hurting me.." She says, the rear part of her mind wondering where her mouth was getting it's lines. What was she, some movie damsel in distress?
The dark chuckle from Genesis makes her look up, eyes wide. Although she's never seen the person that he's suddenly changed into, she knew it was a mutant hunter. She swipes at his face and breaks from his grip. Suddenly she was six again, trying to protect her sister from the mob that surrounded them. There was little a six year old, half cat or not, could do against an angry mob. She snarls defiance, trying to protect her sister from the stones that they threw at them with her body. Despite her care someone picks up Mirage from behind. Vision snarls, both in her dream and out loud.... By now she must be radiating fear and rage like crazy.

Posted by Genesis on 4/2/2002, 10:08 pm
Genesis turns in his sleep, picking up on the nightmare with a clairity that made him shudder in his sleep. He knows that it is Vision's dream, but try as he might he can't reach her. He watches helplessly as she trys to fight the man, and calls out when they're suddenly surrounded by an angry mob. This is bad, very bad... ~Vision... JENIFER!~ he trys to catch her attention, unconciously pushing through the link so that it's more strong now than it ever was before. He can feel the fear and hatred she feels, and suddenly sits bolt upright in bed, completely awake. It takes him a moment to realize that there's no enemy here, he can still sense the dream feelings. He surges to his feet and stumbles to the door and out into the hall, half blind with what Vision is broadcasting.

Posted by Vision on 4/2/2002, 10:17 pm
She tackles the man that held her sister, clawing at his eyes in an effort to make him let go. She wasn't going to let anyone separate Cass from her, even if she had to kill to prevent it. Her claws hit home, making a bloody mess of the man's face, but it doesn't appear to have done anything. He knocks her off, studying her enraged six year old self with his lip curled up in disgust. She tries to fly at him, to rip his eyes out and continue clawing his face into bloody ribbons, but he neatly side steps her lunge and she collides head first with a brick wall. As she slides to the ground, dazed, she has a perfect angel to watch as the man breaks her sister's neck then drops the small, lifeless, lavender and green furred body to the ground.
Vision's scream of pain and rage not only echo's through the dreamscape, but through her room and the household as well. The dream Vision doesn't even notice the fact that her face fur is soaked with tears as she lunges again at the man, determined to kill him painfully. Time slows as she leaps at him, coming to a complete stop an inch from his time frozen features. The next scream that echo's through both the dream and real landscape is one of pure rage. She was so close!!!
Paradox, who was up early, feels his fur stand at that scream. It was the most disturbing combination of angry cat and woman he'd ever heard, and he'd been around to hear other versions. He pushes open the door to Vision's room, peering hesitantly inside. He knew Vision had nightmares, but he'd never been around to see one this bad. He knew that you weren't supposed to wake a sleepwalker, but he couldn't stand to see Vision like this. Slowly he steps into the room, still not completely sure he should wake her...

Posted by Genesis on 4/2/2002, 10:26 pm
He collides with the wall outside Paradox's den and takes a deep breath. He's breathing hard, trying to both keep Vision's emotions at bay and warn her of the dream at the same time. He closes his eyes tight and concentrates, but that only makes his headache worse. Where is Vision's room? He turns in the proper direction, a hand on his forehead, eyes shut tight and tearing in pain. He's feeling his way along, one hand on the wall to steady himself and guide his progress. He doesn't notice Paradox as he steps through the door; he'll run right into the huge, demonic looking mutant unless the other moves out of the way.
He staggers toward Vision's bed, his heightened senses acting like radar to guide him.

Posted by Various on 4/2/2002, 10:34 pm
The scene shifts again, and a seventeen year old Vision drops to the cement to land clumsily in her human shift. Her dream self is still crying from the last encounter, her mind screaming for her sister. She turns, smacking her fist against a brick wall... CAAAAAAAAASS!!
That's enough to jerk Mirage upright from her sleep, panting with fear. Her feline ears twitch and move, searching for what she knew she would find, her sister in the grips of another nightmare. She throws off the covers and pulls on a robe before dashing down the hall to her sister's room. What had brought this on?
A slight nose from behind her is enough to break the dream Vision from her misery. In the same type of absolute but vague dream certainty that she'd felt earlier she knows that whatever it was was hunting her, and she couldn't do a thing to fight it. The only thing she could do was run, she couldn't stop and hide because it would find her. She runs, taking off like some sort of startled dear. She almost smiles faintly as she runs, she could keep this up forever...
However fast she runs it seems that the monster-demon kept up, and even started to gain on her. She was now ducking branches and trying not to run into trees even as she looked behind to try and spot the thing in the dark. She smacks into something and bounces off of it, bringing starts to her sight. She looks up, and her heart nearly stops at the sight of the demon, a large black mass with glowing red eyes.....
Paradox has just stepped forward to touch Vision's shoulder and wake her up when Genesis stumbles into the room. Genesis might run into his tail. Mirage dashes in split moment later, "JON DON'T!!" She shouts, too late. Paradox has already snapped Vision from her dream.
Vision snarls, if nothing else she could go down fighting. Something knocks Paradox stumbling backwards as Vision lunges from her sleeping position, teeth at the demonic mutant's throat.

Posted by Genesis on 4/2/2002, 10:45 pm
He stops and stands stock still when Vision wakes, eyes wide and black, palms glowing like miniature stars. His mind is clear now for some reason, and he senses rather than hears or sees the rest. He sees Vision at, not the throat of Paradox, but a demon from her dreams. The only thing he can think of that will help at this point would be for the demon to go down under Vision's onslaught. He only wishes he could do any thing about it. Paradox is closed to him, as is Mirage. He doesn't even realize either one is around. The only one he can see is Vision and he's as helpless as Vision was in his flashback unless she can sense him.

Posted by Various on 4/2/2002, 10:57 pm
The claws on Vision's hands are buried into Paradox's muscular shoulders, the ones on her feet dug into his stomach. The navy striped mutant is growling like a creature gone berserk and her tail is whipping around as if it were possessed. Her teeth are pressed against Paradox's throat, ready to inject her lethal poison. Some force pins the demonic mutant against the wall.
Mirage's eyes widen as Vision leaps from her bed, she didn't know what to do. She watches as Paradox's golden eyes widen in shock as he realizes what the situation is. A hand goes to her mouth as he remains very still while her eldest sister rips into him. Oh Jen...
After a moment Vision realizes that the demon wasn't struggling, he wasn't mashing her into a bloody pulp. Something had changed, something was wrong..... She comes to her senses, her eyes already open and realizes where she is, and what she'd done. With a little whimper of pure shock she drops to the floor and lands hard on her rear. Her mouth works, but nothing comes out. The sudden realization that she was affecting Mirage, if not everyone else, with her emotional spill over makes her expression go deadpan. As far as anyone with empathic senses went, Vision had just dropped from the scale as she completely shut off any emotion she might send to those around her.
She sits on the floor, her green eyes huge as she pants. She's in completely disarray, her hair and clothing as mussed as one might expect considering what had just happened. The blankets on her bed are one giant snarl. Her mental situation is in a similar state.

Posted by Genesis on 4/2/2002, 11:06 pm
He blinks his black eyes when she breaks from the dream and watches her, still unable to see or sense anyone else. He feels her shut down, as if in slow motion, and realizes that he can still sense her, even if it's only where there is a lack of emotions. His mind is working to show him everything he asks but still comming up empty. Perhaps if he just uses the link between them... His palms illuminate the room as he entreats her to open to him. He knows what emotions can do if they're kept pent up for too long, and at the moment he seems to be the best conduit for spillover. He surrounds her in his presence, still standing near the doorway, eyes dark, palms bright.

Posted by Vision on 4/2/2002, 11:19 pm
Vision blinks, still completely dead as far as emotions are concerned. She stands slowly, hoping no one will see just how badly she's shaking. After seating herself on the edge of the bed she looks at Paradox. The wounds she'd inflicted are already fading from his giant frame. Unfortunately she knew that the emotion expressed by his widened eyes would take longer to disappear. "Sorry Jon, I didn't mean to freak out on you... Forgive me?" She sounds like she's back to normal, but she's just faking it. Despite the emotion in her voice, there's none in her mind.
Paradox nods silently. ~Sure, I suppose I should know better then to wake you up...~ His smile is somewhat shaky, but there.
Vision's scrutiny goes to Mirage. The lavender striped mutant is studying her older sister with narrowed eyes, she wasn't fooled. "Jen.." There's warning and worry in her voice. Vision holds up her hands to stop her from continuing. "Really, sis, I'll survive.." Again, none of the dry humor in her voice is apparent in her emotions. "Sorry for waking you up.." Vision adds, hoping that did it. Mirage continues to study Vision, worried. She didn't trust the fact that Vision had put a damper on her emotions. Still, she'd been listening to Vision for years, that made her back down.
It's almost as if Vision didn't dare. She'd been hiding and dampening her emotions so long that she wasn't sure what she'd let loose if she shared now. She's certainly aware of Genesis's presence..

Posted by Genesis on 4/2/2002, 11:28 pm
He stands still, oblivious to the goings on. He could almost feel what he's searching for, hidden under a thick sheild that he could never break. He doesn't try... just envelopes Vision's entirity in awareness. He tries to let her feel that nothing would or could damage him right now, but he isn't sure she's even aware of him. He's not sure how, but something had reawakened, stronger than ever, and unless it is used, he feels that it will go back to sleep... Maybe only something this dramatic could have roused it. It beats at the atmosphere in the room like the wings of a great bird, wraping itself protectively around Vision... If she chose not to open up now, it would vanish, leaving Genesis to fend for himself. He knows the state he's in, and also knows that if whatever it is were to abandon him, a day or two of sleep wouldn't do much to revive him. He waits.

Posted by Vision on 4/3/2002, 2:17 pm
Vision makes little shooing motions in the direction of Mirage and Paradox, a decidedly apologetic smile on her face. Paradox leaves, studying Vision for only a moment before heading through the door. After what had just happened he wasn't about to push any issue. Mirage studies her older sister for a long time before finally stepping out the door as Vision raises an inquiring eyebrow. The lavender stripped mutant didn't like the way that her sister had just totally walled her feelings off, but there was nothing she could do about it. Vision was doing it so that she didn't upset her younger sister through her talent, and Mirage knew it. Maybe if she left Genesis could do something.
Despite the apparent emotion in her words and actions, Vision's still got it all blocked off. A bit of concern finally leaks through her shielding as Genesis tries to convince her that nothing could hurt him right now. She doesn't seem to believe him. After all, she'd seen what kind of shape he was in earlier. Sleep did wonders, not miracles, and then there was all the junk that she'd probably been blasting him with...
She blinks at the sensation that something was wrapping around her protectively, a little surprise leaking through the emotional shield. She catches that last bit from him and her eyes widen. That was probably the only thing that would make her even think about messing with the shield that she'd raised, the observation that Genesis would be damaged somehow if she didn't... Oh dear..

Posted by Genesis on 4/3/2002, 3:55 pm
He doesn't move, but the light in his palms flicker uncertainly. He catches the leaks of emotion, then suddenly it's almost as if they were never there at all... like the presence in the room absorbs them before they can escape. He waits, opening himself up to her so that she can see what he sees...
Through his eyes, there is a shimmering chord between them, vibrating with energy and wraping them both in it's silver-blue glow. The presence almost seems to have a life of it's own, a sleepy mind that wonders why it's been awakened. It doesn't feel anything out of the ordinary that could have threatened it. It begins to fade, slowly going back to sleep if it remains un-needed.

Posted by Vision on 4/3/2002, 4:09 pm
She's more then a little shocked by this observation, and that leaks through the shield. There's a split second decision, then a 'don't say I didn't warn you' sort of feeling. Something within her rebelled at her lowering the shield, but she does it anyway. She hoped she didn't freak out her sister too badly. Obviously Vision hasn't noticed the strange absorbing effect that the presence had.
Vision can almost see the little mental gatekeeper that manages the shield getting knocked over as a flood comes pouring out. Fear, hate, anger, rage, suffering, misery, depression, guilt, embarrassment... Every imaginable negative emotion comes rocketing out as everything she's muffled over the last who knew how many years comes pouring out. It's clear that she expects to find Genesis fried when she actually looks up.

Posted by Genesis on 4/3/2002, 4:33 pm
The glow in his palms surges with the sudden outpouring of emotions. Simultaneously, the chord connecting them strengthens, and the presence in the room grows with the absorbed energy. A tiny amount might leak past it's borders, but not much. Almost not strong enough for even Mirage to sense, had she been paying attention.
The presence expands, matching Genesis' palms for brightness and filling the room with a burst of radiance. It's not exactly absorbing the emotions... it catches them with the energy it had taken to store them and disperses that untill there's no more than a slight charge in the atmosphere. That dissipates slowly, and the presence fades to a warm glow at the back of Genesis' mind, awake now and watchful.
Genesis shakes himself out of his reverie, eyes returning to their normal green, the light in his palms fading. Only the slight static charge still in the air betrays anything out of the ordinary had ever happened. He blinks, wondering if what he'd seen was a dream, or reality. He turns to Vision, watching her worriedly. The link seems to be back to normal, a little stronger now, but still on the modified empathic level. Had Vision still been wearing her Christmas present, she'd find it hot to the touch, but cooling slowly.

Posted by Vision on 4/3/2002, 4:54 pm
The slight charge is making Vision's fur stand. The heat of the necklace seeps through her fur, and she's completely sure that it means something else entirely. She doesn't want to look up and see what Genesis looks like after being fried by her emotional backlash. She'd lived with Mirage long enough to know what happened when she lost it. Outside there's a smack of thunder loud enough to make the window panes rattle. One gets the feeling that it's Vision's reaction to what had just happened. The thunder is rather strange considering that it's December. Something that sounds like hail starts smacking against the roof as the wind begins to howl. Vision's got her knees pulled up to her body with her tail and arms wrapped around them and her head tucked in. She doesn't look like she's feeling very good at the moment, but everything appears to be tucked away again.
Mirage is distracted enough that she's missed it entirely, with a blink she steps to the window to study the bizarre weather outside. The only place there was a storm going on was right above their building. That meant there was only one explanation, Vision. She looks towards the hall, wondering if she should go check on her sister. After a moment she sits down again, if there was something really wrong she would have felt it.

Posted by Genesis on 4/3/2002, 5:05 pm
He watches her pull into herself again and takes a step foreward, tentitively sending out a strand of energy to her. Why wasn't she even looking at him? He doesn't hide his hurt at being locked out again, even after what had happened. Had he done something wrong?

Posted by Vision on 4/3/2002, 5:23 pm
Vision's so thoroughly determined not to fry anyone else with her emotional backlash that she's cut herself off so completely that it's even affected her ability to receive. She jumps slightly as she finally realizes that there was an energy thread there. She looks up finally, faintly surprised that Genesis wasn't making a run for the next state to get away from the possessed cat mutant. After all, if it had been anyone else instead of Paradox that she'd attacked earlier, she would have done some serious and lasting damage. Being anywhere near her was comparable to standing on a high building holding an umbrella in a thunderstorm. You would get fried eventually, it was only a matter of time.
Realizing that she was drowning in self-pity she gives the emotion a good mental smack to send it scurrying back behind the sheild. She studies her claws, wincing at the blood on them from Paradox. Now that she was looking around, she realizes she'd been leaving bloody paw prints on everything she touched. Well, that was one of the better comparissions she'd seen in awhile..

Posted by Genesis on 4/3/2002, 5:34 pm
He takes another step towards her when she looks up, strengthening the link to allow her to hear his thoughts. ~Jen?~ he doesn't know why she'd put her sheild back up, but for all the world it looks as if she were trying to keep him out. If that's the case, he's not sure if she even recieves his message, but he has to try. It's either that or leave. If she doesn't want him around, there's no reason for him to stay.

Posted by Vision on 4/3/2002, 5:43 pm
She's more then a little distracted by the blood on her claws, and her bed, and the floor. She seems mesmerized by the small splashes of crimson. She blinks, suddenly aware of the fact that she was hurting him with her sudden withdrawal from the link. Oh! Sheesh, twice in a matter of moments, that's got to be a record even for me...
She shakes her head, trying to clear her fogged mind. "Hrm?" She asks aloud, still sightlessly studying her clawed hands. She clears off the shield a bit, relaxing the hold over her thoughts. The emotional one fades enough that a whiff of what she's feeling might get through, but it won't be strong. There's the faintest hint of a panicked sort of wail when he mentions leaving, she obviously doesn't want him to go. Then she realizes that if he did leave, he wouldn't get hurt if she accidentally lost it again. The mental sigh would carry clearly.

Posted by Genesis on 4/3/2002, 5:55 pm
~I'm not going to ask if you're okay... What can I do to help?~ He already knows she's not okay, her blank expression and they way she keeps looking at her bloodstained hands is more than enough to confirm what his senses have already told him. He listens to her, the presence at the back of his mind helping him pick out just her thought patterns and pare away anything outside of that. What that leaves is a finely attuned sensor, absorbing anything that escapes her tight security. He feels her prior worry for what might have happened to him somehow (probably from that warm glow at the back of his mind) and trys to show just how unhurt he is, both physically and mentally. It seems that the little resident in his head wouldn't let even the strongest emotional burst overload him now that it's aware.

Posted by Vision on 4/3/2002, 6:50 pm
She smiles, faintly amused when he says he's not going to ask if she's okay. "Wise of you..." At the mention of wanting to help, she blinks. Help? There seems to be a bit of mental block there, as if it's an alien idea. "Just don't send me to a shrink." She says after a moment of thought, faintly amused despite the gravity of the situation. She seems to have recovered a bit of her mental balance again.
She simply studies him when he tries to prove he's completely fine, this removes her gaze from her hands. After a moment she sighs in relief and uncurls slightly. It appeared she hadn't hurt him, this time at least. That was good to know. Hopefully he wasn't just hiding it well.
She's tempted to simply flop over and stretch out on her bed, but she remembers her bloody claws. A mental image of what she must look like at the moment hits her, and she can't help wincing again. That thought alone was enough to make her wonder why Genesis wasn't high tailing it out of here in fear of his life. If looked anything like the picture her imagination had provided her, she looked positively feral at the moment. More like some sort of berserk cat then a human. She sighs, closing her eyes. This was definitely not the image she wanted to reinforce.. Still, maybe it would give Alex a good idea of what he was really dealing with. She didn't want to scare him off, but it was better that he saw her near her worst before becoming fond of her.
Vision did look pretty wild at the moment. The messed up quality of her hair and clothes combined with the blood on her claws does give her a rather dangerous appearance.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 3:28 pm
He does notice how she looks, and doesn't even try to hide how it unnerves him. However, he projects an image of Vision at her best to her mind's eye and smiles. He takes one last step foreward and kneels near her taking one crimson washed paw in his hands. He studies it, then suggests mentally that they get her cleaned up before she goes back to sleep.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 3:35 pm
The corners of her lips turn up just slightly. Well, at least he didn't run screaming from the room, she tells herself. Vision doesn't resist when he takes one of her furred and kitty padded hands. She nods in agreement to the getting cleaned up idea, then shivers slightly at the idea of going back to sleep. She didn't think she'd be hurrying back to dreamland any time soon. She planned to spend a good long time in the danger room before she went to bed again so she'd be too tired to dream.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 3:38 pm
He nods and stands in reaction to her agreement, pulling her up with him with the paw he still held.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 3:43 pm
"Could you get that for me?" She points towards the lamp attached to the wall near her bed with the hand he doesn't hold. The lamp is off, which makes one wonder if the morning's events have affected Vision more then previously thought. However her faintly amused expression doesn't make her look like a woman gone insane. Maybe she's up to something...

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 3:50 pm
He blinks, then obediently goes to turn the lamp.. on? The way Vision's house works, he's surprised she doesn't have some sort of robotic cleaner already washing the bloodstaines away. So he's ready for just about anything as he touches the lamp switch.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 3:55 pm
Vision smiles slightly as the lamp turns on. "Try using it like a lever and pulling down.." She suggests, almost grinning now. She would have done it herself, but she didn't want to spread the blood around any more then she already had. The lamp shade is placed on a long stem, so there's lot's of room to place your hand on it. In fact, it's shaped almost like a handle.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 4:00 pm
He glances back at her, then levers the lamp down cautiously. He trusts Vision, but she had cat reflexes, he only has human speed.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 4:03 pm
With a ca-chunk! part of the wall slides open to give one a good view of a large black and white bathroom. Vision is grinning widely now. "I always wanted a house with a secret passage.." She says by way of explanation, and steps into the bathroom.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 4:07 pm
He starts when the wall opens, eyes widening slightly I see... He chuckles at her explanation and follows her inside, peering around curiously. Very interesting indeed.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 4:14 pm
It's a somewhat extravagant bathroom connected to a walk in closet. The bathroom has tiles of white marble shot through with black and a bathtub that you could almost take a swim in. If Genesis were to take a peek through the open arch that leads to the closet he might notice that while one half is devoted to the type of clothes he always saw Vision in, the other half is devoted to a entirely different type of clothing. Mostly made up of formal type office wear, but with a few extremely strange costumes that one is hard pressed to imagine her owning, let alone wearing. Meanwhile Vision has started washing the blood off her hands.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 4:20 pm
He glances at the clothing and costumes, curious what she might use them for. He tries to imagine her in one of the more flamboyant looking ones and comes away with an amused smirk.
While Vision is washing he decides to make himself useful, picking up a cloth, wetting it, and cleaning up some of the stains on the floor and wall where Paradox was pinned.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 4:29 pm
She might have picked up a bit of his curiousity. "Costumes." She answers while removing the blood from the claws on her feet. "For alternate.. Personalities I suppose you could say. Mirage calls it the costume department." She smiles slightly at that. "Somtimes it's just easier to use real clothes rather then shifting them when I want to be someone else..."
She notes what he's doing, "Ah, thanks.."

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 4:36 pm
He chuckles at the explanation, "Especially considering the intricate details on some of those things..." the image of Vision in that fancy costume pops into his mind again and he can't help but smile. He nods and returns to his work after her thanks, trying to get them cleaned up before they dry and stain. It seems like he's had a little experience working with blood stains, though from where is anyones guess. After a moment, he stops and studies the spots on the floor and wall. Both seem to be clean in this light so he glances around for something else to clean.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 4:46 pm
She chuckles, and nods in agreement. She disappears into the closet, changing quickly before coming back out again. She shifted, not into her usual human form, but into a woman with red hair and green eyes. Aparently she's in a much better mood now and is having a bit of fun.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 4:50 pm
He blinks when he sees her emerge from the closet, somewhat surprised to see someone other than the 'normal human' Vision. "Hmm, that's an interesting look for you..." he's not sure about the red hair (as it reminds him a little too much of a certain clawed individual), but the green eyes look pretty good. Then again, he always did like green eyes.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 4:54 pm
She shifts slightly, giving herself straight icy blond hair to go with the green eyes, and laughs. She notes her appearance in a nearby mirror and smirks.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 4:57 pm
Now that is interesting... "Hmmm," he studies her as if she were trying out new costumes "Blue eyes and a little more tan, and you'd look like a California surfer..." he raises an eyebrow, trying rather unsucessfully to hide his amusement.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 5:33 pm
Adds the tan, and returns her eyes to their normal icy blue and grins. This was a lot like the shifter games she played with her sister. She raises an eyebrow, as if waiting for another challenge.
Mirage has decided to check on her sister and Genesis, after all they had been in there awhile. She pushes open the door and silently peeks inside. She couldn't see anything, yet..

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 5:50 pm
He pauses, studying her carefully "Hmmm..." this time, he sends her a mental image of a male with dark brown curls and brilliant orange eyes. He raises an eyebrow at her challengingly. It's not like he'd rather see her as a man (the very thought makes him shudder) he just wonders if she'd attempt it, or modify it to be female.

Posted by Vision and Mirage on 4/4/2002, 6:01 pm
She kinda winces cheerfully, raising her eyebrows at the mental image. She could, and she passes that on to Genesis, but that didn't mean she wanted to. She does modify the image given her to be female, raising a brown eyebrow at him. For a moment it's a rather masculine female, before altering to features more feminine.
Mirage pushes open the door and steps into the room, faintly unnerved by the silence. She finally spots Vision and Genesis, and blinks. She's standing off to the side so she wouldn't be seen immediately by either.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 6:10 pm
He chuckles and lets her feel his imense relief at not having to see her as his image. He nods at the change before grinning and thinking up something else. A mental image of Ciin flashes through his mind, but seeing her as a cat-plant could be even more disturbing than seeing her as a man. He considers other options, then settles on one, a rather equine looking individual with a long silvery mane, a spiral horn in her forehead and multi-colored zebra stripes. He raises the other eyebrow and trys not to laugh. He's completely oblivious to Mirage's presence, especially since his newly developed empathy is still focused completely on Vision and his back is to the door.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 6:16 pm
She raises an eyebrow at him. I'm not much different in reality.. A mental image of her natural green feline form flashing through her mind, that would carry. For a moment she can't help shifting herself to what Ciin might look like if it decided it wanted to look like Vision. She flips her leafy hair back, rather amused before shifting to the equine mental image given.
Mirage can't help watching for a moment longer, this was rather interesting..

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 6:27 pm
He chuckles at the thought, and laughs when she shifts into Vision-Ciin. When she continues on to the unizebra-looking human he tilts his head and studies the outcome. "Hmmm." is all he says, before moving on to another image. This time, it's a rather draconic looking individual, with the lower portion of a spider. He's curious how she'll manage the extra legs. Up untill now, he'd only seen her in human and animal form, all with only four limbs. Twelve could be interesting, especially if they all acutally function properly.

Posted by Vision and Mirage on 4/4/2002, 6:33 pm
Vision laughs aloud before shifting, then grins at him showing razor sharp teeth. She skitters closer, and taps him lightly with one spider leg. Just to prove that she could manage to move, even if it did involve a bit of mental effort. Twelve limbs was rather a handful to keep track of.
Mirage can't help commenting. "Creating your dream girl?" She asks teasingly. "Really Genesis, you may be able to create what you want, but you really shouldn't be playing with Vision so."

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 6:42 pm
He starts laughing when she grins at him and watches her move curiously, still chuckling. "Well, so much for a challenge..."
He whirls around at the sound of Mirage's voice, smiling somewhat sheepishly but not trusting himself to answer. He's still tired, and who knows what might come out if he tried to talk right now. 'We were only playing' sounds all very well and good in his head, but after the trouble Rhiow had made he didn't want to think how it could be taken wrong. He sends a mental plea to Vision, hoping that she might have something more intelligent to say.

Posted by Vision and Mirage on 4/4/2002, 6:49 pm
Well, Mirage's reaction to that comment would have been interesting to say the least. Vision's all indignant and ready to defend Genesis, until she realizes that her sister was just teasing. Her sense of humor just can't let her get away with dropping it. She'd done stuff like this before with her sister and it was too much fun to miss. She looks at Genesis with just enough over-dramatic mistrust that he would hopefully realize she was teasing. " How could you take advantage of a girl's talent like that?"

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 7:10 pm
His eyes widen and he blinks blankly, aware that Vision wasn't speaking defensively. When he realizes that she's teasing, he gives them both an acusing glance, then sighs and throws his hands in the air exasperatedly. "Nobody understands!" The fact that both females could have felt his mirth rather destroyes his serious acusation, but just the fact that he's not laughing is an acomplishment.

Posted by Mirage and Vision on 4/4/2002, 7:20 pm
"Understands what?" Mirage counters, trying not to laugh herself. "All's I see is you taking advantage of my sisters talent to create your dream girl." She snorts disdainfully, dramatizing it.
Vision can't help smiling suddenly, glad Genesis caught that. "Ooh, I don't know, maybe I'll keep him anyway." She clicks her spider legs together thoughtfully. That comes out rather sinister, there wasn't really any other way to do it and Vision was having fun.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 7:37 pm
He's about to reply to Mirage when Vision starts and he eyes her with mock fear, the image of a black widow and it's namesake flitting through his mind suddenly. He fidgets nervously, keeping a close eye on Vision and those spider legs, all the while barely containing his mirth.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 7:46 pm
Vision skitters closer, still having a great deal of fun. She can't help grinning as Genesis suddenly thinks of the black widow, and she resist adding the hour glass marking to her back. Whatever she was planning to do goes down the drain as she looses track of her many legs and trips, tumbling right into Genesis's arms with a squeak as her rather surprised self.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 8:06 pm
He watches her tumble, broadcasting a slight burst of concern before catching and steadying her. He pauses to make sure she's alright and catches himself gazing into her eyes. He looks away quickly, embarassed. Yeesh, he has to do that now of all times and Mirage is watching all of it...

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 8:34 pm
Vision's blinking back, slightly stunned by her sudden snap back into her real form. She hasn't even noticed where she's currently standing. The situation hits her, right after he looks away and she flushes slightly. It doesn't show, but with the link she had with Genesis and Mirage's talent to pick up emotion, it hardly mattered.
Mirage has this kind of 'awe, isn't it cute?' kind of look on her face.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 8:46 pm
His new empathy spreads out to encompass Mirage as well as Vision and he turns to give her a look that says 'don't even think about commenting.' He turns back to Vision with a slight smile ~I think I made a mistake...~ he sends her a sense of what he's picking up from Mirage and smiles slightly, connecting it with his catching her. He grins teasingly, but at least he doesn't say it out loud.

Posted by Mirage and Vision on 4/4/2002, 8:58 pm
Mirage grins, a perfectly innocent, 'why would I comment?' sort of look on her face. It would sort of ruin the moment, as tempting as it was.
~Mistake? Probably not. It's something my sister would think...~ Vision flushes again, wishing she could block it from being sensed as well as she could avoid having it seen. ~Getting me back, are you?~ She asks, faintly amused.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 9:12 pm
~Who, me?~ he smiles at her innocently. He hadn't really meant it that way, but it seems that's the way it's turning out. He wishes Mirage wouldn't have shown up, but it's probably a good thing that she did. Who knows what might have happened if the two of them were left to their own devices for too long... Now where did that come from? he's a little embarassed himself now. Ahem. Besides, they'd been alone together before and they behaved themselves rather well, he thought.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 9:25 pm
Vision playfully pokes him in the stomach with her tail. ~Yeah, you!~ She catches just a hint of the way his thoughts are going and flushes. Now what would I do if... She promptly cuts that thought off before it has a chance to draw her mind to that particular subject.
Mirage is almost killing herself trying not to laugh. "Well I wouldn't want to cramp anyone's style.." She says, laughing slightly as she turns to go. She turns back after a moment. "You're execution needs a little work, but I'll give you a seven for being convincing.." She can't help commenting to her sister with a wink as she turns towards the door again. "Breakfast is nearly ready, so come out when you're ready." With that she exits the room, leaving a thoroughly flustered Vision behind..

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 9:33 pm
He grins and bats at her tail when she pokes him, then raises an eyebrow at the turn her thoughts take, smiling curiously. When Mirage starts to leave he watches, and when she turns back with that comment he gives Vision a sideways glance ~What?~

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 9:39 pm
~I think she's commenting on my technique...~ She answers dryly, still somewhat flustered. There's a little mental replay of her falling into him. She didn't do that on purpose, no matter what her sister might insinuate.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 9:49 pm
He chuckles and teases ~I thought it was pretty good. Definitly more than a seven.~ then, before she can be properly 'outraged', he changes the subject ~Lets go have breakfast, shall we?~ he extends a crooked arm in gentlemanly fashon to escort her out.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 10:06 pm
She does splutter for a moment, trying to come up with a good retort to that, but gives up after a moment and accepts the change in subject. She hadn't done it on purpose! Oh well, insisting would just make her look sillier then she already did. She takes the offered arm, rather amused. The corner of her mouth curls up in the faintest hint of a smirk as she gets the mental image of her using the arm as a lever to fling him across the room to make a relatively soft landing on her bed. She suspects that she must have been watching too many martial arts movies again recently. Absently she wondered, did poor Alex have any idea of what he was getting himself into associating with her?

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 9:44 pm
He knows she hadn't planned it, he just couldn't help himself. He blinks slightly, catching the gist of that image and peering at her out of the corner of his eye as they exit the room and head towards dinner. He considers parting just before the make their entrance, more to avoid suspicion than anything else, but puts the idea to Vision before taking any action on it. Besides, it might be interesting to see the reactions of various friends and relatives.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 9:57 pm
It hadn't even occurred to Vision until Genesis had mentioned it. She pauses for a moment, thinking about it, then shrugs. Mirage knew exactly what had been going on, and that was really the only person she worried about. Watching Kat squirm was funny, Paradox wouldn't comment simply because, and Rhiow was entirely too cowed to make any remarks. ~Let them think what they wish..~

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 9:59 pm
He smiles and continues on toward breakfast, sending her an image of their walking into stunned silence along with a mental chuckle. I wonder what's for breakfast...

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 10:08 pm
Vision chuckles as well. Mirage at least, would comment. It would take a situation similar to the one that'd occured the other day to stun her sister into silence. Although Vision supposed that her sister would ham it up if she'd noticed the reactions of the other's before speaking.
Genesis soon finds out as the walk through the living room and into the dining room. Set out on the table is a large plate of french toast. Bacon and sausages are on plates near the toast. Every possible topping that one could think of to add is lined up in a row.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 10:16 pm
He's rather surprised (or perhaps closer to stunned) to find such a selection. He's used to living on cold cereal or at best scrambled eggs, especially since he's been living alone for so long, and the time it took to cook that kind of breakfast isn't readily available to a college student. Not to mention the money it tended to require for ingredients alone. He pauses to take in the meal with only slightly hungry eyes.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 10:26pm
Paradox had raised an eyebrow when they'd come out together after spending so much time alone in Vision's room, but true to prediction he doesn't comment other then to say. ~Help yourself.~
Mirage can't help laughing, and Kat looks up. She studies them for a moment before it finally hits her. Her ears droop slightly in what passed for a flush and her gaze returns to remain on her already full plate.
Vision smiles, saluting Paradox with the serving fork she holds. "Nicely done."
The demonic mutant smiles his half smile and bows with a laugh.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 10:39 pm
He hardy seems to notice the reactions, but he gives Vision a mental grin. At Paradox's invitation he grins outwardly, pulling out a seat for Vision before seating himself and dishing himself up a plate of French toast and toppings.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 10:53 pm
Vision replies with a mental grin of her own. She smiles her thanks before sitting down, tucking her tail neatly around one leg.
Their actions aren't missed by the others at the table. Mirage smiles to herself at what she's picking up. It was nice to see her sister so happy.
Paradox simply looks faintly amused as he absently notes that Vision hadn't shifted to a human form. Sitting with a different Vision every day wasn't as unusual as sitting with the real one. Now, what had they been up to that she forgot to shift? Or was it more a case of choosing not to? Hrm, interesting...
Kat's nose wrinkles, if they got mushy she was leaving.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 11:01 pm
He listens in on the various emotions as he eats, testing out his newly reawakened talent to find it's limits, the presence curled up at the back of his awareness keeping a close eye out for him. He almost laughs when he picks up Kat's feelings, only keeping it in by taking another mouthful of toast.
To tell the truth, he hasn't even noticed that she's still in her real form yet.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 11:08 pm
The meal continues on without interuption. Vision picks up a bit of Kat's reaction from Genesis and grins mentally. ~It's funny watching her squirm...~ She passes that on to Genesis. Mirage too, looks rather amused as she picks up her younger sister's reaction.
Kat's rather relieved to see that they weren't drowning in each other's eyes or something equally silly. She didn't need to see that kind of thing while she was eating.
Saash hops up on the table, and sniffs at the sausage before Mirage shoos her away. Some one watches half hidden by the arch of the doorway.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 11:15 pm
He's rather surprised when he reaches for the two feline's emotions and finds them. It's quite one thing to talk to an intelligent cat, and another to feel their emotions. He peers at Mirage, wondering how she manages to stand it all and remain sane. He doubts that she has the same kind of sentinel that watches out of his senses to block, enhance or absorb as needed.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 11:21 pm
Vision can't help smirking when she spots Rhiow half hidden by the archway. It was obvious the feline was having problems dealing with the fact that she was now a canine. "Are you planning to beg for your breakfast?" She can't help asking, still extremely annoyed with the orange tabby.
A slight whimper is the only answer. Evidently Rhiow hasn't quite figured out how things work yet, but the smell of the bacon and sausages was driving her nuts. Why did you have to make me a dooog? She whimpers again.
Saash studies her for a moment, looking slightly sad. It is kind of cruel and unusual punishment... She says to Vision.
Vision smiles, glad that the punishment was sticking for once. Rhiow still might have teeth as a dog, but her capacity for mischief was greatly reduced. " All the better." She says, spearing a piece of toast with her fork.

Posted by Genesis on 4/4/2002, 11:28 pm
He smiles and almost chokes oh his mouthful listening to that conversation. He manages to swallow and glances back and forth between Vision, Saash and Rhiow before finally deciding that he agrees with Vision. If nothing else could get Rhiow to behave herself, being a dog should do the trick. He hopes. He finishes off two pieces of toast and starts on his third. He hadn't realized how hungry he'd been, but healing does tend to eat up alot of energy. He should know more than anyone.

Posted by Vision on 4/4/2002, 11:32 pm
Rhiow does step from the doorway, unable to resist the smell of food. She's moving somewhat stiffly, as if she didn't trust her doggy legs not to give out on her. She sits, looking up at those gathered in hopes that someone will feed her, or at least drop something.

Posted by Genesis on 4/6/2002, 1:26 pm
He feels suddenly sorry for the cat-turned-dog and sends that to Vision ~She looks positively miserable.~ he doesn't suggest that she change the dog back into a cat, and infact the thought doesn't seem to have crossed his mind at all. She deserved the punishment she is recieving, especially since she seems not to have learned from any other kind. Maybe the threat of being a dog again would be enough later to deter her from future mischeif, though he doubts it somehow.

Posted by Vision on 4/6/2002, 1:33 pm
~She does.~ Vision thinks back with a mental smirk, carefully not dropping anything. She certainly wasn't going to hand Rhiow table scraps. That cat wasn't getting anything from her. Kat doesn't even notice Rhiow's pleading gaze. Mirage does, but in accordance to her older sister's wishes, doesn't feed the orange tabby. Saash snitches a piece of bacon from the plate and tosses it onto the floor. Rhiow studies it for a moment, as if trying to decide if she wanted to eat something that had been on the floor, but eventually devours it.

Posted by Genesis on 4/6/2002, 1:45 pm
He shakes his head, amused, and dishes up another piece of toast. While he eats, he watches both the outward reactions and the emotions of the other people at the table, practicing using his new ability to block certain people, then everyone but Vision, and then honing in on one person untill he feels he can almost read their thoughts from their emotions. After a while of this he expands his awareness to it's limits, surprised at just how seemingly limitless they seem to be. He feels the barely awake birds outside, people walking past on the street... a block away... they're faint, and he can hardly discern the emotions of one person from another, but they're there. He's fairly sure he can stretch to a greater distance, but he doesn't want to tire out his talent so soon after it's discovery. He wonders curiously what Mirage would think if she knew there is another empath in the room. He puts the question to Vision with an amused mental smile.

Posted by Vision and Mirage on 4/6/2002, 1:52 pm
Vision smiles. ~Simply put, I believe she's noticed.~ Is her decidedly amused answer.
Mirage has noticed and had been following the object of his attention with somewhat amused interest. If the emotion she's currently radiating was put to words it'd be 'having fun?'.

Posted by Genesis on 4/6/2002, 1:59 pm
He chuckles, both mentally and audibly and radiated a warm affirmative for Mirage.
After his fourth piece of toast, he decides that he's had enough and sits back slightly in his chair, curiously asking Vision a vague kind of ~What now?~

Posted by Vision on 4/6/2002, 2:15 pm
~ Well, if you wished I could drive you home. Or if you're not feeling well enough, or would rather stick around, feel free to stay...~ The offer to stay has got a hint of shyness in it. She'd prefer not repeat the last time he'd been a house guest. As funny as watching him grapple with the door that didn't want to let him out had been, she'd rather not feel that she was keeping him here against his will. She blinks slightly as she realizes it had been almost exactly a year since she'd found Genesis on the street and brought him home. How time flies...

Posted by Genesis on 4/6/2002, 2:29 pm
He grins at her mentally and accepts the offer to stay. While the old lady next door was protective, she tended to overlook such vital things as restocking various food items, and he doesn't feel up to a trip to the supermarket yet. He could always 'order out', but on the wage he lives on, that would soon eat up his entire savings. Besides, he rather likes having a sister again, even if it was Vision's sister.

Posted by Various on 4/6/2002, 3:42 pm
Vision smiles both mentally and physically, still absently pondering the last year. How things have changed! A year ago she was worried sick about her sister's situation at the lab. A year ago she hadn't yet discovered her youngest sibling, Kat. Then there had been that mutant holding station mess, and the destruction of the diner. A lot had happened in the last year... and yet, here she was sitting in perfect contentment with her friends and family. For the second time in a matter of days she was happy enough to purr.
Mirage meanwhile is wondering what her sister is thinking about that caused her mood to alter from thoughtful reflection to the warm fuzzies. Both emotions were quite a change from earlier in the morning. Most of the time her sister didn't recover anywhere near as quickly from an experience like that. She bet Genesis's presence had something to do with it.
Paradox had caught Genesis's 'what now' and enough of Vision's reply to guess at her answer. ~You could watch a movie..~ He suggests innocently. Accompanying that is an image of Vision snuggled up to Genesis, looking like she was on cloud nine and paying absolutely no attention to the show.
Vision flushes slightly, rather annoyed with the realization that she was in a room full of empaths that would pick it up despite the fact that it didn't show on her face. "Not funny." She replies aloud. More like.. She finishes mentally, knowing he'll pick it up. A image of her sleeping self, totally lost to the world, with a rather amused looking Genesis alternating between watching the TV and studying her sleeping form. She's placed herself beside Genesis, but not close enough that anyone could comment.
Kat blinks, looking up from her plate. She frowns at the observation that she's missed the entire conversation because she has no empathic or telepathic talent. Then again, looking at the expression on Vision's face maybe she didn't want to know. Judging from her tone of voice, someone was teasing her, and Kat bet she knew what the subject was. She would leave the adults to their games. Standing she places her plate in the kitchen and then retreats to her room to read.

Posted by Genesis on 4/8/2002, 5:25 pm
He chuckles mentally, observing her mental state of mind like Mirage. He doesn't comment however, but merely enjoys the warmth of her thoughts quietly, making sure that the little resident at the back of his mind absorbs the projected emotions before anyone else can hear them. Except for Vision, that is.
He blinks when Paradox suggests that they watch a movie, and laughs at the exchange between him and Vision. After a moment of reflection, he offers his own image. Both of them knocked out on the couch and everyone else watching the movie. It's a good idea however, and nods. It had been quite a while since he'd just sat back and enjoyed a movie, so this could be as relaxing as anything else.
He almost laughs again when he picks up Kat's emotions, guessing at her observation and sending it along to Vision. He watches her leave, waiting for someone to suggest a movie.

Posted by Various on 4/8/2002, 11:23 pm
Vision laughs quietly, she'd have to remember that for the next time she wanted Kat to leave without a fuss. Just threaten to go mushy on her! "Any movie suggestions?" She asks both Mirage and Paradox with an eyebrow raised.
Mirage suggests a movie and Vision shakes her head, rolling her eyes. "We are not watching one of your mushy, sappy, impossible love story chick flicks!" The navy stripped mutant retorts. She blinks when she realizes that she was actually still in her real form. She'd been so distracted she hadn't noticed. She shifts into her normal blue eyed, dark haired human form. As much fun as goofing off earlier had been, she was rather attached to this human form. It was pretty much the only reminder she had of her mother.
Mirage grins teasingly. "Why do you care? You're going to be asleep!" Paradox picks up the lavender stripped mutants mental image and cheerfully broadcasts it for everyone's viewing at her request. Vision is snuggled up to Genesis, both of them are asleep. From the other couch she and Paradox eye them amusedly.
Vision sighs, rolling her eyes. Hopefully her annoyance would hide the mental residue of blush, she'd managed to keep the pink from the cheeks of her human form. "You two really are stuck on that idea, aren't you?" She asks, eyeing them with a faintly annoyed scowl.
Mirage just laughs. "Okay, in all seriousness. What movie? We could watch one of your's...." She trails off, wondering how her sister would react to her suggestion that they all watch one of the Disney animated movies that Vision loved.
Vision shakes her head. "Nah, you two mock me enough as it is. I don't need any added aggravation!" The basically good natured bickering continues.

Posted by Genesis on 4/8/2002, 11:43 pm
He listens to the entire conversation, his thoughts and emotions kept quietly to himself, besides a few remarks of the teasing kind that only Vision would hear. When he picks up the faintest hint of embarassement, he rouses the presence at the back of his mind and it absorbs and disperses the emotion safely away from anyone elses senses.
He relaxes in the background, the sound of friendly argument almost lulling him into a dose. It had been a long time since he'd heard the kind of family 'disscussion' that now surrounds him. He simply sits back and waits for them to settle on something, green eyes half shut, very much like a contented cat.

Posted by Various on 4/8/2002, 11:55 pm
~And you're supposed to be on my side!~ Vision sends him, slight mental blush and laughing annoyance mixed. There's also a gratitude for shielding it from Mirage. Her sister would have entirely too much fun teasing them both if she'd caught that!
Finally they come to something resembling consensus. "I don't suppose you've ever seen the old Planet of the Apes? Not the one done around the turn of the century, but the really old ones, done in the seventies?" Vision asks, looking faintly amused.
Mirage giggles now that her attention's been drawn back to Genesis. She wondered if the company'd been rubbing off on him or if he'd always did that sort of contented cat look when he was feeling good. She absently wished Vision was doing the same look, just so she could compare them. What a pair!

Posted by Genesis on 4/9/2002, 12:08 am
He sends her the mental equivalent of a bow and smiles faintly. When they suggest the old movie he shakes his head "No, I don't think I have." He hadn't notied the resemblance, so wonders what Mirage is so amused about.

Posted by Vision on 4/9/2002, 12:19 am
Vision smiles. "It's, well, truly odd." She says by way of explanation. Standing she heads into the living room. As one might expect, Vision has a very impressive entertainment system. She searches around for the movie then puts it on. She's not surprised to see that Mirage and Paradox have taken one entire couch for themselves. She couldn't have sat anywhere except with Genesis even if she hadn't wanted to. Not that she minded sitting with Alex...
Vision seats herself on the couch, then zips through the opening credits. There was only music and a lot of names, so it's not like they were missing anything.

Posted by Genesis on 4/9/2002, 12:25 am
He seats himself on the couch near Vision, but not -too- near, so that no suspicion is aroused. He watches the fast-forewarding and settles himself in for the movie.

Posted by Vision on 4/9/2002, 12:28 am
Vision watches the movie in a sleepy daze. She was really having a hard time not falling asleep. Maybe sitting in the early morning sunbeam that was coming through the window was not the best place for a cat-mutant. Her eyes drift shut and she curls up a bit in the warm light. Vision's out for the count.

Posted by Genesis on 4/9/2002, 2:05 pm
Genesis isn't doing much better, and they're not even half into the movie yet. Oh well. He makes a valiant attempt to stay awake, but soon he too is conqured by the sweet oblivion of unconciousness.

Posted by Various on 4/9/2002, 5:45 pm
Paradox had been stuck on that idea because he was being annoying, Mirage however, was stuck on that idea because she knew her sister. It was feline instinct for them to curl up with the nearest warm object, whatever that might be. If not for the warmth of the sunbeam that made her sister perfectly content to stay where she was Mirage suspected that the scene she'd imagined would have become reality. Giggling slightly she points this out to Paradox. The dark mutant simply looks amused. ~Genesis won that one..~
Mirage chuckles. "I would have got it if Jen wasn't sitting in a sunbeam.." She answers quietly, trying not to disturb the two sleeping. It was true that they were napping through a rather loud movie, but she didn't want to risk it.

Posted by Genesis on 4/9/2002, 5:52 pm
He twitches and wakes for a bit when a particularly loud scene plays, but returns to sleep shortly. It's probably a good thing he didn't hear or react to anything Mirage said or broadcast or he'd most likely have made himself move somewhere else... like the floor. He sleeps on however, and it seems like nothing short of an explosion (or possibly another of Vision's nightmares) is liable to wake him any time soon.

Posted by Various on 4/9/2002, 6:00 pm
Well, there's a explosion on the TV, but none in real life. Vision's napping like she's just been knocked unconscious. No dreams enter her sleep, so she remains peacefully curled up.
Kat can't help peeking out of her room to sneak a glance at what they're watching. She studies Vision and Genesis asleep on the couch, then looks at Mirage and Paradox, who are looking rather amused. She decides that she doesn't want to know and pops back into her room.

Posted by Vision on 4/9/2002, 6:24 pm
Vision roars down the street on her motorcycle, Genesis behind her on the seat. She rather hoped that the old lady wasn't around to comment. It probably didn't look good, her dropping Alex off after he'd been absent for several days. She'd had got more then enough of those types of comments already without picking them up from complete strangers. His stay had been completely innocent. Unfortunately people would most likely jump to less innocent, and completely wrong, conclusions automatically.

Posted by Genesis on 4/9/2002, 6:35 pm
He reaches ahead, sensing Vision's aprehension, and informs her that the old woman is indeed home. ~Maybe you could drop me off further down the block?~ it would lead to questions, he knew, as opposed to the vaguely aproving silence he'd meet if Vision dropped him off right out front. Still, he preffers Vision's comfort in the future, should she care to visit, to a little temporary awkwardness for himself with the old woman. He carefully sheilds the majority of these thoughts, not wanting effect Vision's decision too drastically. She would probably feel them, however, as he can't keep everything in. Only the pendant can do that.

Posted by Vision on 4/9/2002, 6:47 pm
~Well I could always push you off and roar away..~ She says, a hint of dry amusement in her mind voice. ~That would make a rather interesting scene...~ She continues to ponder the situation absently.
~You don't mind?~ She asks, referring to dropping him off down the block. She knew he was completely recovered, but she worried anyway. Then there was always the chance that the old lady wouldn't be in a place that she could watch her drop Genesis off...

Posted by Genesis on 4/9/2002, 6:57 pm
He chuckles at the mental image that suggestion brings to mind. When she asks, he gives her a mental shakes of the head ~I don't mind. Besides, I could use the excersize...~ amused.
~It doesn't really matter.~
he reffers to the old woman not being able to see their arrival ~This machine makes enough noise to rattle her windows.~ a slightly teasing mental chuckle follows that last remark, and he watches the various buildings fly by.

Posted by Vision on 4/9/2002, 7:05 pm
Genesis received the mental version of her sticking her tongue out at him. ~It's not that loud..~ She retorts, but figures he's probably right. They continue to zip along and eventually arrive in the area Genesis lived in. Vision stops a half block away, just out of sight of his apartment building.

Posted by Genesis on 4/9/2002, 7:11 pm
He dismounts and salutes, carefully carrying the few things he'd had with him. ~Until later,~ he comments, unable to come up with anything else.

Posted by Vision on 4/9/2002, 7:15 pm
~Bye..~ She smiles, waiting until she's sure that he's gotten into the apartment building before roaring off.

Posted by Genesis on 4/9/2002, 7:40 pm
There is a short meeting before he can get into his appartment in which the old woman interrogtes him expertly. He manages to evade most of her questions and finally escapes into the relative safety of his apartment. She won't be pleased with him for a while, but he can handle that. He checks on a couple of potted plants (the maximum the land-lady would allow), reviving them with a little energy as needed and watering them generously.
He'd have to go back to work tomorrow. Yet another thing to look foreward to. Ah well, he'd handle it somehow. He only wonders what excuse will make up for his long absence this time. Best start thinking one up now, it'll most likely save time later. He peers into his christmas present, admiring both the box's construction and the precious items inside. Hmmm...