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Site Revisions.

February 2002.

Well doesn't time fly? Last update was in November and now its February already. Geocities has been hosting me now for a couple of months and all appears to be going well... and am averaging 500 visitors per month. Some minor complaints about the pop-ups but unfortunatly I have no control over that issue, so I must appologise. Sorry.

Minor link fixes this revision on the ham link page and also;

The latest version of QSL Maker has been uploaded (version 2.3).

Updated the file to include the required DLL and OCX and how to register them if you don't already have them.

Updated Logger to include the upgrade to version 8.07.

November 2001.

Well it's been a long time since updates, what with work and all. But I think you will find the site a little easier to navigate now that the dead links have been removed and some of the html cleaned up.

Some of you may be aware that the software section was down for some time (I don't actually know how long though). The people who were hosting the software for me closed their site down and didn't inform anyone, as a result, I, like many others had either no web site or a page full of dead links... as in my case.

Frame breakers have been added to the bottom of every page. The frame breakers are NOT Java script but are links that will open up a new window. This was brought about by a growing list of people who complained that the site was always stuck in a frame when they clicked on a link from another web site. I hope this helps.

I now know how many visitors I get and where they go so I have removed the banners and am no longer with For interests sake, this site gets on average 600 hits per month, with the most popular pages being the amateur radio and blacksmithing pages. Not bad for a hobby :-)

Finally, I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and trust that the world will become a more peaceful place to live in - in the near future.

Ride safe - Play safe - Stay safe.

May 2001.

First and foremost. The link to will be deactivated in the near future. If you access these pages by using that link then please consider updating your link to or

All dead links have been revised and either updated or deleted... more links will be uploaded as time permits - my day job has got the better of my time over the past months.

January 2001.

Link to EQF software updated and Logger software program updated to version 8.01 n the software downloads page.

Calculation pages added to the ham radio section. Pages include length equivalents, distance calculator, quad antenna calculator and a wavelength calculator. This page also includes a link to "Martindale's Refernce Desk" which contains over 2630 calculators on line for electronics, computing and engineering, honestly if you can't find it here it probably hasn't been written yet :-)

December 2000.

Added and two software links to the downloads page (amateur radio section). Added links to amateur radio page.

November 2000.

New code for the Australian Amateur Radio Web Ring added, LeechFTP 1.3 (Build 207) Freeware added to the downloads section.

Amateur Radio World Web Ring added.

Downloads section taken off-line for maintenance. Back on-line November 13, 2000.

October 2000.

Links added to the amateur radio links page and to the amateur radio section of the downloads page. Blacksmiths Web ring code changed.

September 2000.

Bad code in the search facility on the ham links page correced. Dead links in amateur radio section removed. Patharchive V3.0 QSL tool, Grey line screen saver and quick Yagi V4 uploaded to the amateur radio software section. bought out by NBCI. The new address to the mirror site is however the old address at is still active.

August 2000.

Site completly rebuilt taking into account requests from visitors to "speed it up a bit" and "make it pleasing to view using any screen resolution". The Loaded Dog now hosts email for its visitors through and has a search engine on its links and download pages also through

This page added, linking method revised, Keywords revised minor code errors corrected, counter and stats added to major pages. Contact address for Chris Bourke VK4YE updated.

Kawasaki ZZR 1100 picture and thumb nail finally uploaded. Linux links added to the main links page, links added to the ham radio links page. Mt. Glorious touring page in the bike section completed... others to follow.

April 2000.

Site revamped and a mirror site at created. Motorcycling section added with membership to the Motorcycle web ring. The site now has a directory stucture and is a associate of

February 2000.

Blacksmithing section added, including a Blacksmiths web ring. Amateur radio page now includes the VK4YE Linear Amplifer.

November 1999.

Site was reconstructed and given a new look. Amateur radio section expanded to include projects page.

April 1999.

Site commissioned, basic pages with some links and membership to the Australian amateur radio web ring.

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