
Links for amateur radio, blacksmithing and motorcycles can be found in their respective sections.

Australian Tourism Sites.

Australian Capital Territory. (ACT) Canberra tourist bureau.
New South Wales.(NSW) tourist bureau.
Northern Territory (NT) tourist bureau.
Queensland (QLD) tourist bureau.
South Australia (SA) tourist bureau.
Tasmania (Tas) tourist bureau.
Victoria (Vic) tourist bureau.
Western Australia (WA) tourist bureau.

Funny Sites. - A sick site... but funny.
Dumb Laws. - You won't believe some of this stuff actually is law.
Dumb Warnings.
Joke a day - good for a laugh.
Nasty Hut - Send some nasty postcards to you enemies.


Fresh Meat
GNU Project - the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation (FSF) - need I say more?
Linux Installation - Getting Started
Red Hat - Serving the Linux and Open Source Communities.

Music Sites.

Jims Midi Links.
Real player home page.

Software Sites. - Software archive. - Software archive. - Software archive.

Unsorted Links.

Australian news papers.
Australian White Pages On-line.
Australian Yellow Pages On-line.
Currency Converter - Up to Date.
Electronic Frontiers Australia - Net Censorship. - The largest free webhosting guide on the Internet.
Gibson Research Corporation - Internet security.
Hales and Lunn Pty Ltd - Insulated Panel Systems.
Internet Names World Wide - Domain Name Registration - Domain Name Registration Information.
Official site of the NBA
Personalised Plates - Queensland Transport.
Ringlink - Navigation for ring masters, by ring masters.
Ross Bartons Photographics.
SSAA - Sporting shooters of Australia.
Technical and Further Education - (TAFE) Queensland.
The Weeky Trading Post. - Weekly classified publication - all Australian states.
Weekly Specials - The best in weekly specials.

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