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The Play's the thing,,,
     Wm. Shakespear
Sponsors provide very special support by guaranteeing the house for a single performance, the run of a production or an entire season.   Productions are advertised using the name and logo of the sponsor.  At the end of the sponsored period the sponsor contributes the difference between the number of ticket sold and a sold-out house.  If all tickets have been sold, the sponsor owes nothing, and still reaps the benefits of the extensive advertising!

Season sponsorship -
The musical production -
$5,000 or $500 a night
Comedies and dramas (5) -
$2,500 or $250 a night
New Play Contest production* - $1,000 or $100 a night
The summer production  -
$1,500 or $150 a night
(out of the ordinary theatrical forms)
You may choose the evening you wish to sponsor.  We can provide you with special discounts for employees if you would like.

* Each year, the Actors' Guild solicits unpublished plays from local writers, and chooses one for production. 
Thank you all for your support!
To Contact us
for more Information or Reservations - 859-7964
Enter starting street address:

City, State or Zipcode: